Fund for responding to Loss and Damage

Joint interim secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Green Climate Fund (GCF) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Second Meeting of the Board of the Fund for responding to loss and damage
9-12 July 2024
Day 1 9 July 2024
Day 2 10 July 2024
Day 3 11 July 2024
Day 4 12 July 2024



The Conference of the Parties (COP) and the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA), through decisions 2/CP.27 and 2/CMA.4, established new funding arrangements for assisting developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, in responding to loss and damage. In this context, the COP and the CMA also decided to establish a fund for responding to loss and damage whose mandate includes a focus on addressing loss and damage to assist developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change in responding to economic and non-economic loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including extreme weather events and slow onset events.

The COP and CMA at its twenty-eighth and fifth sessions, operationalized the Loss and Damage Fund as an as entity entrusted with the operation of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention, which would also serve the Paris Agreement. The Fund will be accountable to and function under the guidance of the COP and the CMA.


Host country of the Board

On 9 July 2024, at the second meeting of the Board of the Fund for responding to loss and damage, the Board decided to select the Philippines as the host country of the Board of the Fund.

Host Country Selection for the Fund
Credit: UNFCCC



Membership to the Board of the Fund

The loss and damage Fund Board comprises 26 members from Parties to the Convention and Paris Agreement, with 12 members from developed country Parties and 14 members from developing country Parties.

The 26 members are nominated in line with the following geographical representation: 12 members from developed countries; 3 members from Asia-Pacific States; 3 members from African States; 3 members from Latin American and Caribbean States; 2 members from small island developing States; 2 members from the least developed countries; and 1 member from a developing country not included in the regional groups and constituencies previously listed. Each Board member has an alternate member.

At its first meeting, the Board elected Mr. Richard Sherman (South Africa) and Mr. Jean-Christophe Donnellier (France) as its Co- Chairs for a term of one year.


Members of the Board of the Fund for responding to loss and damage





Richard Sherman (Co-Chair) South Africa African States Alpha Kaloga (Guinea)1
Mohamed Nasr Egypt African States Tosi Mpanu Mpanu (Democratic Republic of the Congo)1
David Kaluba Zambia African States Sumaya Zakiedeen Hamdan (Sudan)1
Hana AlHashimi United Arab Emirates Asia-Pacific States Didar Temenov (Kazakhstan)
Mohammad Ayoub Saudi Arabia Asia-Pacific States Ali Tauqeer Sheikh (Pakistan)
Mark Dennis Y.C. Joven Philippines Asia-Pacific States Gholamhossein Darzi (Iran)
Antonella Baldino Italy Developed countries Karima Oustadi (Italy)
Sebastian Lesch Germany Developed countries Simon Stumpf (Germany)
Jean-Christophe Donnellier (Co-Chair) France Developed countries Pierre Marc (France)
Ana Paula Rodrigues Portugal Developed countries Gaizka Malo (Spain)
Marjeta Jager European Union Developed countries Ronan Sweeney (Ireland)
Jens Fugl Denmark Developed countries Anna Merrifield (Finland)
José Delgado Austria Developed countries Georges Gehl (Luxembourg)
Laurence Ahoussou Canada Developed countries Ben Abraham (New Zealand)
Atsushi Kato Japan Developed countries Tsuyoshi Hyokai (Japan)
Georg Børsting Norway Developed countries Karoline Kjeldsen (Norway)
Gerard Howe United Kingdom Developed countries Claire Holzer Fleming (United Kingdom)
Rebecca Lawlor United States Developed countries Alexandria Miskho (United States)
Nona Budoyan Armenia Developing countries not included in the regional groups and constituencies Rajasree Ray (India)
Liliam Beatris Chagas de Moura Brazil Latin American and Caribbean States Victoria Gandini (Argentina)
Elena Pereira Honduras Latin American and Caribbean States Jaime Tramon (Chile)
H. Elizabeth Thompson Barbados Latin American and Caribbean States Anthony Ferguson (Bahamas)
Daniel Lund Fiji Small island developing States Ahmed Waheed (Maldives)
Peter Abraham Jr Antigua and Barbuda Small island developing States Laura Elizabeth Agathine (Seychelles)
Adao Soares Barbosa Timor Leste Least developed countries Maheshwar Dhakal (Nepal)
Djibril Ibila Benin Least developed countries Madeleine Diouf Sarr (Senegal)

The alternate members will rotate based on the availability of the members to the Board.


This page contains submissions submitted by observers to the Board.

Observer organization Title Date of Submission
Cross-Constituency Cross-Constituency Input on the Procedures for Active Observer Participation in Board Meetings and Related Proceedings of the Loss and Damage Fund (LDF) 27 June 2024



