Country page - Lao PDR

Updated on 9 February 2024



Forest and Land Degradation,


Sea-level rise

Funding project proposal development

Provide technical assistance to support the development of project proposals for submitted concern funds (Loss and damages fund, AF, LDCs and GCF Fund).

Climate modeling

Provide technical support for downscaling global and regional climate impact and vulnerability assessments for concerned sectors to the national and local scale in a way that can support local and sector planning, including the identification of practical adaptation measures.

Vulnerability assessment and risk mapping

Provide technical support to develop and strengthen capacity for managing a system for observing, monitoring, and forecasting/predicting GHG emissions, climate change, and assessing vulnerability, including mapping and profiling climate hazards (floods, drought, heat waves, etc.).

Strengthening capacity building

Provide technical expertise to enhance institutional capacities and cross-sectoral coordination for mainstreaming climate change into development plans. Request technical assistance for relevant approaches for averting, minimizing, and addressing loss and damage. Conduct long-term planning for climate change adaptation. Shape the longer-term strategic agenda on loss and damage and strengthen the position of LDCs in that agenda. Support policy discussions on loss and damage with ongoing consultations to identify and address the questions of LDCs. Take actions on Climate Change Monitoring, Advisory Early Warning Systems. Develop and strengthen capacity for managing the climate change data and information system, including statistics.

Data management and information systems

Manage the data and information systems of the climate change data and information system, including statistics.
