Projects, Case studies and Tools

On this page, you will find the presentation of projects, case studies, and tools pertinent to capacity-building for climate change action in developing countries.

Projects, case studies, and tools are important means to articulate the overall scope of capacity-building. The learning outcomes from projects and case studies provide clear information about capacity-building needs and gaps in developing countries, while tools enhance the ability of individuals or organizations to comprehend and respond to many issues under the overall heading of capacity-building for climate change.



ECO schools

Short Info: Eco-schools is a global program designed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). It involves over 50,000 schools in 76 countries. It educates children aged 4 to 12 on good environmental practices through practical, action-based teaching. The project is also a pedagogical tool, that aims to transform youth into the catalyst for sustainable development the world needs, by involving them in learning about the environment in a way that is fun, practical, action-oriented and open.

Eco-Schools follows a practical and progressive approach. Each eco-school adheres to a seven-step methodology, enabling experimentation with simple and effective actions for the environment within the school setting.

Providing Institution: Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)
Region: Global
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Capacity Building Program for Indigenous Peoples and Civil Society 

Short Info: The FCPF Capacity Building Program for Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples and Southern Civil Society Organizations (CBP) works with indigenous peoples (IPs), other forest-dependent communities and southern civil society organizations (CSOs) to increase their understanding of REDD+, and their engagement in REDD+ readiness and implementation. The program equips indigenous peoples and local communities with the right knowledge and tools to manage forests sustainably, expand and protect tribal rights, and sequester carbon. 

Providing Institution: Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Region: Global
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Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest)

Short Info: The project “Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest),” aims to address these concerns and help countries meet their Paris Agreement goals and pledges by promoting the use of robust and transparent forest data.

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Global
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Enhancing National Climate Services

Short info: The Enhancing National Climate Services initiative, or ENACTS, is a multi-faceted initiative designed to bring climate knowledge into national decision making by improving availability, access to, and use of climate information. The goal of ENACTS is to provide reliable and readily accessible climate data at high resolution to decision makers across Africa. ENACTS delivers robust climate data, targeted information products and training that are relevant to user needs, enabling them to apply climate information to decision making with confidence. 

Providing Institution: International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Columbia Climate School
Region: Global
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Integrated Riverine Flood Forecasting System

Short info: Integrated riverine flood forecasting system (IRFF) helps to improve the information currently provided to national stakeholders for decision making.

The main objectives are to:  i) build an integrated riverine flood forecasting system at pilot basins including flood impact-based forecasting information; ii) improve meteorological and hydrological products according to user needs; and iii) facilitate the integration of updated and new meteorological and hydrological products into the National Risk Management System. 

Providing Institution: World Meteorological Organisation
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
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The National Climate Action Plan (Spanish)

Short info: The National Climate Action Plan (PNAC) is a key instrument that promotes Panama's long-term national and sectoral climate change ambitions, and whose purpose is to facilitate and guarantee the implementation of the updated NDCs and the fulfillment of these commitments. The PNAC identifies the instruments of existing support at the sectoral level, the entities and organizations that must be involved in NDC implementation and the monitoring indicators that will allow NDC monitoring. The PNAC also includes cross-cutting actions to climate action related to commitments in terms of strengthening capacities for action and transparency that meet the requirements of the Paris Agreement and the guidelines.  

Providing Institution: Government of the Republic of Panama
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean 
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Uganda Green Enterprise Finance Accelerator (UGEFA) Program

Short Info: UGEFA is a fully EU-funded programme that aims to facilitate the flow of green finance into the Ugandan small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector through strengthening green SMEs and improving available financial mechanisms for SME debt financing. UGEFA facilitates access to discounted loans in collaboration with partner banks and provides business advisory for green SMEs to scale their contributions to an environmentally sustainable, resilient, and inclusive economy in Uganda.

The program targets enterprises across green manufacturing, sustainable tourism, waste management, sustainable transport, and clean energy sectors, to develop the business and financial skills needed to access financing and scale their positive environmental impacts and employment contributions.

Providing Institution: Finding XY
Region: Africa
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Women in Agriculture Impact Investment (WAII) Facility

Short Info: The Women in Agriculture Impact Investment (WAII) facility is a blended finance program that addresses the challenges of access to finance for agribusiness enterprises. The facility unlocks capital for agribusiness that have a strong gender lens business model.  Female owned enterprises struggle to access financial services due lack of collateral (e.g. ownership of property), cultural restrictions, differing attitudes toward borrowing financing and limited access to affordable investment services or tailored technical assistance. Innovate finance is needed in order to unlock funds for the “missing middle”, those entrepreneurs too mature for Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) and too unattractive for commercial banks.

Providing Institution: Finding XY
Region: Africa
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Short Info: Funded by the European Union, the EU4Environment Action aims to preserve and better use the natural capital, increase people’s environmental well-being, and stimulate economic growth in six Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. By bringing together environmental and economic actors, EU4Environment helps to deliver policy and legislative changes, making planning and investment greener, stimulating the uptake of innovative technologies, adopting new business models, and creating green jobs. It also promotes better environmental governance, improved management of protected areas and forests, and sustainable trade. 

Providing Institution: European Union 
Region: Europe
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Private Adaptation Investment Bootcamp (PrivABoo)

Short Info: The Private Adaptation Investment Bootcamp (PrivABoo) supports SMEs with innovative products, services or technologies that help their customers adapt and increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change (“Adaptation SMEs”) and connects them with impact investors who want to build a portfolio in climate change adaptation.

At the heart of PrivABoo is a peer learning process for SMEs, investors, incubators, accelerators, and other private sector actors. The project focuses on showcasing practical examples for adaptation business models from among its participants, facilitating peer-learning between participants and building a network of partners to mobilize additional investments for climate change adaptation in and from the private sector.

Providing Institution: German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Region: Global
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Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest)

Short Info: The project Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest), aims to strengthen the institutional and technical capacities of developing countries to meet the enhanced transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement, responding to Article 13 and contributing to tackling climate change.

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Global
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Target Climate 

Short Info: The goal of this project is to equip corporates with the capabilities to monitor, report and verify greenhouse gas emissions and identify further opportunities to cut back on emissions.

It aims to support corporates in their low-carbon transformation journey by setting up a local Community of Practice (CoP) on climate action that will meet regularly to share best practices.

Providing Institution: HSBC; WWF; United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change & Environment
Region: Regional
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Short Info: Impulsouth is an alliance of organizations working collaboratively to increase knowledge and capacities on climate action in developing countries. The initiative aims to promote south-south cooperation to strengthen the southern engagements with the Paris Agreement in a way that is reflected at the 2023 Global Stocktake.

Impulsouth focuses its action in six countries – Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Madagascar, Niger, Uganda and Zambia – and pursues seeks to strengthen the role played by young climate leaders through research, training and innovation. Therefore, Impulsouth is supporting country research around climate change, is building capacity through a virtual training course for young climate professionals and is launching a solutions lab to tackle key climate challenges in each of the countries.

Providing Institution: Impulsouth; Fundación Avina
Region: Global
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Building and strengthening Liberia’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Climate Agreement

Short Info: The NDC transparency system seeks to increase and improve the knowledge management on climate change and enabling activities including sourcing, sharing and reporting of nationally approved GHG activity data. 

The expertise from key GHG emission sectors stakeholders will be encouraged to converge in different technical meetings to brainstorm and exchange information on the best option to track Liberia’s NDC. The projected outcomes are:

  • Procedures to measure, track and report mitigation and adaptation data from land use, agriculture, energy, transport and waste sectors transparently strengthened.
  • NDC transparency system in place in accordance with the prescribed UNFCCC standard.
  • Capacity of key ministries and stakeholders to effectively utilize the developed NDC transparency system strengthened.
  • Coordination among key government agencies on NDC implementation enhanced.
  • Capacity to measure and report land use, agriculture, energy, transport and waste sectors NDC improved.
  • Fully developed data integration and sharing procedure for use by stakeholders as a one-stop source of information for transparency reporting.

Providing Institution: CBIT; Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia
Region: National
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Jordan - Inclusive, Transparent and Climate Responsive Investments Program-for-Results Project

Short Info: The proposed program for Inclusive, Transparent and Climate Responsive Investments Program-for-Results (PforR) aims to help Jordan improve accountability to foster climate responsive investments and growth. The Program is expected to contribute to: (1) increasing the share of capital expenditure in total budget spending; (2) achieving progress toward Jordan's Nationally Determined Contributions and Paris Agreement goals; (3) streamlining and digitizing business registration and licensing reducing the compliance time and cost for businesses; and (4) increasing accessibility and usability of statistical and administrative data.

Providing Institution: The World Bank Group 
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Skills 21 – Empowering citizens for inclusive and sustainable growth

Short Info: Skills 21 project is a joint initiative of the Government of Bangladesh and the International Labour Organization (ILO), funded by the European Union. The project seeks to increase productivity and employment opportunities through an environmentally conscious, inclusive, demand-driven, and interlinked skills development system responding to the needs of the labour market.

Skills 21 will help pave the way for the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy by providing skills for emerging occupations in green industries and mainstreaming environmental sustainability into the overall national skills development system.

Providing Institution: International Labour Organization (ILO), Government of Bangladesh
Region: National
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Skills for Energy in Southern Africa (SESA)

Short Info: The project aims to facilitate partnerships with the private sector and to build KGRTC’s capacity to enable it to be the Centre of Excellence for energy training in the region. In addition, it is foreseen to result in a significantly higher number of power technicians and managers that are skilled in renewable energy (RE), energy efficiency (EE) and regional energy integration (REI) technologies.

Providing Institution: The International Labour Organization (ILO), Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre (KGRTC)
Region: Regional
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Green enterPRIZE Innovation & Development in Zimbabwe

Short Info: The proposed project seeks to contribute to solving a series of inter-related development problems, such as high levels of youth employment, low levels of formal and growth-oriented entrepreneurship and unsustainable production processes of SMEs in Zimbabwe. In addition, it also aims to support green and growth oriented male and female owned small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) stimulate the market for green products and services through expansion of access to skills for green jobs and through the greening of existing enterprises. The ultimate goal is the creation of green and decent jobs for women and men, and especially young women and men, through sustainable enterprises.

Providing Institution: International Labour Organization (ILO)
Region: National
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NIE country exchange visits under the Readiness Programme for Climate Finance 

Short Info: Country exchange visits under the Readiness Programme seek to enhance the capacity for project design, development and implementation by accredited national implementing entities (NIEs) through direct interaction and engagement with project stakeholders, and facilitation of benchmarking for these NIEs towards an Adaptation Fund project within a sector or model of interest. 

Country exchange visits are a useful tool that can be used to complement other efforts to support capacity building for the implementation and execution of high-quality adaptation projects/ programmes. They feed into the Adaptation Fund’s Medium-Term Strategy which is implemented under three strategic foci: Action; Innovation; and Learning. 

Providing Institution: The Adaptation Fund 
Region: Global
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Adaptation Planning support for Zimbabwe through UNEP

Short Info: This link accesses the GCF Readiness and Support Proposal which describes the project to support the Government of Zimbabwe towards four expected outcomes:

  • Stakeholders’ capacity to formulate and implement the NAP process in Zimbabwe enhanced.
  • Background information for formulating and implementing the NAP process managed, and adaptation options prioritized.
  • NAP implementation resources identified and studies to inform medium-to long-term climate change adaptation investments conducted.
  •  Monitoring, reviewing and reporting on the NAP process in Zimbabwe improved.

Providing Institution: Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Region: Africa
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Coherence in Practice

Short Info: This project is working with various stakeholders and networks as well as government agencies in a number of countries globally to identify good practices to strengthen practical coherence and foster a coherent transformation of planning, implementation and reporting processes.

By formulating recommendations on risk governance, regulatory, finance and policy measures the project aims to increase the capacity of decision makers not only to anticipate climate and disaster risks but also to recognize the benefits of investing in coherence.

Providing Institution: Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM)
Region: Global
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The Climate Helpdesk

Short Info: The Climate Helpdesk provides targeted technical assistance to developing countries, government agencies and other members to advance ambitious climate action. It is a global advisory network providing rapid, high quality, short-term technical assistance for developing countries. The Climate Helpdesk is a joint service offered by two global initiatives: LEDS GP and the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA). The Secretariat of the Climate Helpdesk is hosted by the GIZ Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA). 

Providing Institution: LEDS GP, PATPA
Region: Global
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​LDC Initiative for Effective Adaptation and Resilience (LIFE-AR)

Short Info: The LDC Initiative for Effective Adaptation and Resilience (LIFE-AR) aims to develop an over-arching least developed countries (LDC) vision for adapting towards a climate resilient future by 2050. The vision will be LDC led and driven, driving forward climate action in line with LDC needs and priorities.

Providing Institution: International Institute for Environment and Development
Region: Global
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INTERREG projects

Short Info: Interreg is a European territorial cooperation programme that is connected to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It is one of the many funding programmes in the European regional policy, such as the programmes of the Cohesion fund and the European Social Fund. Interreg aims to promote a harmonious economic, social and territorial development of the Union as a whole. The focus of the programme is on strengthening cross-border collaboration and it provides a framework for implementation of joint actions and policy exchanges between actors from different Member States. Many member states, regions and cities have made use of Interreg to fund climate change adaptation (CCA) planning and implementation.

Providing Institution: Climate Adapt; European Regional Development Fund
Region: Europe
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​Enhancing forest targets and measures in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Short info: Produced by WWF Forest and Climate, WWF International, Climate Focus, UN-REDD Programme, UN Environment Programme, UNEP-DTU Partnership, and BMU, this paper provides recommendations for decision-makers in governments to incorporate the full potential of forests for climate change mitigation and adaptation in NDCs under the Paris Agreement. It seeks to inform policy makers in developing measurable policies and actions for NDCs and other national climate strategies and policy documents. It presents:

A summary of evidence on the potential contribution of forests to climate change mitigation and adaptation, including co-benefits, trade-offs and synergies with other international commitments;
A review of available assessments of the role of forests in the first round of NDC submissions and a summary of findings in updated NDCs submitted in 2020; Recommendations to enhance NDCs for forests; Concrete examples of policy instruments and actions to implement enhanced NDCs in the forest sector.

