Country page - Benin

Updated on 9 February 2024




Improved disaster preparedness, response, and recovery through the development of programs and insurance systems

Improved level of education and risk culture at all levels

Strengthening investments for economic, social, cultural, and environmental resilience (strengthening partnerships)

Maps defining high-risk flood areas


Early warning to manage dune ridge to detect environmental changes and alert authorities on the onset of erosion and land degradation

Vulnerability maps on desertification for both country and region

Strategies to transfer knowledge from the central level to the local level

Land and forest degradation

Data management and information systems

Establish a biophysical, cartographic, and data bank system to store relevant information on soils, providing guidance for public decisions and actions related to sustainable land management.

Capacity building and Project development

Strengthen the capacities of various actors, including municipalities, NGOs, and the private sector, in developing and submitting projects related to sustainable land management and climate change adaptation.

Provide capacity-building initiatives for actors involved in forest governance, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable land management, with a focus on adaptation to climate change.

Prioritize the restoration of degraded lands, including protected areas, degraded natural forests, mangroves, and water body banks, through appropriate interventions.

Monitoring system for land degradation and climate variability

Establish a monitoring system to track the evolution of land degradation, changes in vegetation cover, and variations in climate patterns. This helps in understanding the extent of degradation and guides decision-making regarding sustainable land management and climate change adaptation efforts.
