Country page - Paraguay

Updated on 30 January 2024






Strengthening National Monitoring Systems of Fire

enhance national monitoring systems for fire incidents by implementing advanced technologies, remote sensing, and comprehensive data analysis.

Fire-resistant species

promoting fire-resistant species by providing resources and expertise in species selection, propagation, and integration into ecosystems.

Mechanisms for Risk Transfer

Assessing existing gaps and establishing effective mechanisms for risk transfer in fire management, collaborating with insurance agencies, financial institutions, and stakeholders.

Development of long-term monitoring models

Support the development of long-term monitoring models for fire incidents, establishment of monitoring frameworks, and data collection protocols for assessing the effectiveness of fire management strategies.



Strengthening institutional arrangements for risk management mainstreaming

Enhance the existing institutional arrangements between the Secretary of Emergency, Ministries, and Municipal Governments to ensure effective mainstreaming of risk management, including strengthening collaboration with other state entities to address the current administrative and technical limitations of the Secretary of Emergency (SEN) in implementing national-level actions.

Improving national coverage and communication of early warning systems

Enhance the capacity of the Directorate of Meteorology and Hydrology to achieve national coverage, facilitating the efficient implementation of early warning systems.

Establishing parameters and criteria for declaring national emergencies related to drought

Develop comprehensive parameters, guidelines, criteria and standards for the declaration of national emergencies associated with droughts for prompt decision-making and effective response measures.

Enhance planning system for drought-related risk: Strengthen the planning system to effectively address risk issues related to droughts, through frameworks that help define thresholds distinguishing parameters of adaptation from situations warranting attention to losses and damages

Sea-level rise


Investing in meteorological infrastructure, promoting data sharing agreements, and leveraging technological advancements for efficient data collection and dissemination.

Flow gauge monitoring and information sharing

Establish flow gauge monitoring systems to track water levels in rivers and watercourses. Improve information sharing mechanisms to ensure timely and accurate dissemination of water level data, enabling proactive response measures and early warning systems for sea level rise

Equipment for watercourse expansion and maintenance

Provide necessary equipment and resources for watercourse expansion and maintenance, including dredging and desilting activities.

Timely assessment

Conduct timely assessments of affected areas to evaluate the extent of damage and provide necessary cleanup assistance. This includes mobilizing resources, equipment, and personnel to support the cleanup and recovery process after flooding events.

Foster better understanding of the Impacts of SLR coupled with other concurrent hazards such as storm surge and Tropical cyclones. This covers better awareness and communication strategies to residents of communities that are at high risk.

Early warning

The development of and sensitization of the general populace on early warning systems, as well as the Incorporation of EWS in the communication of risk especially to vulnerable communities, households and individuals

Adaptación preventiva

Medidas decontingencia, por ejemplo, mediante financiación de riesgos con agrupación regional de riesgos,instalaciones de  seguros  y  bonos,  y a través de medidas de protección social, etc.: 