Providing Institution: WWF Forest and Climate, WWF International, Climate Focus, UN-REDD Programme, UN Environment Programme, UNEP-DTU Partnership, and BMU
Region: Global
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​World Bank Outlook 2050 Strategic Directions Note : Supporting Countries to Meet Long-Term Goals of Decarbonization

Short info: The Outlook 2050 approach prioritizes four economy-wide strategic directions:

  • Embed long-term climate priorities in country macroeconomic frameworks, to ensure that those frameworks, which guide fiscal policy and major national investments, properly account for climate risks and the benefits of ambitious climate action;
  • Embed long-term climate planning in national budgets and expenditure frameworks, to provide adequate budgetary support for climate action, optimize the overall allocation of public resources, and unlock private financial flows;
  • Embed long-term climate objectives in financial sector regulations and incentives, to ensure that the sector is resilient both to climate change impacts and to low-carbon transition risks, and to mobilize finance for climate action;
  • Embed long-term climate objectives in systems planning, to integrate climate with economic, social inclusion, and other objectives; assess cross-sectoral links and regional impacts; and identify trade-offs and synergies.

Providing Institution: World Bank Group
Region: Global
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​Locally Led Climate Adaptation: What Is Needed to Accelerate Action and Support?

Short info: Locally led adaptation, in which local actors have decision-making power in planning, implementing, and monitoring and evaluation, can play an essential role in achieving successful and sustainable adaptation. This working paper examines the existing literature on locally led adaptation, looking at efforts that have optimized finance through direct and consistent collaboration with local actors and identifying initiatives that embody locally led principles rather than traditional stakeholder consultation or participation.

The authors sought to identify projects and designs that aim to catalyze accelerated action and support for locally led adaptation. The paper includes examples of projects or programs that have been responsive to local priorities and produced benefits (whether initial or over time) in terms of climate resilience. The authors synthesized the essential characteristics and program designs of international and country-driven investments that have reached the local level and enabled locally led adaptation.  

Providing Institution: World Resources Institute
Region: Global
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Study on Readiness and Capacity Building for Direct Access to Adaptation Finance 

Short info: The Adaptation Fund (AF) offers readiness and capacity-building support to countries to access adaptation finance. As a subset of capacity building, readiness consists in the improvement of countries’ capacities to plan for, access, and deliver climate finance specifically, as well as monitor and report on expenditures.

This AF commissioned study examines how readiness and capacity building for Direct Access are understood globally within the climate finance architecture, and how they are provided by the AF and other environment and climate Funds under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). To increase access, the study recommends greater resources, coherence and coordination between climate financing institutions, education and information-sharing, cooperation with civil society organizations, increased capacity-building in the most vulnerable states, and evaluations of programs to ensure best practices. 

Providing Institution: Adaptation Fund
Region: Global
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Sustainable Water Management under Climate Change in Small Island States of the Caribbean

Short info: This project advances your understanding of how a changing climate affects the frequency and intensity of floods and droughts, along with water availability and use, including sanitation needs for vulnerable communities in small island states. Researchers developed assessments of future climate change, water scarcity, and vulnerability in representative watersheds in three Caribbean countries (Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad) in efforts to inform the development of national water resource adaptation strategies and strengthen research capacity and training in water resources management.

Providing Institution: IDRC
Region: LAC
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​The Environment and Gender Information (EGI) platform

Short info: Knowledge platform that aims to guide action, inform policy makers by providing them with data analysis that applies a gender-responsive approach. Examples:

  • Measurement of women’s participation in environmental decision-making spheres;
  • Examination of the extent to which gender considerations are taken into account in major national initiatives and reporting.

The EGI Analysis & Knowledge Products applies analysis on gender-related issues, such as equal representation, inclusion and characterization of women, etc. on national framework, plan, policy to provide gender statistics and indicators to operationalize the 2030 Agenda.                                                                                                              

Providing Institution: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Region: Global
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​NDC Partnership Gender Scoping Assessment

Short info: NDC Partnership commissioned a Gender Scoping Assessment to identify the knowledge gaps, effective practices, and challenges of integrating gender in NDCs, as well as the opportunities for a gender-responsive approach across the Partnership.                                                      

Providing Institution: NDC Partnership
Region: Global
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​Towards Gender-Responsive NAP Processes: Progress and Recommendations for the Way Forward

Short info: This report presents an analysis of progress on integrating gender considerations in NAP processes, such as what are the focus, how gender analysis has been applied, etc., based on a review of completed NAP documents available on NAP Central as of January 2018, as well as data collected directly from country NAP teams.

Providing Institution: NAP Global Network
Region: Global
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Global Cryosphere Watch

Short Info: The cryosphere – frozen precipitation, snow cover, sea ice, lake and river ice, glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, permafrost and seasonally frozen ground – is a critically important component of the Arctic Climate System. Global climate, water and weather as well as other environmental areas are also highly influenced by the cryosphere. It is a major indicator of global climate change and plays a fundamental role in Earth’s climate system. The WMO Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW), initiated in 2011, provides authoritative information on present, future and past states of the world’s snow and ice resources.

Providing Institution: World Meteorological Organization
Region: Arctic
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Responding to climate change in Kenya by strengthening dryland governance and planning

Short Info: The Kenya Adaptation Consortium (ADA) is demonstrating that local climate adaptation planning, supported by county government-managed devolved funds, informed by community priorities and enhanced by climate information services, renders significant benefits for people in poor and marginalised households in the most drought prone areas.

Providing Institution: International Institute for Environment and Development
Region: Africa
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Needs-based Climate Finance

Short Info: Needs-based Finance (NBF) Project aims to facilitate the mobilization of climate finance to support the needs identified by developing countries regarding the implementation of priority mitigation and adaptation actions, in accordance with the goals outlined in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs), national adaptation plans (NAPs) and other relevant policies or strategies.

Providing Institution: UNFCCC
Region: Global
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Cities Resilience Programme

Short Info: The project aims to catalyze deal flows for investors by supporting city governments in the design of large-scale investment programmes. In 2019 the project engaged in 25 countries.

Providing Institution: World Bank, GFDRR
Region: Global
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The Project Preparation Facility

Short Info: The project supports Accredited Entities, especially direct access entities, in project and programme preparation to draft funding proposals for the accreditation process. Includes support for gender analysis.

Providing Institution: Green Climate Fund
Region: Global
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Strengthening Gender Considerations in Kiribati’s NAP Process

Short Info: The NAP Global Network collaborated with the Office of the President to hold stakeholder consultations in the capital, South Tarawa exploring options for strengthening gender considerations in Kiribati’s NAP process with a focus on its national NAP document, the Joint Implementation Plan on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management.

It aims to develop an understanding of country’s planning context in term of the current status of nexus between gender and climate change in policy’s priorities; how it was linked; which issues were addressed and the identify the national capacity-building gaps and needs.

Providing Institution: National Adaptation Plan Global Network
Region: Asia and Pacific
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The ΣmPower: Empowering Women to Secure Climate-resilient Societies (2018–2022)

Short Info: In order to increase the resilience of women in the face of climate change impacts, the project connects governments, regional fora and academia to women’s groups, marginalized communities and civil society organizations working for climate action and disaster risk reduction. Its work covers five main areas:

  • Participation of women in decision-making process;
  • Gender disaggregated data to inform policy;
  • Gender responsive policies and finance;
  • Women’s access to renewable energy;
  • Regional knowledge-sharing.

Providing Institution: United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women)
Region: Asia
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Programme for Country Partnership (PCP)

Short Info: The PCP is UNIDO’s innovative model for accelerating inclusive and sustainable industrial development in Member States. Aligned with the national development agenda and focused on sectors with high growth potential, the programme supports a country in achieving its industrial development goals. The PCP rests on a multi-stakeholder partnership led by the host government. It builds synergies with ongoing government and partner interventions relevant to industrial development. The PCP is also designed to leverage additional investment in selected priority sectors. As such, it is a model that facilitates the mobilization of partners and resources to achieve larger development impact. For UNIDO, the PCP serves to operationalize the Organization’s mandate and SDG 9. At the same time, it is a model that can be used to implement other SDGs too. 

Providing Institution: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Region: Global
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YouLead Initiative

Short Info: YouLead is a structured 9-month annual program for forty Khayelitsha youth between 15-24 years old. YouLead Warriors learn about environmental stewardship and the importance of caring for the earth through focused activities which make learning fun. Through this process they build their confidence, enhance their communication skills as well as learning the value of teamwork. This boosts their chances for gainful employment and promotes the development of new climate leaders.

Providing Institution: Project 90 by 2030
Region: Africa
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AgrInvest training in Uganda

Short Info: In 2020, FAO launched a series of interactive online trainings to strengthen the Uganda Development Bank’s (UDB) knowledge of agriculture’s environmental impact, as well as its capacity to assess the greenhouse gas emissions and carbon balance of loan applications. The three-year initiative encourages private investments in Uganda’s agriculture and agribusiness sectors that contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Designed by the FAO Investment Centre, the initiative seeks to strengthen the Bank’s capacity for digital finance, pipeline building, environmental, climate and social risk management and impact assessment, among others.

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Africa
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Practical Manual for Artesanal Fishing and Small-scale Aquaculture in Chile

Short Info: The main objective of this manual, which is connected to Chile`s National Climate Change Action Plan, is to reduce vulnerability and increase the capacity of Chile's fisheries and aquaculture sector to adapt to climate change.

It gathers the pedagogical material deployed in this experience, which can be complemented with the Learning Facilitator's Guide. Both aim to be a concrete contribution to the process of adaptation of coastal communities to the new climate scenario, not only in the Chilean context, but also in the rest of Latin America, the Caribbean and other regions.

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: LAC
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WOMENVAI Academy Programme

Short info: The WOMENVAI Academy is specifically dedicated to female entrepreneurship with women from developing countries as beneficiaries. The WOMENVAI Academy offers, in collaboration with local associations and NGOs, workshops of 2 to 3 days during which training-actions aimed at capacity building in Entrepreneurship are organized and facilitated.  

This aims to put women entrepreneurs under the spotlight and promote their activities through WOMENVAI’s networks of women and partners, including potential financers. The mentoring methodology includes dedicated seminars around the key stages of business creation and fundraising, development of business and strategic plans, communication and marketing tools. 

Providing Institution: Women and Men in Environment and Artificial Intelligence
Region: Global
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Climate-Smart Agriculture Manual for Agriculture Education in Zimbabwe 

Short info: The Climate-Smart Agriculture Manual is designed to deal with the problems that Zimbabwe is facing in the agricultural sector, that mainly stem from climate change, unsustainable farming methods and the lack of training for extension officers on enhancing productivity, climate change adaptation and mitigation—i.e., climate-smart agriculture.

The current agricultural education syllabus does not focus on climate-smart agriculture. With the country’s low adaptive capacity, there is an urgent need to address agricultural education so as to develop sustainable solutions vis-à-vis food production, nutrition security, and economic growth and development. The outcome of the project is expected to enhance both students and professionals’ active participation in promoting climate-smart agriculture to the Zimbabwe agriculture community at large. 

Providing Institution: Climate Change Management Department, Zimbabwe; CTCN; UNEP 
Region: Global
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 Cities Matter: Capacity building in sub-Saharan African

Short Info: Megacities in sub-Saharan Africa are severely affected by climate change and are submitting a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions. The project supports technical capacity building for long-term climate action plans. Comprehensive approaches are also being developed to promote low-emission urban development and mechanisms are identified to improve the national and local integration of mitigation measures.

The project employs an administrative, climate protection city advisor in each of the participating cities to integrate internal and external interest groups, facilitate as knowledge transfer to other cities. Instruments for greenhouse gas balancing and the management of monitoring, reporting and verification measures (MRV) are developed together with the cities. As part of the Corona Response Package the project identifies measures that create green jobs and contribute to low-carbon and resilient urban development These are then prioritised in the development of climate action plans.

Providing Institution: C40 Network
Region: Global
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Adaptation research alliance

Short Info:The Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) is a coalition across the adaptation research and action communities, bringing together researchers and both traditional ‘research funders’ and ‘action funders’.
It will seek to catalyze increased investment in action-oriented adaptation research driven by end-user needs that will help create practical and effective adaptation and resilience solutions.

It will seek to promote research modalities and activities that are: collaborative and Southern-led, strengthen local universities and research institutions, lead to capacity-building and facilitate linkages between research and implementation at multiple levels.

Providing Institution: South-South North
Region: Global
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Youth Programme

Short Info: ICCCAD’s Youth Programme seeks to involve the youth and children of Bangladesh to come forward under one banner; where young men and women can learn, understand and share aspects of environmental and social problems of climate change through education and capacity building. ICCCAD’s Youth programme understands the need of the Youth’s involvement in development and identifying challenges through solution development by providing viable solutions for this vast sector.

The programme aims to equip the next generation with climate change knowledge and different policies to encourage them to take equitable action for local climate change issues and to build a strong and effective network of youth across and outside of the nation.

Providing Institution: International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
Region: Asia
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Community Capacity Building for Climate Change Resilience Project

Short Info: Today, the major challenge facing climate change planning processes is to build the adaptive capacities of different actors and communities to face climate change’s adverse effects. To this end, adaptation and resilience to climate change and climate variability must be a priority.

By increasing the capacities, roles and responsibilities of different actors of Burundi in the forecasting and management of crises, this project aims to develop mechanisms for adapting to climate change effects in order to adopt a strategy to deal with change, strengthen the legal and institutional framework, and promote the adequate integration of adaptation and mitigation measures in municipality development.

Providing Institution: Climate Chance
Region: Africa
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Green Ambassador for the climate in Africa Programme

Short Info:The "Green Ambassador for the climate in Africa" programme is a competitive Pan-African programme set up by CCAO with the objective of identifying and promoting exemplary young activists, building capacities and networks among them, in order to support and encourage them to remain proactive on the global imperative of combating climate change. The 1,084 Green Ambassadors for Climate in Africa were selected from a pool of 14,300 young candidates from 54 countries of the African continent (26.7% female, 73.3% male).

Providing Institution: Climate Change Africa Opportunities (CCAO)
Region: Africa
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Building leaderships for LAC cities in a changing climate

Short Info:This 48-month leadership program aims to address the challenges of climate change in Latin America by building capacities among young leaders in the region, particularly women. This will be done by training young leaders on climate risk and urban management, leadership, accompanied by participatory planning and negotiation skills. This will enable them to advise local public and private stakeholders on the effective development of climate-resilient, transformative policies and plans  in medium-sized cities that promote transformative actions to face climate change scenarios.

Providing Institution: IDRC, FLACSO Ecuador
Region: LAC
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Environmental Change through Capacity Building: Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific: Capacity-building related to multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.

Short Info: The ACP MEA programme has entered the second phase to enhance the capacities of countries to implement their environmental targets at the national and regional levels. This report highlight the successes and lessons learned of the first phase of the project and serves as a tool for policymakers and practitioners to enhance the capacity of ACP counties and strengthen their engagement and implementation of MEAs.

