Spotlight on NAMAs

In Serbia, aging and inefficient boiler houses are still commonly used for residential and commercial heating. The boilers burn low-quality coal, wood, and crude oil and emit high levels of CO2 and particulates into the atmosphere, resulting in greenhouse gas accumulations, poor air quality, and compromised health.
The problem is further complicated by local geography. The city of Valjevo sits in a picturesque valley surrounded by hills and mountains. Unfortunately, seasonal changes bring more than icy temperatures into the basin. As high-pressure systems move in over the valley in winter, temperature inversions can form; building a thick layer of cold air that traps emissions and harmful particulates for long periods of time.

Updating the heating systems as defined in Serbia's NAMA will eliminate an estimated 252,270 tCO2e of CO2 over thirty years as well as mitigate Valjevo's air pollution and greatly improve the health of its residents.

The support from Japan will be channeled through The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) who will provide funding to Serbia for preparation of the NAMA.

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are a mechanism for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries while promoting sustainable growth, and they are a rising star for climate action accelerated by international support.

The bilateral funding between Japan and Serbia represents a successful match in the UNFCCC NAMA registry, a platform designed to link developing countries' proposed actions with international technology and funding resources.
