Presidency events
Setting the agenda from Dubai to Baku: mobilizing non-Party stakeholders for enhanced national climate plans
04 Jun. 2024
13:00h - 14:30h
Bonn, Germany
Addis Abeba 1/2/3, Main Building
Main Building
Presidency events
Setting the agenda from Dubai to Baku: mobilizing non-Party stakeholders for enhanced national climate plans
04 Jun. 2024
13:00h - 14:30h
Bonn, Germany
Addis Abeba 1/2/3, Main Building
Main Building

Through the UAE Consensus agreed at COP 28, Parties and non-Party stakeholders are urged to join efforts to accelerate delivery through inclusive, multilevel, gender-responsive and cooperative action and encouraged the High-Level Champions, the Marrakech Partnership, and non-Party stakeholders to consider the outcomes of the first GST in their work on scaling up and introducing new or strengthened voluntary efforts, initiatives and coalitions.

At the 60th sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC in Bonn, Germany, the High-Level Champions will convene this roundtable as an opportunity to mobilize and coalesce the Marrakech Partnership and non-Party stakeholder community behind the 2030 Climate Solutions (an implementation roadmap with specific actions and solutions to accelerate the transition towards a net-zero, nature-positive, and climate-resilient future) and related frameworks, tools and campaigns and discuss how they can turn political declarations and outcomes from COP 28 into practice, and how non-Party stakeholders can support national governments to deliver and implement ambitious, economy-wide, 1.5 aligned and resilient climate action plans.

More details are available in this concept note of the event.