Providing Institution: UNEP
Region: Global
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 The NDC Partnership Youth Engagement Plan (YEP)

Youth Engagement Program

Short Info: Youth today and the future generations will have to live with and manage the impacts of the climate crisis. Despite their participation in climate action processes, youth are not included in decision-making or lack the information and resources to engage meaningfully.  The YEP aims to support youth in becoming effective agents of change in successful climate action and to build capacity on climate change and NDCs among youth at the national and local level through its key action areas

  1. Design youth-inclusive NDC processes at the country level
  2. Support the development of youth-led NDC implementation projects
  3. Strengthen climate change capacity building for young people
  4. Encourage youth participation in global NDC Partnership activities

Providing Institution: NDC Partnership
Region: Global
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Development of Groundwater Management Strategy in Cambodia: Institutional Assessment, Capacity Building Plan and Proposed Key Components of Ground Water Management 

Short Info: Cambodia is considered one of the most water-abundant countries in Asia and has an economy highly dependent on water. However, groundwater management in the country is challenged by the lack of proper monitoring systems and regulation. Strengthening capacity of relevant government institutions and key stakeholders working on groundwater issues is very important for effective groundwater management.  

This study came up with key groundwater management strategies in Cambodia, including setting up groundwater monitoring systems, addressing groundwater contamination, and establishment of a groundwater regulatory system in the country, combined with advocacy and multi-level and inter-ministerial capacity-building. 

Providing Institution: UNDP and GEF
Region: Global
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Peri-urban ecosystems for urban climate change resilience in India

Short Info: The project aims to establish and build an understanding of the crucial role of peri-urban ecosystems by highlighting the inter-complementarity between the livelihoods of the peri-urban inhabitants and the contribution of ecosystems in urban resilience. It also aims to further mainstream ecosystem-resilience integration in capacity development programmes of apex institutions.

The project’s objective is to assess the knowledge needs and capacity gaps on linkages and inter-complementarity between peri-urban ecosystems and urban resilience and find pathways to address these through existing research outcomes and practice-based experiences.

Providing Institution: Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG) and ICLEI South Asia, in partnership with CDKN
Region: Asia and the pacific
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Building adaptive capacity through food and nutrition security and peacebuilding actions in vulnerable Afro and indigenous communities in the Colombia-Ecuador border area

Short Info: This regional project aims to strengthen food security and nutrition through climate change adaptation measures in two watershed on the Colombia-Ecuador border area in accordance with the binational working groups’, and Awa and Afro community´s priorities. Project actions will contribute to reversing the marginalization that Afro and Awá communities have faced from the social and environmental damage from the conflict and contribute to peace and reconciliation through adaptation to climate change.
The project aims to achieve the following high-level objectives:

  • Reduce climate vulnerabilities of local Afro and indigenous communities and the ecosystems they depend on, promoting food security and nutrition and gender equality, and contributing to the construction of peace; and
  • Strengthen adaptive capacities of Afro and indigenous communities in the cross-border region and strengthen regional institutions to address the threats posed by climate change.

Providing Institution: Adaptation Fund
Region: Global
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Stranded assets and climate change in the context of sustainable development in Africa

Short Info: Asset stranding (when assets are devalued) in Africa’s fossil fuel and mineral sectors poses significant risk to development pathways. This project aims to generate an evidence-based assessment of the socioeconomic risks faced by African countries. The expected outcomes are:

  • Sustainable development policy actions for achieving the Paris Agreement targets and key Sustainable Development Goals from a country perspective.
  • Implications for financial returns to countries and regional economies,
  • Impact on the health and education sectors, the economic transformation of gender, evolving employment markets.

Providing Institution: United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA)
Region: Africa
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Strengthening Thailand's institutional and technical capacities to comply with the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement

Short Info: Expected Outcomes:

1. Thailand has the institutional and human capacities to regularly prepare accurate and transparent GHG inventories

2. Thailand's transparency framework enabled to track progress in implementing its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and report regularly as per Paris Agreement

3. Thailand has systems and tools to effectively track international support received and report transparently as per international obligations

4. Thailand has tools and human capacities to monitor and evaluate adaptation actions and assess vulnerabilities to climate change, as well as use the information for adaptation policy development

Providing Institution: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Region: Asia
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Strengthening Capacity in the Energy, Agriculture, Forestry and other Land-use Sectors for Enhanced Transparency in the Implementation and Monitoring of Benin's Nationally Determined Contribution

Short Info: By 2023 Benin is preparing reports to the UNFCCC under the Paris Agreement Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) with strengthened energy, agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector components including inventories of emission sources and sinks and information necessary to track progress against priority actions identified in Benin’s NDC for these sectors.

Providing Institution: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Region: Africa
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Assessing the Effectiveness of Climate Resilience Grants to Local Governments in Least Developed Countries

Short info: 
Adaptation to climate change requires the involvement of local governments. The Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) mechanism which aims to build climate change–resilient community is the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)’s performance-based granting mechanism for local governments in developing countries to implement adaptation projects to address climate change.

To strengthen LoCAL, World Resources Institute (WRI) created the Assessing Climate Change Adaptation Framework (ACCAF). This paper explains three major challenges to ACCAF and the solutions proposed to address them: incorporating good practice in adaptation monitoring and evaluation (M&E) into the existing performance-based climate resilience grant system; addressing measurement issues inherent in mainstreamed adaptation; and balancing country-specific and portfolio-wide adaptation M&E needs.

Providing Institution: The United Nations Capital Development Fund and the World Resources Institute (WRI)
Region: Global
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Building capacity for climate action: NDC Finance Fellowship program

Short Info: The main purpose of the NDC Finance Fellowships is to enhance the capacity of 100 high-potential professionals from sub-Saharan Africa’s research and policy communities on the NDC financing mechanism. This bilingual capacity-building program (English and French) will train these professionals, who will be responsible for preparing and implementing NDCs and have the potential to be leaders in this domain. It will also explore key institutional, technical, and financial capacity gaps and needs with respect to the implementation of NDC targets at both the national and local levels.

Providing Institution: International Development Research Centre (IDRC/CRDI)
Region: Africa
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Strengthening Trinidad and Tobago's capacity in transparency for climate change mitigation and adaptation

Short Info: Trinidad and Tobago improve its MRV systems and institutional capacity to comply with the Enhanced Transparency Framework.

Providing Institution: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Region: Latin America and Caribbean
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Building adaptive capacity to climate change in vulnerable communities living in the Congo River Basin

Short Info:The project aims to reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change and strengthen adaptive capacities of vulnerable communities and the ecosystems they depend on, by promoting food security, nutrition and use a gender sensitive approach. The project purposely targets those who are most affected by climate change, poverty, food insecurity, and who rely on agricultural livelihoods that are limited by and vulnerable to climate change impacts, especially women and indigenous groups.

Providing Institution: Adaptation fund
Region: Africa
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Building capacity for climate leadership: mainstreaming state-level climate leadership in India

Short Info: The India States Climate Leadership Project engages 10 Indian state governments in advancing climate ambition and stepping up their leadership role.

This second phase aims to deepen engagement with and enhance support to Indian states through sector-specific webinars, peer-learning workshops, international secondments for Indian states, an online knowledge sharing platform for state climate action in India.

Expected outcomes:

  • Enhanced knowledge and peer-learning on climate actions
  • Amplification of India’s climate ambition
  • Greater visibility of national and subnational climate action in international forums

Providing Institution: The Climate Group
Region: Asia
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Powering for climate action through gendered energy access in Myanmar

Short Info: The project seeks to answer two broad questions:
First, does electricity supplied through off/mini-grid renewables benefit households in rural communities?
Second, are these benefits equitably distributed across income groups, gender, and ethnicity?

The project will conduct a multi-stage diagnosis-design-test framework to measure the impacts of off/mini-grid renewables using an experimental design with treatment and control populations stratified by women-centric initiatives.

Expected outcomes:

  • New knowledge of social impacts on renewable energy access, the influence of women’s empowerment programs, how to incentivize implementation agencies
  • Capacity-building
  • The platform for interaction and exchange

Providing Institution: Innovation for Poverty Action (IPA) and German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Region: Asia
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Strengthening the Capacity of Institutions in Zimbabwe to conform to the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement

Short Info: Zimbabwe improves its Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system and institutional capacity to comply with the Enhanced Transparency Framework.

Providing Institution: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Region: Africa
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Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Andean Communities through Climate Services (ENANDES)

Short Info: The Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Andean Communities through Climate Services (ENANDES) – seeks to enhance the capacity of society and communities to adapt to a varying and changing climate by producing, communicating and assessing the use of credible, authoritative, and useful information as the scientific evidence for decision- and policy-making on preparedness for, and reduction of damages from climatic hazards in Chile, Colombia and Peru. Because increasing societal resilience to climate is not just about enhancing information, ENANDES will help build human and infrastructure capacity, and will seek to overcome institutional, technological and cultural barriers through increased coordination among climate and non-climate actors of society.

Providing Institution: Adaptation fund
Region: Latin America and Caribbean
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Global capacity-building towards enhanced transparency in the AFOLU sector (CBIT-AFOLU)

Short Info: The “Global capacity-building towards enhanced transparency in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector” project serves as an umbrella for all national CBIT AFOLU-based projects.

The project comprises three components:
Component 1: Supporting developing countries to strengthen their capacity to establish and sustain the institutional arrangements needed to respond to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) requirements and improve decision-making processes

Component 2: Building developing countries’ technical capacity to establish robust systems to measure, report and verify GHG emissions and removals, and to monitor and evaluate adaptation actions in the AFOLU sector in accordance with the ETF.

Component 3: Sharing knowledge and improving coordination amongst global transparency practitioners to sustain and scale up institutional and technical capacity improvements in the AFOLU sector.

Providing Institution: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Region: Global
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Building capacity for climate action: Climate Finance Accelerator in Colombia

Short Info: Commenced in October 2019, the main objective of the project is to support the development and financing of projects that contribute to meeting a country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The Accelerator process connects climate project developers with expert financial institutions that can help to make their projects more bankable and leverage blended finance opportunities that would otherwise be difficult to reach.

Providing Institution: The Climate Group
Region: Small Island Developing States
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Local climate finance mechanism helping to fund community-prioritised adaptation.

Short Info: International funding for climate adaptation has begun to flow from developed countries to developing countries, but progress is slow. Little of this funding is being channeled through sub-national governments to support community-prioritized adaptation projects. Specific mechanisms are needed to ensure a fairer distribution of these funds to the local level to support more vulnerable communities to adapt to climate change.

IIED is part of a community of practice in East and West Africa testing and refining a devolved climate finance and planning mechanism, anchored in the architecture of government decentralization and through which climate funds are reaching local communities.

Providing Institution: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Region: Africa
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Tracking adaptation and measuring development (TAMD)

Short Info: The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) is working with partners to develop and pilot a framework, called Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development (TAMD), to track adaptation and measure its impact on development. This initiative is focused on enhancing the synergies between government entities who are working towards developing climate resilience policies, to make climate change as a mainstream part of development planning and to stem new thinking and frameworks for assessing climate risk; also to foster shared learning and a community of practice among public sector staff across developing countries.

Providing Institution: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Region: Least Developed Countries
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Free Access to a Cutting-edge Knowledge Base on Drought Management

Short Info: This Project aims to build climate resilience in order to reduce assiciated socio-economic losses and, thereby, alleviate poverty in drought-affected regions. The Project falls under the scope of the WMO Integrated Drought Management Programme, a joint programme with the Global Water Partnership. It cuts across sectors, disciplines and institutional jurisdictions. It will be is responsive to specific regional and national needs and requirements and support stakeholders at all levels by providing policy and management guidance and by sharing scientific information, knowledge and best practices for drought management.

Providing Institution: World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Region: Global
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Supporting LDCs to develop long-term strategies

Short Info: IIED is providing research and dedicated support to help least developed countries design long-term strategies for low-carbon, climate-resilient development, in line with international commitments. By developing their own LTS, LDCs have the opportunity – and, most importantly, are eager – to help lift collective ambition once again and act as a surging force for transformation, leading by example and using their strong moral voice to catalyse action by others.  

Providing Institution: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Region: Africa
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Develop Capacities for Climate Services in the Caribbean and the South Western Pacific Ocean Region

Short Info: The Pacific and Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are susceptible to many hydro-meteorological and other hazards, namely tropical storms and hurricanes, thunderstorms or lightning, coastal storm surges, floods, flash floods, coastal flooding, river flooding, tsunamis, drought, strong winds, heat waves, and dust or haze.  These hazards have the potential to cause coastal erosion, landslides, mudslides, epidemics, and the movement and spread of toxic substances and volcanic material.

Providing Institution: World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
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Training Scientists in Developing Countries

Short Info: The project supports the enhancement of capabilities of the national hydro-meteorological services of WMO Members, through the Education and Training Programme and the Fellowships it coordinates. Its purpose is to educate and train meteorological and hydrological personnel using specially-tailored individual and group study sessions, complemented by management and familiarization visits for senior personnel. Training facilities within each region will be used.

Providing Institution: World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Region: Small Island Developing States
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Develop Capacities for Climate Services in the South Asia and the Third Pole Region

Short Info: This Project focuses on instigating and coordinating an international climatological data and service exchange between National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, national organizations and other stakeholders on regional and national levels through Regional Climate Outlook Forums (RCOFs) and the establishment of Regional Climate Centres (RCCs). It targets South Asia and the so-called Third Pole Region – the world’s highest mountains, including the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau Region.

Providing Institution: World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Region: Asia
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Climate Services for Increased Resilience in the Sahel

Short Info:: Many African countries are extremely vulnerable to extreme weather events. They face even greater risks in the future as human-induced climate change increasingly alters the weather and climate patterns that societies have come to depend on. The overall aim of this project is to enable society to better manage the risks and opportunities arising from climate change and natural variability, especially those that are most vulnerable to climate-related hazards. The mechanism of achieving that goal will be incorporated with building capacity with science-based climate information and prediction into planning, policy and practice.

Providing Institution: World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Region: Africa
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The Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme

Short info: As many of the organizations have expressed their assumption about capacity constraints being the prime driver of inefficient policies for climate change in regional, sub-regional and national level, GCF also recognize this burning issue can be of hindrance to develop climate finance proposals. That is why GCF provide financial and technical assistance support for the preparation of project and programme funding proposals through the Project Preparation Facility (PPF).

Providing Institution: Green Climate Fund (GCF) 
Region: Global
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Global Gender Responsive Climate Change Programme

Short info: This programme comprises three main activities.

Firstly, developing and following-through an advocacy strategy at the UNFCCC, together with GGCA members and allies, to achieve the goal of strengthen capacity of women and men negotiators and other stakeholders to integrate gender equality into international climate decisions and agreements;

  • Secondly, leading and facilitating the Women Delegates Fund, which supports women from the global south to participate on their national delegations;
  • Thirdly, to administer the Secretariat of the GGCA and the alliance activities.

