East Africa region awareness creation workshop to maximize the positive and minimize the negative impacts of implementation of Climate Change response measures - Uganda 2019

Venue: Kampala, Uganda

Dates: 30 September - 2 October 2019

Provisional agenda and presentations

8:00 – 9:00


9:00 –10:00

Opening remarks

Kusum Lata, UNFCCC

Rukia Lukanza, ILO

Chebet Maikut, Commissioner, CCD, UNFCCC National Focal Point

Alfred Okot  Okidi,Permanent Secretary (tbc)

Hon. Dr. Mary Goretti Kitutu, Minister of State (tbc)

Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, Speaker of Parliament, Uganda


10:00 –10:30

Tea/Coffee Break

10:30 –12:00

Session 1: Understanding the impacts of the implementation of response measures

Moderated by:  Climate Change Department, Uganda

This session aims to create awareness about impacts of implementation of response measures. It will provide an introduction to the topic and progress made till date under the Convention and its related instruments, including outcomes of negotiations at COP 24.  It is expected that participants will be more informed about response measures, the ongoing work of the forum, its importance and relevance to the East Africa region.

  • Knowledge review – UNFCCC


Moderated Discussion

12:00 – 13:00

Session 2:  Break Out groups: Understanding the impacts of response measures in context of East Africa region

Breakout group work explanation – UNFCCC

In this session, participants will have discussion in breakout groups to share their understanding on response measures, their possible impacts through an exercise wherein participants would Identify social /economic /environmental impacts cross border impacts of policy decisions

Break-out group discussions

The breakout groups will select rapporteurs to present the outcomes in a world café style.

13:00 – 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 –16:00

Session 3:  Understanding the work programme areas to address the impacts of implementation of response measures


Moderated by:  Xolisa Ngwadla


This session will update participants on the negotiation status related to the impacts of the implementation of response measures and elaborate on the current work programme areas of the forum on impact of implementation of response measures (i.e. the economic diversification and transformation and just transition of work force and quality jobs) and understanding of role of “methodologies and tools” for assessment and analysis of impacts of response measures.

Moderated Discussion

Breakout group exercise

16:00 – 16:30

Tea/Coffee Break

16:30 – 17:30

Session 4:  Understanding the impacts of response measures in context of African countries and sustainable development

Moderated by:   Albara Tawfiq  

This will be panel discussion to provide an opportunity to share experience and learn from initiatives in different countries and regions to identify, assess and report impacts of climate change response measures and challenges.


Wrap up of the day

9:00 – 10:00

Session 5:  Understanding Just transition, decent work and quality Jobs

Moderated by:  Fred Onduri

This session will introduce basic concepts and approaches to just transition and look into transitions in labour markets, effective policy instruments and the roles of different stakeholders


Moderated discussion

10:00 – 11:00

Session 6: Economic diversification  Opportunities and challenges

Moderated by: Ama Essel

This session aims to share the experiences, best practices and lessons learnt from countries to plan and implement economic diversification strategies

Moderated discussion

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 – 13:00

Session 7: Modelling tools for assessing social and economic impacts of the implementation of response measures

Moderated by: Kusum Lata

Moderated Discussion

13:00 – 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 14:45

Session 8: Just Transition breakout exercise

Breakout group work explanation – UNFCCC and ILO

In this session, participants will work on the just transition framework for a policy in a country.

Break-out group discussions

The breakout groups will select rapporteurs to present the outcomes in a world café style.

14:45 – 15:30

Session 9: Case study using modelling tool for assessment of the impacts of the implementation of response measures

Moderated by: Vintura Silva

  • Quantifying impacts of energy subsidy removal as a response measure and just-transition policy solutions for low carbon development –  Manal Shehabi, Oxford Institute of Energy Studies

15:30 – 16:00

Tea/Coffee break

16:00 – 16:30

Session 10: Understanding reporting related to response measures under the Convention

Moderated by: Wael Keshk

  • Reporting of impacts of implementation of response measures – Kusum, UNFCCC

16:30 – 17:30


Session 11: Summing up the outcomes and closing remarks for in-room workshop


Moderated by:  Albara Tawfiq

  • Knowledge Acquisition - UNFCCC
  • Feedback from participants
  • Closing remarks - ILO, UNFCCC and Uganda

Site Visit: starting  9:00 AM