Providing Institution: Women's Environment & Development Organization) (WEDO)
Region: Global
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CTCN Incubator programme

Short info: Through the Incubator Programme, the CTCN offers support for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to implement the climate change actions included in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The programme offers a first step, through the development of technology roadmaps, to deploy technologies that will enable countries reach their adaptation and low carbon development targets.

Providing Institution: Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)
Region: Global
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Best practices in electric mobility

Short Info: The United Nations Industrial Development Organization is carrying out programmes to help countries to accelerate the shift to more sustainable transport systems in order to meed the sustainable development goals. In response to growing member interest to expand and further develop electric vehicles (EVs) programmes, UNIDO convened an Expert Panel Meeting, “Smart Mobility for Smart Cities”, to examine market trends, share best practices and lessons learned, and to assess the challenges ahead. 

The “Best practices in electric mobility” guide explores the findings from the meeting, including lessons learned from UNIDO’s EV programmes in China, Malaysia, and South Africa. It also lays out recommendations for countries wishing to implement new EV programmes and for future UNIDO work in this area. 

Providing Institution: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Region: Global
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NDC preparation and implementation in EaP countries

Short Info: NDC preparation and implementation in EaP countries is a report that highlights the key processes and outcomes of the EU4Climate Project, which assists governments in the six Eastern Partnership countries— Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine—to take action against climate change. Specifically, the report presents case studies of EU’s support for these countries in implementing the Paris Climate Agreement and in improving climate policies and legislation, with an ambition of limiting climate change impact on citizens’ lives and making them more resilient to it. 

Providing Institution: European Union
Region: Europe
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Gender into Urban Climate Chance Initiative

Short Info: “Gender Into Urban Climate Change Initiative” explores options for integrating gender and social aspects into policies in several pilot cities. It seeks to develop gender-responsive policy recommendations with the aim of empowering citizens with their participation in urban planning processes and implementation. The main goal of the project is to enhance the effectiveness, inclusiveness and acceptance of local mitigation and adaptation policies. 





Providing Institution: Women for Climate Justice
Region: Global
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Energy planning case studies

Short Info: Energy planning is most successful when carried out by local experts representing essential stakeholders. Here you will find a number of country case studies on IAEA led projects in different thematic areas to share best practices and effective mechanisms for sustainable development concepts. 

Providing Institution: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Region: Global
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Skills for the Renewable Energy Sector (SkiDRES)

Short Info: The Skills Development for the Renewable Energy Sector (SkiDRES) was a 19-month pilot project aimed at developing and building partnerships with the private sector, assess market needs, develop and test demand-driven training, and prepare for a three-year Public Private Development Partnership, with sub-regional coverage in Africa. The project objective is to bridge the skills gap in the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE) sub-sectors in Zambia and more generally in the SADC region. As a pilot intervention, the SkiDRES project was developed to test and validate the viability of a Public Private Development Partnership (PPDP) approach in the skills for REEE subsectors.

Providing Institution: The International Labour Organization (ILO), Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre (KGRTC)
Region: Africa
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Skills for a Greener Future - background country studies

Short Info: The ILO conducted policy-applied research into skill needs for greener economies. The research was based on 32 country studies worldwide with a primary focus on good practice examples of how national policies for greening economies are complemented by identification of skills needs and efficient skills response strategies. The link leads to the background country studies. 

Providing Institution: International Labour Organization (ILO)
Region: Global
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Financing a Green Transition in the Middle East

Short Info: While most of the finance required for a green transition will come from the private sector, this report by the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government focuses on opportunities for governments and quasi-government agencies to shape the ways in which green finance can be mobilized in eight Middle East countries: Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

The report provides national recommendations that respond to unique domestic circumstances and focus on areas where action is currently limited or absent, rather than suggesting that existing initiatives be strengthened or scaled up. The regional recommendations target areas where collaboration would deliver stronger returns than if the measures were pursued by each country individually. The instruments explored in this report include inclusive loans, guarantees and risk insurance, international climate finance, debt instruments such as green bonds, green sukuk and debt-for-environment swaps, and carbon pricing instruments.

Providing Institution: Bin Rashid School of Government; HSBC
Region: Asia
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Climate Change Adaptation Training Manual for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Chile

Short Info: This training manual was intended to help strengthen the technical capacity of officials directly or indirectly responsible for fisheries and aquaculture in Chile. It was expected that the trained participants would apply and transfer the acquired knowledge in their work, especially to the stakeholders with whom they are in contact.   

The tool was designed to be implemented through a blended (b-learning) or e-learning course and required a multidisciplinary teaching team with experience in the subjects contained in the learning modules and knowledge of how the institutional framework associated with fisheries and aquaculture works.

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: LAC
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Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest)

Short Info: Through promoting the use of robust and transparent forest data, the project “Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest)” aims to address deforestation and forest degradation concerns and help countries meet their Paris Agreement goals and pledges. To date, CBIT-Forest has produced six case studies available in three languages - English, Spanish and French. These case studies detailed successful transparency-related activities in Bangladesh, Chile, Costa Rica, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ghana and Papua New Guinea, and will help other counties implement forest data plans and strategies.  

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Global
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NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Iraq through UNDP

Short Info: This link accesses the GCF Readiness and Support Proposal which describes the programme to support the Government of Iraq in strengthening national capacities to effectively access and efficiently manage, track and guide climate financing with particular attention to the requirement of Green Climate Fund (GCF).  

The proposal describes preparatory activities to: a) establish a National Designated Authority (NDA) in Iraq under the leadership by the GCF Focal Point, b) strengthen stakeholders' engagement and effective participation, c) assist Iraq in developing a gender‐responsive country programme including climate change adaptation and mitigation priorities, and d) mapping, prioritizing and capacity assessment of the prospective national entities against GCF accreditation standards. The accomplishment of above readiness activities will lay the foundation for Iraq to kick‐start and make concrete steps toward meeting the need for climate financing in an effective and coordinated way. 

Providing Institution: Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Region: Asia
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Bridging the Gaps in Accreditation

Short Info: Within the context of the Adaptation Fund (AF) Medium Term Strategy Implementation Plan, Bridging the Gaps in Accreditation identifies opportunities to further enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the accreditation process through presenting eleven case studies of ongoing or completed accreditations or re-accreditations which represent different types of processes available to applicants in recent years at national and regional level. The intention is to help reduce the time required for the completion of accreditation and re-accreditation applications by national and regional implementing entities (IEs). 

Providing Institution: The Adaptation Fund
Region: Global
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Progress and Challenges in Achieving Vertical Integration in Adaptation Processes.

Short info: Vertical integration is relevant throughout the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. It should be embedded in adaptation planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. In 2016 the NAP Global Network published a guidance note aimed at supporting national governments in linking national and sub-national adaptation processes. Building on its insights, the objective of this briefing note is to reflect on the experiences of several countries with vertical integration since then. It presents information on what is working well, what is proving particularly difficult, and how to move forward.

Providing Institution: Care International
Region: Global
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Malawi's strategy on climate change learning


Short info: Malawi, like many other developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa is grappling with adverse impacts of climate change. The government of Malawi formulated a Strategy on Climate Change Learning in 2013 to address knowledge gaps that are key for formulating informed policies and climate change interventions. Effective implementation of climate change response initiatives requires high levels of awareness, knowledge and skills on climate change across all socio-economic sectors.

The development of this updated strategy involved multi-stakeholder consultations, complemented with a literature review of key studies that have been conducted in the country since 2013. The updated strategy is intended to address three key pillars: i) Human capacity building, ii) institutional capacity building and iii) Climate change financing.

Providing Institution: Government of Malawi, Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources Environmental Affairs Department
Region: Africa
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Application of Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA) Methodology in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

Short info: This case study analyzes the results, lessons  learned  and  recommendations  emerging  from  the  application  of  the  Climate  Vulnerability  and  Capacity  Assessment  (CVCA)  methodology  in  the  context  of  the  PRAA  project.  First,  it  presents an overview of the project, the areas of intervention  by country, the results of the analysis itself, and lastly, the  main lessons learned and recommendations that arose from  the application of the tools contained in the CVCA Handbook  in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. 

The CVCA methodology is a tool developed by CARE to  delineate  the  socio-‐economic  aspects  of  vulnerability  to  climate change, particularly those factors that make women  and  other  marginalized  groups  especially  vulnerable.  The results of the analysis provide  a  solid  foundation  for  identifying practical strategies to enable community-‐based  adaptation to climate change.

Providing Institution: Care International
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
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​Strengthening Voices for Better Choices 

Short Info: Strengthening Voices for Better Choices was a project that sought to promote improved governance arrangements in order to engender sustainable and equitable forest conservation and management. The fragility or absence of forest governance has allowed deforestation, degradation and illegal timber trade to occur. The project identified and promoted arrangements to strengthen forest governance in six tropical forest countries, focusing on the promotion of best practices, the creation of responsible markets, and the improvement of forest governance.. This report presents the project including the lessons learned about arrangements that may contribute to sustainability and equity in the management and conservation of forests.

Providing Institution: IUCN
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
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Landscape Analysis on young people’s engagement in climate change and health in six LMICs in Africa and Asia   

Short info: Young people have demonstrated the capacities and agency to advocate for and contribute to climate action and resilience-building. Making up a large proportion of LMIC populations, their engagement and participation is crucial for inter-generational climate justice and broader social equity. Yet, despite their proven capabilities, structural barriers and normative beliefs too often fail to recognise their rights and agency to participate beyond a tokenistic level.

This research identifies, maps, and analyses relevant actors, stakeholders and initiatives in six countries facing climate risks and public health challenges – Ethiopia, Kenya, and Senegal in Africa, and Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Vietnam in Asia, investigating current knowledge of young people’s engagement; relevant policy and governance mechanisms; roles and responsibilities of key actors and stakeholders; and what factors enable or challenge effective engagement. The findings lead to recommendations to help stakeholders enhance the engagement of young people in climate change and health action.

Providing Institution: Stockholm Environment Institute, Save the Children
Region: Africa and Asia
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Assessment of National Capacities for Implementing Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures and Development of a National Capacity Development Program for the Palestinian Authority 

Short info: This report contains the National Capacity Development Program (CDP) on climate change mainstreaming  for  the  Palestinian  Authority,  part  of  a  project  financed  by  the Government of Belgium and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme/Programme  of  Assistance  to  the  Palestinian  People  (UNDP/PAPP),  with  the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) providing technical and financial resources in support of the project. This project aims at enhancing capacities of institutions of the State of  Palestine  to  mainstream  and  address  the  challenges  of  climate  change  in  the  areas  of reporting, mitigation and adaptation.

Proposed actions for increasing the capacities in the State of Palestine include the improvement of the National Institutional Framework for Climate Change (NIFCC); amendments to the legal and regulatory framework and the national strategies and policies; establishing an overall national climate finance and good financial governance structure; strengthening the overall information sharing and awareness on climate change in Palestine.

Providing Institution: Triple, Climatekos
Region: Asia
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Training Needs Assessment in Climate Change, Gender and Health For Health workers in Malawi

Short info: This is training needs assessment for climate change and gender in relation to health, involving a rapid review of the literature on gender, health and climate change; focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. and a review of academic curricula for content in climate change and gender in relation to health.

It proposes content for inclusion in curricula for climate change and health and for gender and health, methods for climate change training for health workers, the launch of educational campaigns.

Providing Institution: University of Malawi
Region: Africa
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​Using Wikipedia to enhance global knowledge on climate change

Short Info: Wikipedia is the single most used open access source of information in the world, and is a cornerstone of the global knowledge commons. For climate change, over the last year alone there were approximately 112 million pageviews of climate change related Wikipedia pages (from December 2019 to December 2020).

The objective of this project:

  • Enhance the quality and accessibility of information on climate change on Wikipedia, the world’s largest online encyclopedia, particularly related to the global South;
  • Enhance the confidence and skills of climate change researchers and practitioners to edit Wikipedia, especially women and those from the global South;
  • Increase awareness amongst climate change researchers and practitioners of the value of contributing to the platform; and
  • Build a community of climate change editors, particularly women and editors from the global South.

Providing Institution: Future Climate for CDKN, Africa (FCFA), Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia South Africa
Region: Global
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Integrating gender targets into LEDS and NAMAs

Short info: As part of its Carbon Neutral Strategy (CNS), Bhutan is  undertaking  the design of mitigation actions across a number of key sectors including: transport; waste; housing, and industry. To help mainstream gender balance into this design process, a Rapid Gender Capacity Needs Assessment  was  developed  and  implemented to: identify and develop capacities to enhance scaled up mitigation actions  ;  integrate  gender  issues  in  climate  policy  development;  and  provide   gender disaggregated data to the government to improve policy-making.

The assessment primarily focuses at the national level, but also seeks to engage relevant stakeholders from local governments, civil society, and industry. It has improved capacity and provided key recommendations and entry points for gender mainstreaming in national strategies.

Providing Institution: International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV
Region: Asia
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Assessment if Rural Communities' Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in Kaduna State, Nigeria


Short info: This research assesses the adaptive capacity of rural people to climate change in Kaduna State with particular reference to some selected communities in six Local Government Areas of the state.  The results revealed that the  capacity  of  individuals  or  households  to adapt  to  climate  change impacts  is  a function  of  their  access to resources. The  capacity  of  individuals  or  households  to adapt  to  climate  change impacts  is  a function  of  their  access to  resources . The study recommends the development of climate change policies that would enhance the adaptive capacities of rural communities at both the state and local government levels. These policies should be specifically geared toward low adaptive capacity areas with emphasis on poverty reduction.

Providing Institution: Federal University Dutse
Region: Africa
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Mapping of Institutional Arrangement in Sri Lanka for Climate Change Mitigation 

Short info: This institutional mapping report focuses on climate change related sub-national level institutional arrangements in Sri Lanka, placing high emphasis on mitigation and low emission development.

It seeks to identify and map the key stakeholders at sub-national levels in Sri Lanka, to improve clarity on institutional jurisdictions, functions, and mandates across levels of government and civil society to deliver emission reductions and improve the climate resilience of infrastructure services. It also aims to understand the potential subnational governance role in developing and achieving national level climate change targets and to understand the potential influence and role that can be played by sub-national stakeholders on Climate Change.

Providing Institution: LEDS; Janathakshan
Region: Asia
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Typical Challenges for Vertically Integrated Measurement, Reporting and Verification Systems of Greenhouse Gases

Short info: The report was compiled by the ICLEI World Secretariat as part of The Climate Footprint Project. It provides an overview of the most common barriers and constraints for an effective implementation of a national vertically integrated MRV System. Included are recommendations on how these common barriers can be overcome in order to close the existing vertical gap in a more effective way.

The results compiled here are based on conducting personal interviews with state representatives, desk research, and the outcomes of 11 multi-level governance dialogues held in Brazil, Mexico, India, and South Africa, in addition to desk research from relevant literature and projects around the world managed or implemented by ICLEI. These activities took place between 2019 and 2021 and relied on the institutional arrangement mapping and expertise from relevant stakeholders

Providing Institution: ICLEI
Region: Global
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Leveraging private sector finance for climate compatible development

Short info: Climate compatible development is defined as “a ‘development first’ approach that minimizes the harm caused by climate impacts while maximizing the many human development opportunities. This paper is based on private sector related lessons from projects that have been funded by CDKN, across Africa, Asia and Latin America. Our purpose is to facilitate the exchange of experiences on climate compatible development, to accelerate the transition towards a low-carbon, climate-resilient global society.

Providing Institution: Adaptation Research Alliance, CDKN
Region: Global
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​Increasing Climate Data and Ambition in Indonesia through Enhanced Transparency and Incentive Schemes

Short info: This paper considers the concept of a “data loop” —a relationship between the government and the private sector that focuses on strengthening collaborative efforts to enhance climate ambition through data sharing—in the Indonesian context.

The concept of the data loop builds upon previous research suggesting that a similar relationship could lead to enhanced climate action: an ambition loop. An ambition loop is a virtuous feedback loop in which bold policy action is supported by bold company leadership, resulting in the acceleration of further business action, faster progress to meet national targets, and the seizure of larger market opportunities.

Providing Institution: WRI  
Region: Global
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Determining Impacts of NDC Enhancement on Country-Level Emissions   

Short info: This technical note describes a method for determining whether and to what extent Parties to the Paris Agreement have enhanced their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) with respect to greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation.

Party’s target-year GHG emissions under its previous NDC (typically First NDC) and under its subsequent NDC (typically Updated First NDC or Second NDC) were estimated and on this basis of that it was determined whether the subsequent NDC reduces emissions relative to the previous NDC and - where possible- by how much. Further approaches for NDCs with GHG reduction targets were outlined and compared with non-GHG targets and policies.  

Providing Institution: WRI
Region: Global
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Insights on the First 29 Long-term Climate Strategies  

Short info: This paper provides key insights into the 29 long-term climate strategies formally communicated to the United Nations as of June 2021, identifying common trends and the major transformations that countries envisage across all sectors of their economies. It finds that countries generally demonstrate a significant commitment to reaching the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. However, more many nations need to submit their strategies, as well as regularly review and revise them over time. Policymakers and Practitioners can therefore use this research to help shape the design and rigour of their long-term strategies.

Providing Institution: WRI
Region: Global
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Strengthening National Capacities to Manage Water  

Short info: Droughts are complex events generally associated with greatly reduced precipitation, dry soil that impairs agricultural production, and reduced water levels in reservoirs and other bodies of water that can compromise drinking supplies and natural resources. Drought is a contributing factor to conflict, and conflict also makes drought situations worse, in turn causing famine and economic hardship.

Many areas affected by drought are arid to semi-arid which tend to be under substantial ecological pressure and low in resources. When drought occurs in such arid regions, the living conditions of the local people become very difficult; the land yields no crops and the quantity of water is insufficient. People often compete for the availability of scarce water resources, which can lead to tension and violent conflict.

The main objective of this project is to strengthen the capacities of national planners, policy makers and stakeholders in water-scarce and in transition settings countries in West Asia and North Africa, and to enhance their effectiveness in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of pre-impact and preparedness drought management strategies.

Providing Institution: DESA/DSD in coordination with DESA’s Task Force on Conflict, Disaster and Development and close cooperation with the UN partners including UNEP, UNCCD, WMO, FAO, UNISDR and UNDP.
Region: Global
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Nature-based Solutions for Building Resilience in Towns and Cities: Case Studies from the Greater Mekong Subregion

Short info: This report highlights the ways nature-based solutions and green infrastructure should be a key component of sustainable development and resilience building in developing countries' cities. Three case studies in Battambang, Cambodia, Kaysone Phomvihane, and Dong Ha, Vietnam consider the challenges and solutions to build development plans that mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change using nature-based solutions. The report details the projects led in these cities, which included knowledge-sharing workshops, policy dialogues, and creating a resource kit for building resilience and sustainability in Mekong towns.

The report emphasizes involving local communities in the design, construction, management, maintenance, and use of new infrastructure. It advocates training and sharing knowledge with local communities through an impact assessment and adaptation planning. Finally, the report lists several nature-based solutions policy proposals that could be implemented in towns and cities of the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Providing Institution: Asian Development Bank
Region: Asia
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Mainstreaming Gender into Climate Action: Lessons from Peru 

Short info: Peru and its people will be highly affected by climate change, meeting seven of nine vulnerability characteristics recognized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (Stevns, 2018). While worsening climate impacts will greatly affect the country as a whole, women and the poor are especially at risk.

In 2014, Peru was the first country in Latin America to develop a gender and climate change action plan. This case study summarizes the subsequent successes and challenges the country faced in rolling out its Gender and Climate Change Action Plan across multiple sectors, providing lessons to inform other countries. 

Providing Institution: NDC partnership
Region: Latin america and the caribbean
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​An Emerging Framework for Capacity Building: Reflection and Response as part of Community-Based Climate Change Adaptation

Short info: Capacity building is crucial to the successful allocation of climate finance and implementation of local adaptation projects.

This case study details how capacity-building was incorporated into climate finance and adaptation projects to disseminate technical knowledge and strengthen institutional capacity to improve the long-term success of programmes. The report details common challenges and possible solutions and outlines a framework to include capacity-building activities and assessments into projects.

Providing Institution: Community Adaptation Small Grants Facility
Region: Africa
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Assessing agroforestry practices and soil and water conservation for climate change adaptation in Kenya: A cost-benefit analysis

Short Info: Kenya’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) addresses the country’s vulnerability and resilience to climate change and proposes a series of adaptation actions in agriculture. The widespread on-farm implementation of these actions will require adjustments including new technologies, reallocation of labour, and assistance to resource-poor farmers and policy interventions to address barriers to adoption.  This study analyses the economic worthiness of adaptation measures currently being practised by some farmers on their land, using cost-benefit analysis (CBA), quantifying in monetary terms the value of the benefits and costs of a project, both financially (from the perspective on single entities, such as farmers) and economically (considering social costs and benefits accrued to various beneficiaries in society).  

The analysis helps to identify solutions – either policy options or investment projects – for an efficient allocation of scarce financial resources by comparing alternative projects and policies, then indicating whether financial resources should be allocated to support a specific option. The study’s findings can inform policy makers and development practitioners involved in formulating and implementing the NAP process. 

Providing Institution: FAO and UNDP
Region: Global
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Case Study on Climate Change Mitigation Options for Afghanistan

Short info: Some of the main challenges to addressing climate change and achieving a reduction of GHG emissions in Afghanistan include inadequate technical, financial and managerial capacity, lack of data, low coordination and limited awareness. This study provides information on technology and capacity building needs, particularly the need for developing a climate change national information system for keeping track of the mitigation actions and their efforts. It seeks to address these needs by developing a “Capacity Building and Technology Transfer Programme” to merge national efforts into one coherent national plan of action.

Providing Institution: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Region: Central Asia
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Stories from a changing world - 2020

Short info: Throughout 2020, the EU climate flagship initiative GCCA+ has continued to support climate change adaption and mitigation measures in the world's most vulnerable countries. Projects range from developing smart agriculture methods to increase food security, protecting mangroves and coral reefs to mitigate natural disasters, and including women in community decision-making. These capacity-building projects aim to empower communities and individuals to attain greater resilience and build a sustainable future.

Providing Institution: GCCA+
Region: Global
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Driving System Shifts for Climate Resilience: Case Studies of Transformative Adaptation in Bhutan, Ethiopia, and Costa Rica 

Short info: As intensifying climate change pushes natural and human systems into new states that can no longer maintain the fundamental characteristics on which their inhabitants depend, should leaders and communities try to maintain current systems or initiate the ambitious changes needed for transformative adaptation toward greater long-term sustainability? 

This paper looks at three local-level case studies where experts and community members were able to identify key drivers of transformative adaptation as well as the barriers to their transformative pathways. It examines autonomous agricultural production shifts (Costa Rica), large-scale landscape restoration (Ethiopia), and systemic water management (Bhutan).It aims to contribute to a better understanding of what is needed to support transformative pathways in these systems.

Additionally, the paper offers conclusions for what may be important for other systems facing severe climate impacts and related next steps for transformative adaptation research.  

Providing Institution: World Resources Institute
Region: Global
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Short Info: Using state- of-the-art probabilistic modelling, CLIMADA allows to estimate the expected economic damage as a measure of risk today, the incremental increase from economic growth and the further incremental increase due to climate change. The economics of climate adaptation methodology as implemented in CLIMADA provides decision makers with a fact base to understand the impact of weather and climate on their economies, including cost/benefit perspectives on specific risk reduction measures. The model is well suited to provide an open and independent view on physical risk, in line with e.g. the TCFD (Task Force for Climate- related Financial Disclosure) and underpins the Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) approach.

Providing Institution: ETH Zurich 
Region: Global
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Gender Integration in NDCs: A Commonwealth Best Practice Guide 

The commonwealth logo

Short Info: This best practice guide supports Commonwealth member states in integrating gender into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Included as well are tips and relevant references targeted at promoting gender equality through climate action. 


Providing institution: The Commonwealth
Regional: Global
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CCS Industrial Sector Roadmap

Short Info: Recognizing the importance of carbon capture and storage (CCS), the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) have collaborated to develop a technology roadmap for the application of CCS in industry. 

This roadmap paves the way for low-carbon industrial growth in developed and developing countries by providing a vision of industrial CCS up to 2050. Its insights will help policy makers evaluate the benefits of CCS technology and hence make informed decisions. It also offers investors an assessment of the potential for CCS in different industries.

Providing Institution: UNIDO; IEA
Region: Global
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Sustainable Finance Policy Navigator

Short Info: The Sustainable Finance Policy Navigator, or SF Navigator, helps policymakers and other public actors conduct comprehensive country assessments of financial policies and regulations, and provides a menu of actions to advance sustainable finance at the national level. Drawing on international frameworks, standards and good practices, the SF Navigator enables public institutions to take stock of the legislative and regulatory frameworks governing their country’s financial system; identify key sustainability gaps, constraints and opportunities; and prepare policy and regulatory reforms tailored to their national context.

Providing Institution: GIZ
Region: Global
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The Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation Tool

Short info: The Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation tooL – CCORAL – is an online support system for climate resilient decision making. CCORAL is designed to engender a risk management ethic in decision making. It takes a pragmatic approach, promoting the right tools and techniques to fit the context of Caribbean decision making, available time and resources and uncertainty about climate variability and change. By using CCORAL, decision makers will also be able to demonstrate to funders, investors and development partners that climate resilience has been considered and integrated into relevant activities. 

Providing Institution: Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
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The Climate Resilient Cities Toolbox

Short info: The Climate Resilient Cities Toolbox (CRCTool) supports integrated adaptation planning and the multi-disciplinary dialogue on adaptation options. The CRCTool is developed to support the first exploratory and conceptual phase, which involves an analysis of exposure and climate risk under current and future conditions. The results of the CRCTool can be used to inform urban designers and water managers on which adaptation measures are supported by the stakeholders and where they can be implemented. 

Providing Institution: Deltares
Region: Global
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NDC Explorer

Short info: The NDC Explorer is a visually interactive tool to help analyze and compare countries' INDCs and NDCs based on the information in the documents. The tool has two aims, first to provide a neutral, sophisticated option to analyze qualitative and quantitative NDC content. Second, the NDC Explorer stimulates the debate on content, scope and formulation processes of the national climate action plans while supporting policy makers to improve and enhance ambition of NDCs in 2020 and the future. 

Providing Institution: German Development Institute
Region: Global
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Skills for a Greener Future: A Global View

Short info: Skills for a Greener Future: A Global View is a global report that identifies major gaps in and shortages of skills for green jobs, looked into the alignment between skills, environmental policies and institutional arrangements, and suggested policy response strategies and good practices. In addition, the report quantifies the occupational skills needs of the transition to energy sustainability and circular economy. 

Providing Institution: International Labour Organisation
Region: Global
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Climate Action Impact Tool 

Short Info: The Climate Action Impact Tool is an online application for development practitioners and the private sector that assesses impacts of mitigation and adaptation interventions across the SDGs, through collection and measurement of both quantitative and qualitative data. The tool facilitates effective verification, monitoring and reporting of SDG impacts and helps the private sector make well-informed decisions about investments in sustainable development projects. 

Providing Institution: United Nations Development Programme
Region: Global
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Mitigation Action Assessment Protocol  

Short Info: The Mitigation Action Assessment Protocol (MAAP) is developed by the World Bank to measure, compare and benchmark the relative performance and risks of climate actions. By providing a standardized, yet flexible framework to enhance the comparability of diverse climate actions, the MAAP aims to help decision makers develop and select more robust climate actions; track progress towards NDC goals; facilitate knowledge/technology transfer; and ultimately enhance international cooperation. 

Providing Institution: World Bank
Region: Global
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ICT for Climate Resilient Development 

Short info: ICT for Climate Resilient Development is a module that introduces both the theory and practice of climate resilient development and provides an overview of how ICTs can be used to enhance climate resilient development. Real-life examples and case studies on the applications of ICTs in climate change adaptation and mitigation have been included in the module to encourage and support applied understanding of climate resilient development to participants’ own areas of work. 

Providing Institution: The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
Region: Asia and the Pacific
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Green Growth Knowledge Platform Project Database

Green Policy Platform

Short info: The Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) Project Database contains on-the-ground initiatives to promote green growth, being led by partners and other leading organisations. 


Providing Institution: Green Policy Platform
Region: Global
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Aligning NDCs with Green Recovery 

Short info:  Aligning NDCs with Green Recovery is a step-by-step guidance note for country practitioners, for the purposes of designing and assessing COVID-19 green recovery and green economy options that build on NDC processes and incorporate climate action. 

Providing Institution: United Nations Development Programme
Region: Global
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Aiming Higher: Elevating Meaningful Youth Engagement for Climate Action

Short info: Aiming Higher: Elevating Meaningful Youth Engagement for Climate Action is a guidance developed by UNDP to help ensure that young people are meaningfully engaged and empowered to participate in UNDP’s Climate Promise, the national NDC enhancement and implementation processes, and in broader climate action. This guidance can help raise further awareness, inspire, and give specific recommendations on how to progress to a climate-neutral and resilient future with and for youth. 

Providing Institution: United Nations Development Programme
Region: Global
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SDG Project Assessment Tool

Short info: The SDG Project Assessment Tool is developed by UN-Habitat as an offline, digital and user-friendly instrument to guide City Authorities and Delivery Partners in the development of more inclusive, sustainable and effective urban projects. The main purpose of the SDG Tool is to increase the alignment of selected urban projects to the SDG's and their city's contexts. 

Providing Institution: UN Habitat
Region: Global
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The Climate Explorer 

Short info: The Climate Explorer gives users a way to check how climate conditions in the United States are projected to change over the coming decades.  Built to accompany the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit, Climate Explorer graphs projections for two possible futures: one in which humans drastically reduce and stabilize global emissions of heat-trapping gases, and one in which we continue increasing emissions through the end of the 21st century. 

Providing Institution: United States Global Change Research Program
Region: North America
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Dynamic Water Resources Assessment Tool

Short Info: The Dynamic Water Resources Assessment Tool (DWAT) is designed to assist long-term planning and policy assessment and development. Its application allows the assessment of land-use changes within the basin over time, and of the impacts on water availability under a wide variety of scenarios, including climate change. This tool is intended to help users, particularly policy specialists and water resource managers, identify current and future water management challenges and compare those with current and past water resources availability. This tool can also help better understand the impacts of past and present water management practices on water resources, as well as the interactions between climate, water and landscape. Access to this resource requires the download of additional software. 

Providing Institution: World Meteorological Organisation
Region: Global
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Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA)

Short Info: The Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) offers an innovative framework that enables national and local policy and decision makers to identify and quantify the risks that climate change poses to their economies and societies, and to formulate adaptation strategies with cost-efficient climate change adaptation measures. ECA supports policy and decision makers in selecting the most appropriate investments, which will protect key assets and economic activities to increase their resilience against impacts and consequences of current and projected future climatic conditions.

Providing Institution: United Nations University
Region: Global
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Clearinghouse for Financing Development Data

Short Info: Clearinghouse for Financing Development Data enables the public to track and analyse the state of financing for data in near-real time, connect to partners, and tap into a rich pool of resources to advocate for more and better data. The platform covers all SDGs, including SDG13 and environmental affairs as a policy area. 

Providing Institution: Smart Data Finance
Region: Global
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Good Practice Database (NDC Partnership)

Short info: The Good Practice Database provides a searchable repository of good practices and lessons learned from countries that have overcome obstacles and where climate action is being effectively designed and implemented. 

Providing Institution: NDC Partnership
Region: Global
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Climate Toolbox (NDC Partnership)

Short Info: The Climate Toolbox draws together tools, guidance, platforms, and advisory support from leading institutions in a searchable database to help countries plan and implement their NDCs.  

Providing Institution: NDC Partnership
Region: Global
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Climate Finance Explorer (NDC Partnership)

Short info: The Climate Finance Explorer is a searchable database of open climate funds and related support for mitigation and adaptation activities.  

Providing Institution: NDC Partnership
Region: Global
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Model for Analysis of Energy Demand (MAED-2)

Short Info: MAED evaluates future energy demands based on medium to long term scenarios of socioeconomic, technological and demographic development. Energy demand is disaggregated into a large number of end-use categories corresponding to different goods and services. The influences of social, economic and technological driving factors from a given scenario are estimated. These are combined to give an overall picture of future energy demand growth. The IAEA provides training on the use of this model to local professionals upon request from interested Member States. MAED has already been distributed to over 60 Member States.

Providing Institution: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Region: Global
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Short Info: Climpact is a software package to calculate climate indices that are relevant for the health, agriculture and water sectors. This tool allows you to access the calculation of over 70 indices associated with climate impacts, from historical daily temperature and precipitation data. Its four main focuses are: 

  • Health: Climpact indices describe changes in extreme heat and cold that can lead to impacts on human health;
  • Agriculture: Many agricultural systems are dependent on changes in both temperature and rainfall;
  • Water: Water security relies on understanding changes in rainfall.

Providing Institution: World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Region: Global
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Developing the Climate Science Basis for Climate Action

Short Info: This publication aims to provide the international community on adaptation practices with access to new climate information, tools, and guidance to develop the scientific basis for climate action decisions, particularly for climate adaptation and resilience projects. Providing these products can help countries identify and select the most effective climate actions to overcome the various challenges of climate change. In doing so, the guidance can contribute to country-level decision-making and the mobilization of climate finance.

Providing Institution: World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Region: Global
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Global Recovery Observatory

Short Info: The Global Recovery Observatory brings transparency to global government spending during the COVID-19 crisis. The intent of the Observatory is to showcase exemplary policy solutions, identify lost opportunities and direct governments towards more impactful and sustainable investment. The first view presents a global snapshot of the 50 leading economies’ green recovery spending. The platform also offers the breakdown of all recovery efforts by policy archetypes and each policy`s relative “greenness” based on potential impact on long- and short-term Green House Gas emissions, air pollution, natural capital, quality of life, inequality, and rural livelihood. Data is focusing on “recovery” spending as opposed to “rescue” spending.

Providing Institution: IMF; GIZ; Green Fiscal Policy Network; SSEE; Economic Recovery Project; University of Oxford
Region: Global
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The Integrated Green Economy Modelling Framework

Short Info: The IGEM framework presents a methodology on how to integrate three of the main modelling techniques used for green economy policy assessment to refine impact analysis of green policies and investments in the economy. It presents the linkages between a system dynamics (SD) model and a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, building on input- output and social accounting matrix (IO-SAM) models. The goal of the first version of the IGEM framework is two-fold. First, it will test a concept of integrating three “greened” modelling approaches (SD, CGE and IO-SAM) to improve on the use of a single modelling tool for green economy policy assessment. Second, it will conduct specific evaluations of potential impacts of green economy policies.

Providing Institution: Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)
Region: Global
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The Gender Assessment and Monitoring of Adaptation and Mitigation (GAMMA) methodology: a practical handbook on gender and urban climate policy

Short Info: This guide provides a methodology for assessing the gendered impacts of policies and solutions for adaptation and mitigation, instances in which policy fails to consider gender, and how to advocate for gender-responsive policymaking to prevent the entrenchment of inequalities in the context of increased climate change and rather maximize social and gender benefits. The process, which involves several steps, can be used to identify gaps and highlight how existing and future policies can be made more effective and equitable by fully integrating gender dimensions into the planning, implementation and evaluation processes.  

Providing Institution: GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice
Region: Global
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Vulnerability Index Panama (Spanish)

Short Info: This study focuses on an analysis of spatial vulnerability at the national level. It analyzes the biophysical and social elements as geographic factors that determine vulnerability. Relevant and available data were collected, and indicators composing exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity were aggregated and processed using geographic information systems to create a map of categories related to climate change vulnerability.

The results of the study are intended to show in a simple way the national vulnerability to climate change in Panama, to serve as an initial input for national, provincial, and municipal planners and decision-makers from the different institutions that have an impact on spatial planning to enable inclusive and resilient sustainable development in the face of climate variability and change. 

Providing Institution: Ministry of Environment of Panama
Region: National
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Vertically - integrated climate action tools

Short Info: The link leads to a page with a suite of tools and resources which can help in the evaluation of barriers and opportunities to vertical integration, and to support the planning and implementation of strategies to improve it. These tools and resources complement the Vertical Integration Guide, which explains the principles, practices, and good practice examples of enabling climate action through vertical integration.

Providing Institution: C40 Network
Region: Global
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Climate Action Planning Vertical Integration Guide

Short Info: This guide explains the principles and practices of enabling climate action through vertical integration and provides a series of good practice examples from around the world. It also introduces a suite of tools and resources which can help city governments to evaluate barriers and opportunities for vertical integration and support the planning and implementation of strategies to improve it.

Providing Institution: C40 network
Region: Global
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S8-SICAT Downscaler Tool 

Short Info: The S8DS downscaler is a web application tool based on a Graphic User Interface (GUI) to develop climate projection models with just click and drag functions. The user has an opportunity to submit downscaling and projection computing orders to a high-performance computer (or supercomputer) at no cost from a desktop or Personal Computer. The tool also allows practitioners to assess global climate scenarios at the local scale without highly specialized technical expertise, assisting them in the design of the adaptation solutions. 

Providing Institution: Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRCAP)
Region: Global
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Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all

Short Info: The following guidelines are meant to provide non-binding practical orientation to Governments and social partners with some specific options on how to formulate, implement and monitor the policy framework, in accordance with national circumstances and priorities. They are both a policy framework and a practical tool to help countries at all levels of development manage the transition to low-carbon economies and can also help them achieve their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Providing Institution: International Labour Organization (ILO)
Region: Global
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Anticipating skill needs for green jobs: A practical guide

Short Info: Sustainable development has become a major policy issue for countries at all levels of development. One of the keys to making sustainable development policies successful in terms of environmental, social and economic outcomes is to ensure the right skills are available when and where they are needed. Countries face different challenges and choose to respond in different ways.

This guide focuses on understanding and measuring the skills implications of those challenges and response choices. It provides guidance on how to embark on the identification of current and anticipation of future skill needs for the green economy and green jobs. Intended primarily to assist researchers and analysts, the guide deals with qualitative and quantitative methodologies, data classifications and sources, research process and institutional arrangements.

Providing Institution: International Labour Organization (ILO)
Region: Global
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Energy modelling tools

Short Info: The International Atomic Energy Agency assists Member States with practical solutions for their energy planning. It offers different types of energy modelling tools that enable States to make smart energy choices. The IAEA's Planning and Economic Studies Section develops, enhances, maintains, and transfers analytical tools to assess different energy options and strategies, including the potential of nuclear power.

The link leads to a section that offers Member States a wide-range of tools for integrated energy planning for sustainable development that are delivered through computer-based software programs and manuals, trainings, and e-learning sessions/platforms, upon request. 

Providing Institution: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Region: Global
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Guide for the inclusion of Ecuador's NDCs at the subnational level in territorial planning (Spanish) 

Short Info: This publication provides theoretical and methodological contributions, tools and practical examples for the inclusion of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the territorial planning of Ecuador's provincial governments. The document also seeks to guide subnational governments in the inclusion of a greater number of provincial initiatives that contribute to national efforts to reduce GHG emissions and build more resilient territories.

Providing Institution: Grupo Faro
Region: Global
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NDC-NAP Alignment

Short Info: Within countries, various policy processes have been established to outline individual commitments and strategies for meeting the objectives therein. These include strategies aimed at achieving the SDGs; National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement; and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies under the Sendai Framework. These series of alignment briefs support the process of aligning these different processes, which in turn can increase coherence, efficiency and effectiveness towards development outcomes that are resilient and sustainable. 

Providing Institution: NAP Global Network
Region: Global
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Sistema Nacional de Métrica de Cambio Climático (SINAMECC)

Short Info: The SINAMECC system was specifically designed to improve evidence-based decision making on climate action and policy. In particular, it provides support for data collection and management, GHG inventory calculations and data storage, a mitigation and adaptation action registry, sustainable development impact analysis and related data visualizations.  

Providing Institution: Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Region: Global
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Designing transformative development interventions

Short Info: This model offered by SEI enables countries to iteratively ask deeper and more meaningful questions that can become frameworks for adaptive design policies. It incentivizes countries to shift the focus from providing answers to enabling countries to ask catalytic questions as part of their methodological thinking on adaptation in general and capacity-building in particular. 

Providing Institution: Stockholm Environment Institute
Region: Global
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Guidance for climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities

Short Info: The aim of this guidance is to enhance the capacity of health care facilities to protect and improve the health of their target communities in an unstable and changing climate; and to empower health care facilities to be environmentally sustainable by optimizing the use of resources and minimizing the release of waste into the environment. Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health care facilities contribute to high quality of care and accessibility of services, and also provide greater affordability by reducing facility costs. They are, therefore, an important component of universal health coverage (UHC).

Providing Institution: World Health Organization (WHO)
Region: Global
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GHG Strategy Tool

Short Info: The GHG Strategy Tool supports national and subnational governments and stakeholders with early stage, rapid, low-cost mitigation policy development and analysis to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals. It is an open, transparent, user-friendly, native language, desktop analysis tool.

The Tool serves as a kickstart to guide further development and implementation of more detailed short and long-term decarbonization pathways, reducing the length of this process from years to months. 

Providing Institution: The Center for Climate Strategies
Region: Global
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Decarbonization Pathways Framework

Short Info: The Framework is a 9-step process underpinned by leadership and political buy-in, and strong and transparent stakeholder engagement that has three key outcomes:

  • Define a vision that will guide the pathway development process;
  • Identify priority actions with the most potential for economic transformation;
  • Implement the pathway and monitor progress towards goals.

The process promotes dialogues with local communities, businesses and other key stakeholders  to develop a transformational process, or ‘pathway’, to reducing emissions.

Providing Institution: Climate Group
Region: Global
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GHG Inventory Toolbox 

Short Info: This easy-to-use toolbox is designed for states and regions to provide their environmental or climate change teams with a variety of tools on how to compile an economy wide GHG inventory for their jurisdiction.                                                                                                                    
The resources provide valuable information on how to compile a GHG inventory for the first time and make improvements over time, but also generally support GHG inventory compilers in carrying out their work more efficiently.

Providing Institution: Climate Group
Region: Global
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Voluntary Guidelines on National Forest Monitoring

Short Info: Understanding forest resources and their changes is key to national and international environmental and developmental policy processes, calling for robust and transparent national forest monitoring systems.                                                                                                               
This document is intended as a technical reference for governmental bodies in charge of forest monitoring, educational and research institutions, the public and private sectors, and members of civil society concerned with national forest monitoring (NFM).

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Global
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City Region Food System Toolkit

Short Info: A City Region Food Systems (CRFS) encompasses all food system actors and activities taking place in the city region and over which the local/regional government have planning and intervention powers. This CRFS toolkit provides guidance on how to assess and build sustainable city region food systems.

It includes support material on how to: define and map your city region; collect data on your city region food system; gather and analyse information on different CRFS components and sustainability dimensions through both rapid and in-depth assessments; and how to use a multi-stakeholder process to engage policymakers and other stakeholders in the design of more sustainable and resilient city region food systems. 

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Global
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Damage and Loss Assessment Methodology

Short Info: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Damage and Loss  Assessment methodology makes it possible to evaluate the impact of disasters on agriculture sectors. It is a useful tool for developing evidence-based policies for reducing risk and building resilience in these sectors.

It also helps countries report on climate change (for example on article 7 of the ETF); and monitor the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) indicator C2 on direct agricultural loss from disasters. Finally, it provides baseline data for monitoring global targets on resilience.

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Global
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Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model – interactive GLEAM-i

Short Info: GLEAM-i  is a livestock specific tool designed to support governments, project planners, producers, industry and civil society organizations to calculate greenhouse gas emissions using IPCC Tier 2 methods. GLEAM-iI can be used in the preparation of national inventories and in ex-ante project evaluation for the assessment of intervention scenarios in animal husbandry, feed and manure management.                           
Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Global
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EX-Ante Carbon Balance Tool (EX-ACT)

Short Info: The EX-Ante Carbon Balance Tool (EX-ACT) suite answers to the need for accessible, complete and time-sensitive accounting tools in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector. It provides three tools that can measure the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and biodiversity impacts of projects and policies ex ante, in itinere and ex post

  • Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool | EX-ACT accounts for GHG emissions covering the entire AFOLU sector, including agricultural inputs, energy, infrastructure, management of organic soils, coastal wetlands, fisheries and aquaculture.
  • Biodiversity Integrated Assessment and Computation Tool | B-INTACT makes use of various geo-referenced maps and tools to increase accuracy and account for the ecological value and biodiversity sensitivity of project sites.
  • Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for value chains | EX-ACT VC supports policy makers in identifying off-farm sources of GHG emissions and farm-to-retail socio-economic benefits when designing projects and policies for low carbon value chains.

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Global
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The Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)

Short Info: The SHARP tool (Self-evaluation and holistic assessment of climate resilience of farmers and pastoralists) assesses smallholders' resilience to climate change and is also useful for monitoring and evaluating climate change adaptation in various agriculture sectors. It contributes to SDG 13: "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts".

This leaflet provides an overview of the SHARP tool and how it might be used to help countries fulfill their reporting requirements related to the Paris Agreement's Enhanced Transparency Framework.

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Global
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Greenhouse Gas Data Management (GHG-DM) Tool 

Short Info: This excel-based package helps GHG inventory compilers manage the information related to the activity data (AD) and parameters in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU); energy; industrial processes and product use (IPPU); and waste sectors. Each excel file contains a comprehensive list of AD and parameters that must be collected to estimate all categories within these sectors.

Providing Institution: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Region: Global
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Resilience Booster Tool 

Short Info: Applying a resilience lens strengthens the integration of climate risks and opportunities into the design and delivery of investments by enhancing  the capacity of people, assets, institutions and infrastructure to harness and/or respond to the impacts of shocks and stresses.

The Resilience Booster is an interactive, step-by-step tool for development practitioners, including World Bank task teams, who are designing or working on climate resilient projects. It helps teams to think through, specify and design project activities that build resilience by integrating resilience attributes.

Providing Institution: The World Bank
Region: Global
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Readiness and Preparatory Support guidebook: A practical guide on how to prepare readiness proposals for the Green Climate Fund

Short Info: Through the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, GCF provides capacity building and technical assistance support to developing countries to enhance access to climate finance,  strengthening institutional capacities, governance mechanisms, and planning and programming frameworks to identify and implement a transformational long-term climate action agenda for developing countries.

This guidebook provides a complete overview of the Readiness Programme, including advice on how to develop and submit high-quality readiness proposals and navigate challenges during grant implementation.

Providing Institution: Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Region: Global
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Good Practice Guidance for the Preliminary Assessment of Sustainable Development in Article 6 Actions

Short Info: The “Good Practice Guidance for the Preliminary Assessment of Sustainable Development in Article 6 Actions” is a simple guidance that may be used to build capacity for conducting a ‘preliminary assessment’ of a potential Article 6 activity.
It is primarily aimed at enabling early, desk-based assessments of the potential of the proposed activity to deliver sustainable development benefits. It is also envisaged to be applied at the concept development stage of an activity, before detailed design is in place (i.e., ‘ex ante’).  This can satisfy buyers/funders of the activities and assist the proponent in identifying further work needed.

Providing Institution: Sustainable Development Initiative
Region: Global
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Transformational Change Methodology

Short Info: The Transformational Change Methodology defines transformational change for GHG mitigation and unpacks this definition to provide a stepwise approach to determining the extent to which a policy is truly transformational.

The methodology has been met with interest by governments, financial institutions and programmes as a basis for assessing the expected or achieved transformational impact of policies and investments towards alignment with the global goals. The methodology is applicable to all sectors, policies and actions.

Providing Institution: Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Region: Global
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GHG Abatement Cost Model (GACMO)

Short Info: The GHG Abatement Cost Model (GACMO) aims to support countries or regions in analyzing their GHG mitigation options to prepare information for their NDCs, National Communications, or Low-Carbon Development Plans. 

Developed by UNEP DTU Partnership, GACMO can calculate and visualize a comparison of the business-as-usual scenario with selected mitigation scenarios to support the analysis of GHG mitigation options and their cost. Such information helps prepare among others: revisions of NDCs, National Communications, and Low-Carbon Development Plans. This tool comes with a series of training as a supporting guideline.

Providing Institution: Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT); UNEP DTU Partnership
Region: Global
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Short Info: PROSPECTS is a sector-level, bottom-up Excel tool which uses decarbonization relevant activity and intensity indicators to track and project overall and sectoral GHG emissions trends.

A simplified tool derived from the CTI tools, PROSPECTS covers all emissions-generating sectors: electricity, heat, buildings, transport, various industrial sectors, waste, and agriculture. Users can construct their own emissions scenarios by adjusting policy-relevant indicators in this open-source, user-friendly tool.

Providing Institution: New Climate Institute
Region: Global
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The Climate Action Aggregation Tool (CAAT)

Short Info: The Climate Action Aggregation Tool (CAAT) explains the step-by-step process laid out in the ICAT Non-State and Subnational Action Guide and was developed to support government experts, analysts and policymakers to identify, quantify and aggregate the impact of non-state and subnational actions.

As a result, they can be integrated into mitigation targets, projections and scenarios in support of policy development, policy evaluation and target-setting.                                 
Providing Institution: Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Region: Global
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Renewable Energy Methodology

Short Info: The Renewable Energy Methodology helps policymakers assess and communicate the impacts of renewable energy policies to ensure that they are effective in mitigating GHG emissions, advancing development objectives, and helping countries meet their sectoral targets and national commitments.

The document provides methodological guidance on how to estimate emissions pathways and reductions resulting from the implementation of policies in the energy sector. The methodology focuses on three policy interventions: Feed-in tariff policies, auctions policies and tax incentive policies.
Providing Institution: Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Region: Global
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Transport Methodology

Short Info: The Transport Pricing Methodology helps policymakers assess the impacts of pricing policies in the transport sector and improve their effectiveness. The document provides methodological guidance for assessing the GHG impacts of specific mitigation measures in the transport sector. The methods provided focus on the GHG impacts of fuel subsidy removals, increased fuel taxes or levies, road pricing and vehicle purchase incentives for efficient vehicles.

Providing Institution: Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Region: Global
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Forestry Assessment Guide

Short Info: The Forestry Methodology helps policymakers assess the impacts of forest policies to ensure that they are effective in mitigating GHG emissions, and helping countries meet their sectoral targets and national commitments.

The document provides methodological guidance for assessing the GHG impacts of forest policies that increase carbon sequestration and/or reduce GHG emissions from afforestation and/or reforestation, sustainable forest management and avoided deforestation and/or degradation.

Providing Institution: Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Region: Global
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 Agriculture Methodology

Short Info: The Agriculture Guidance supports the assessment of the GHG impacts of agricultural policies and actions. This guidance fills a gap in currently available guidance, which includes project-level agricultural GHG accounting, but does not include GHG accounting at the agricultural policy level.

The Agriculture Guidance leverages existing methods and tools to provide general principles, concepts and a method for estimating GHG impacts. It includes:

  • Ex-ante assessment of expected future GHG effects
  • Ex-post evaluation of historical GHG effect to ensure intended results have been achieved
  • Links to data, tools, models and methods for quantifying GHG effects

The guidance focuses on agricultural policies and actions that mitigate GHG emissions from enteric fermentation and soil carbon pools

Providing Institution: Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Region: Global
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Non-State and Subnational Action Methodology

Short Info: The Non-State and Subnational Action Guide provides tools for the integration of non-state actors’ activities including how to account for the variety of non-state and subnational actions undertaken by regions, cities, companies and/or sectors; assess the extent to which those actions are a means towards achieving or surpassing national climate targets; and reflect the impact of those actions in national GHG projections, policy development, and target setting.

Providing Institution: Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Region: Asia
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Stakeholder Participation Methodology

Short Info: The Stakeholder Participation Guide can help countries enhance stakeholder participation in the design, implementation and assessment of climate policies and actions. Enhancing stakeholder participation has been shown to build understanding and support among diverse groups, which can improve policy and action design and strengthen GHG, sustainable development, and transformational change impacts.

The document provides practical guidance on planning and implementing effective participatory processes. It addresses the key elements of stakeholder participation, including planning, identifying and understanding stakeholders, establishing multi-stakeholder bodies, providing information to stakeholders, designing and conducting consultations, and establishing grievance redress mechanisms.

Providing Institution: Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
Region: Global
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Vertical Integration in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes: A guidance note for linking national and sub-national adaptation

Short Info: This guidance note is designed for National Adaptation Plan (NAP) teams and other stakeholders interested in strengthening vertical integration in the process. It provides background on the rationale for linking national and sub-national adaptation efforts, drawing on the policy framework and guidance for the process as well as experiences to date in facilitating adaptation. It presents the key issues for vertical integration, including questions for consideration throughout different dimensions of the NAP process. The guidance note presents a flexible approach that can be adapted to the country’s context, capacities and resources available.

Providing Institution: NAP Global Network
Region: Global
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Earth Observation Technologies for Improved Access to Climate Finance

Short Info: There are challenges in producing enough evidence, justification and climate rationale for proposed interventions. Obtaining the necessary information to identify climate vulnerabilities, estimate change and monitor the impacts is very difficult. Quality and unbiased data are therefore vital for making decisions in these areas.

Fortunately, advances in technology are resulting in the emergence of more and enhanced forms of data that can help countries to prepare for the threats and address the impacts of climate change, developing countries and island nations require climate finance to meet their national plans for adaptation and mitigation actions. There are a variety of digital techniques used to

generate images that allow for a range of data to be collected under various circumstances (cloudy, night-time, etc). Typically, Earth Observation gathers data on the physical chemical and biological systems of the planet, and space-based observations can be supplemented by ground-based data collection.

Providing Institution: Commonwealth Secretariat
Region: Global
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 Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Handbook (CVCA)

Short Info: The Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) is a CARE tool used to gather and analyze information on community-level vulnerabilities to and capacities for climate change. It informs the identification of actions, at the community level or more broadly, that support communities in increasing their resilience to climate change. Recognizing the context-specificity of climate impacts, as well as the socioeconomic dimensions of climate change adaptation, CARE developed the CVCA Handbook to guide practitioners in analyzing vulnerability to climate change and adaptive capacity at the community level.

Providing Institution: Care International
Region: Global
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Development Impacts Assessment (DIA) Toolkit

Short Info: The Development Impacts Assessment (DIA) Toolkit helps country, regional, and local policymakers find tools and resources to assess the impacts of and links between national development priorities and low emission development strategies. This toolkit equips decision makers with information to explore policy options and build consensus with stakeholders to achieve low-emission development that supports national development objectives.

Providing Institution: LEDS Global Partnership
Region: Global
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COP26 Catalyst for Climate Action: Action recommendations for capacity building

Short Info: COP26 Catalyst for Climate Action is a framework initiated by the UK COP26 Presidency and convened by Wilton Park, which brings together key stakeholders on capacity building in support of the Paris Agreement to discuss challenges and to catalyze capacity-building action in four key thematic areas, which are Adaptation, Participation in Carbon Markets, Transparency and Reporting, Access to finance.

Together with COP26 Catalyst Action Group on Capacity Building and different representatives from the countries and organizations endorsed recommendation on these thematic areas that can accessed via following website.                                                                                                             
Providing Institution: Wilton Park
Region: Global
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BTR guideline tool

Short Info: The Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) Guidance and Roadmap Tool aims at guiding developing countries in planning the preparation process of their first BTR as well as preparing a roadmap for implementing it. Being led through six main steps, users of this hands-on and highly interactive tool will learn about key elements to be considered when planning for a BTR and good practices and recommendations for improving the quality of the process over time. The tool is meant to facilitate long-term planning and help in structuring and elaborating a roadmap for the BTR process.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Providing Institution: GIZ
Region: Global
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Guidance note For Developing a National Climate Change - Learning strategy

Short Info: Capacity assessments confirm that human resource and skills gaps constitute a major bottleneck to effectively addressing climate change. “Strengthening Human Resources  and  Skills  to  Advance Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans” provides recommendations for countries interested in taking a strategic approach to climate change learning and skills development to contribute to the achievement of their national climate change objectives - through cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder collaboration, and with engagement of national education and training institutions.                                                                                                                                                    
It builds on the experiences of nine national projects in Benin, Burkina Faso, the Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Malawi, Niger and Uganda, and a regional programme in Central America.

Providing Institution: UNCC:Learn
Region: Global
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Climate Action Planning Framework

Short Info: To deliver the Paris Agreement, climate action planning needs to shift to new levels of ambition, driving rapid and systemic change on the ground. Cities urgently need to position themselves on an ambitious emissions reduction (or peaking) trajectory to achieve emissions neutrality and climate resilience by 2050.

The Climate Action Planning Framework was developed to support cities in developing climate action plans that are aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.  Furthermore, it focuses on enriching the planning process by building the capacities for community and business engagement based on evidence and the condition of the city by facilitating transformational and implementational actions.

Providing Institution: C40 Network
Region: Global
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Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation: A Practioner's Handbook

Short Info: The impacts of climate change present a new set of challenges in efforts to reduce poverty and promote social justice. Changing temperatures, erratic rainfall, floods, cyclones and droughts all have significant consequences for the livelihoods, health, food security, educational opportunities and the survival of people living in poverty.

The handbook will assist in analysing the implications of climate change for the lives and livelihoods of communities. The handbook provides: methodology; practical tools; case studies; guidance and relevant information on how to assess project and programme vulnerability to climate variability and change; and how to design and adapt projects so that they are more resilient to a range of climate change scenarios.

Providing Institution: Care International
Region: Global
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 Gender Analysis Toolkit for Coastal Management Practitioners

Short Info: The toolkit is a practical compendium for coastal and fisheries management practitioners seeking to understand how gender can affect coastal ecosystems resource use and management and coastal resilience. It helps practitioners develop baseline knowledge around gender dimensions related to coastal and natural resources use, livelihoods development and ecosystems management. This knowledge can help identify gender gaps and advance gender-integrated and gender responsive planning for improved resilience of coastal ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.

Providing Institution: Stockholm Environment Institute
Region: Asia
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Integrating gender in Climate change adaptation proposals

Short info: USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific’s On-Line Sourcebook: Integrating Gender in Climate Change Adaptation Proposals is a (periodically updated) live document, intended to be used mainly by individuals and teams who prepare large-scale climate change adaptation (CCA) project proposals. It provides readers with tools to help answer the question, "How do we best go about incorporating gender considerations into our CCA proposal?"

Gender-sensitive stakeholder analysis in the context of a climate change project involves the assessment of the distribution of tasks, activities and rewards associated with the division of labor at a particular locality or across a region, the relative positions of women and men in terms of representation and influence; and the benefits and disincentives associated with the allocation of tasks to women and men.

The majority of the document includes brief summaries of key points, highly useful tables from other resources, short text box examples, links to the best available resources, and compilations of project cases employing gender best practices. As well as a checklist of gender options by CCA proposal section and a summary of global and Asia-Pacific resource institutions for CCA/gender advice and resources.

Providing Institution: Asia pacific adaptation network
Region: Asia
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Pacific Gender and Climate change toolkit

Short Info: This toolkit is designed to support climate  change  practitioners  in  the Pacific islands region to integrate gender into their programmes  and projects.  It is aimed  at  climate  change  professionals  working  in  national  governments,  non-governmental  organisations,  regional  and international organisations  who  are  involved  in  managing and  implementing climate change programmes.

Providing Institution: SPC, GIZ
Region: Asia
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Gender-sensitive Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (GCVCA)

Short Info: The GCVCA practitioner’s guidebook provides a framework for analysing vulnerability and capacity to adapt to climate change and build resilience to disasters at the community level, with a particular focus on social and in particular gender dynamics, and on Mozambique,  classified  as  one of the world’s most vulnerable countries in the face of climate change  and  natural  disasters.

The GCVCA uses participatory qualitative methods to empower and engage community members in an analytic self assess, articulate and understand their own vulnerabilities and capacities in the face of climate change and natural disasters. and collectively identify how to adapt, using a series of guiding questions to analyse information on climate change, disaster risk and vulnerability at national, local government/community, and household/individual levels.  

Providing Institution: Care International
Region: Global
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The GIZ sourcebook for climate-specific monitoring in the context of international cooperation 

Short Info: This sourcebook is intended to act as a reference and aims to contribute to the calculation, standardised definition and illustration of climate results in climate-relevant projects. It is divided into three parts:

  • • Basic principles of results-based monitoring, target areas for categorising climate results, and the meaning of co-benefits for all climate change related projects.
  • • Results in climate protection projects
  • • Results in adaptation projects

It is aimed at everyone who works on the  planning, execution, monitoring or evaluation of environmental projects in the area of international cooperation.  The focus is on tracing intended climate results at a  project level.

Providing Institution:  GIZ
Region: Global
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Guidelines for Building a National Landscape of Climate

Short Info: Clear information about climate finance flows at the national level is crucial to achieving economy-wide transformation to support low carbon and green growth. This document outlines the process for developing a national climate finance landscape in four steps. By working through each step, countries will learn key insights to how, when, and from whom finance is flowing towards climate action.

This document draws on CPI’s (Climate policy initiative) experience developing several national landscapes of climate finance in various countries throughout the past ten years. While not a comprehensive instruction manual, this will help guide government officials and practitioners looking to track climate finance using our Landscape approach.

Providing Institution: Climate Policy Initiative
Region: Global
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 Guidance for using the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions : first edition 

Short Info: While the planetary crises we face today may seem overwhelming, society has also shown it can work together to solve major global threats. In the 1970s, the world successfully took action to halt and reverse the depletion of the ozone layer depletion. Failure to do so would have meant the “ozone hole” would now extend to the tropics, impacting people’s health, ecosystem services and biodiversity. Changing the predicted trajectory of a crisis needs readily available, reliable and effective solutions. In this respect, Naturebased Solutions (NbS) offers the world a real chance to meaningfully address multiple sustainability crises, including climate change, food and water security, land degradation and biodiversity loss. 

Providing Institution: IUCN
Region: Global
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 Pocket Guide to Climate Science and the UNFCCC

Short Info: The climate negotiations are strongly influenced, on all sides, by appeals to ‘listen to the science’. This Pocket Guide is aimed at both scientists and policymakers who are involved in the science-policy interface that underpins the negotiations. It provides guidance on questions such as what is meant by ‘climate science’? How do you know which ‘scientific’ voices to listen to? How do you balance scientific information against other relevant considerations?

Providing Institution: European Capacity Building Initiative (ECBI)
Region: Global
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WHO Guidance for climate resilient and environmentally sustainable health are facilities

Short Info: This guidance provides health professionals and health care facility managers with key tools and interventions to enhance the capacity of health care facilities in the context of climate change. The aim is to enable health care facilities to anticipate, respond to, recover from and adapt to climate-related shocks and stresses, while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and leveraging opportunities to restore and improve it. 

Providing Institution: WHO 
Region: Global
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National Forest Monitoring System assessment tool

Short Info: A lack of institutional and individual capacity often undermines the long-term impact of otherwise technically sound programmes. To support efforts towards establishing or strengthening forest monitoring, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed a National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) assessment under the project “Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest)”. The tool aims to assist countries in identifying capacity gaps and weaknesses including capacity assessment of the system and facilitation of dialogue with key national stakeholders.                                                                                                                                        
Providing Institution:  FAO
Region: Global
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The Adaptation Principles: 6 Ways to Build Resilience to Climate Change

Short Info: The report provides a range of practical tools that can help governments implement adaptation strategies. For instance, economic analysis methodologies can help to select the most important interventions, and budget tagging methods can ensure spending is consistent with expectations. A set of 111 indicators is also provided to enable governments to track progress toward greater resilience, to identify areas that are lagging behind, and to prioritize effective measures. It also sheds light on how the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic crisis can affect the design of an adaptation and resilience strategy, recognizing how it has changed the development landscape in all countries.

Providing Institution: World Bank
Region: Global
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The Climate-ADAPT Adaptation Support Tool: practical experience and use for policy, planning and decision making

Short Info: This Climate-ADAPT Adaptation Support Tool (AST) webinar aims to improve knowledge dissemination on the Climate-ADAPT AST and its further development to promote its use, e.g. for strategic policy processes, awareness raising, planning, development of guidelines, etc. At the same time, the webinar intends to highlight and present how the AST is being used in practice and can be tailored to the real needs of users. Finally, the webinar aims to stimulate participants to contribute to enriching Climate-ADAPT and further sharing and disseminating its knowledge.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Providing Institution:  Climate-ADAPT
Region: Global
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Addressing forestry and agroforestry in National Adaptation Plans

Short Info: 
Acting at the interface between natural resources and human activities, forests, trees and agroforestry provide numerous nature-based solutions to adaptation. Forests need to adapt and become more resilient so they can continue to deliver crucial ecosystem services, including those on which other agriculture sectors depend - including crops, livestock, and fisheries.

This publication is designed to help countries integrate these considerations into adaptation planning through the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. It focusses on technical guidance on the integration of forests, agroforestry and trees in the formulation and implementation of NAPs.

Providing Institution: FAO and FTA
Region: Global
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Addressing agriculture, forestry and fisheries in National Adaptation Plans – Supplementary guidelines

Short Info: These guidelines provide specific guidance for national adaptation planning in the agricultural sector. They are intended to be used by national planners and decision–makers working on climate change issues in developing countries and authorities and experts within the agriculture sectors who are contributing to climate change adaptation and NAP formulation and implementation.                                                         
Providing Institution:  FAO
Region: Global
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Green hydrogen: A guide to policy making

Short Info:This report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) outlines the main barriers that inhibiting green hydrogen uptake and the policies needed to address these. It also offers insights on how to kickstart the green hydrogen sector as a key enabler of the energy transition at the national or regional level.                                                                                                                                                                                  
Providing Institution:  IRENA
Region: Global
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FAO Framework Methodology for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments of Forests and Forest Dependent People

Short Info: This publication provides practical technical guidance for forest vulnerability assessment in the context of climate change, guiding practitioners in conducting a step-by-step analysis and facilitating the choice and use of appropriate tools and methods, providing useful support to any vulnerability assessment with a forest- and tree-related component.                                                                                                            
Providing Institution: FAO
Region: Global
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Toolkit for a Gender-Responsive Process to Formulate and Implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)

Short Info: 
The National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) is a key mechanism for defining adaptation priorities, channeling resources, and implementing adaptation actions. This toolkit is designed to support country efforts to pursue a gender-responsive NAP formulation process, including in the establishment of institutional arrangements, capacity development, stakeholder engagement, information sharing, and securing finance.

The toolkit is organized around the key entry points in the NAP process, based on the elements outlined in the UNFCCC Technical Guidelines for the NAP Process produced by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)

It will be useful for government actors coordinating the formulation of NAP, as well as for stakeholders and development partners supporting adaptation planning and implementation.                                                                                                                                                                                   
Providing Institution: NAP Global Network, the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, the Adaptation Committee
Region: Global
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Unfolding the reporting requirements for Developing Countries under the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework

Short Info: This publication is aimed at policy-makers, climate negotiators and MRV practitioners in developing countries. It focuses on the reporting requirements for developing countries and intends to inform these countries on how to prepare for the new reporting requirements set out in MPGs for the Enhanced Transparency Framework (EFT) of the Paris Agreement, referred to in Article 13 of the agreement.                               
Providing Institution:  ICAT, CBIT, UNEP-DTU Partnership
Region: Global
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Pocket Guide to NDCs under the UNFCCC (New 2020 version)

Short Info: Countries communicate their plans to implement the Paris Agreement through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). What should these NDCs contain? What “information to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding” do countries need to provide? How should countries account for their actions? What happens if they fail to meet their NDC goals? Read our updated Pocket Guide, which now includes the provisions of the Paris rulebook, to find answers to these and other questions related to NDCs.                                                                                       
Providing Institution: European Capacity Building Initiative (ECBI)
Region: Global
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Pocket Guide to Technology under the UNFCCC

Short Info: How has technology development and transfer (TDT) been dealt with under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement? What challenges do developing countries face in identifying and accessing technology needs for mitigation and adaptation, and how are these being addressed? What institutions deal with climate-related TDT at the global level?

This Pocket Guide is for UNFCCC negotiators from developing countries, and for national policy makers who would like to understand how to access global support for climate-related TDT. 

Providing Institution: European Capacity Building Initiative (ECBI)
Region: Global
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Guide to the Paris Agreement

Short Info: Guide to the Paris Agreement. Now includes the implementation guidelines adopted in 2018, and implications for domestic law and policy in developing countries.                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Providing Institution: European Capacity Building Initiative (ECBI)
Region: Global
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The Climate Data Tool

Short Info: CDT is a free and open-source R package which allows national meteorological agencies to:

  • Organize millions of station observations
  • Assess data availability and highlight gaps in the observational record
  • Evaluate and extract data from gridded products, including satellite, reanalysis and combined data products

Providing Institution: Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR)
Region: Global
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Climate Change & Food Security Vulnerability Assessment Toolkit

Short Info: The CCAFS Working Paper 'Climate Change & Food Security Vulnerability Assessment. Toolkit for assessing community-level potential for adaptation to climate change' presents a participatory methodology that has been designed to provide organizations with the tools to understand the interrelations between climate impacts, food systems and livelihood strategies at the local level, while taking into consideration traditional /indigenous knowledge of the participating community. The toolkit developed applies a multidimensional view of the vulnerability of livelihood strategies to climate change, with a focus on differentiated access and entitlements to livelihood resources and food for different groups within a locality or community (often determined according to gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic class).

It includes step by step instructions on how to implement participatory tools that were adapted to answer the following questions: Why are people vulnerable? How are they vulnerable to climate change? What consequences does this have for their food security? Implementing this methodology will provide an initial understanding of the local context and vulnerability profiles, which, combined and triangulated with other sources of information (meteorological data, socio-economic indicators etc.), feeds into the process of identifying adaptation measures.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Providing Institution: Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR)
Region: Global
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Green Climate Fund (GCF) Proposal Toolkit 2020

Short Info: This toolkit makes the GCF funding requirements and technical terminology digestible for non-experts. It also provides a checklist on how to get started with the preparation of a funding proposal all the way through to the development of a concept note, as well as guidance on how to access GCF support for project preparation.                                                                                                                                                                  
Providing Institution: Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Region: Global
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Capacity Development for Climate Services: Guidelines for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services

Short Info: The WMO Capacity Development Strategy recognizes four types of capacity: institutional, infrastructural, procedural and human resources. This publication draws on a number of existing frameworks and guidelines, providing National Meteorological and Hydrological Services(NMHSs) and other climate service providers with up-to-date information on available resources, strategies, procedures and best practices at the global, regional and national level.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Providing Institution: World Meteorogical Organization (WMO)
Region: Global
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The Adaptation Support Tool

Short Info: The aim of the Adaptation Support Tool is to assist users in developing climate change adaptation strategies and plans by providing guidance, links to relevant sources and dedicated tools (urban practitioners find a specific Urban Adaptation Support Tool).                                       
Providing Institution: Climate Adapt
Region: Global
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Urban adaptation support Tool

Short Info: The aim of the Urban Adaptation Support Tool (UAST) is to assist cities, towns and other local authorities in developing, implementing and monitoring climate change adaptation plans. UAST was developed as a practical guidance for urban areas, in recognition of their importance in the European economy. The Urban Adaptation Support Tool outlines all the steps needed to develop and implement an adaptation strategy and makes references to valuable guidance materials and tools. The tool offers valuable support to both the cities that are just starting on the adaptation planning and to those more advanced in the adaptation process.                                                                                                                         
Providing Institution: Climate Adapt
Region: Global
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Adaptation Policies Checklist

Short info: An ex-post evaluation tool designed to assess the level of progress of climate change adaptation policies. The tool consists of a checklist covering policy, economic, scientific and legitimacy issues, and resources used for adaptation planning. It is based on 17 indicators and 53 metrics that cover general aspects of adaptation policies.                                                                                                                                            
Providing Institution: Basque Centre for Climate Change
Region: Global
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CTCN Gender Mainstreaming Tool for Response Plan Development

Short info: CTCN Gender Mainstreaming Tool for Response Plan Development is a gender mainstreaming guideline during the development of response plans and applies to design, implementation and monitoring of technical assistance. It comprises 3-step approach: perform gender analysis; develop action plan; and monitoring and evaluation which also includes stakeholder consultations.                                                                               
Providing Institution: Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)
Region: Global
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