Observer organizations at SB 60
SB 60

Bonn Climate Change Conference, 3-13 June 2024


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Credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe

UNFCCC events are guided by the highest ethical and professional standards, and all participants are expected to behave with integrity and respect towards each other while attending or being involved with any UNFCCC event.

Code of conduct for UNFCCC events

The Code of Conduct applies to all participants at a UNFCCC event, that is, all persons attending (regardless whether in person or virtually) or involved in any capacity at a UNFCCC event, including in its set up or delivery. By attending or being involved in any capacity at a UNFCCC event, participants agree to abide by the UNFCCC Code of Conduct.

Further, the below guidelines and regulations are set in place to promote a harmonious atmosphere supportive of discussions and negotiations at intergovernmental meetings and to encourage the effective participation of observers in the process:

The process to strengthen observer engagement in the UNFCCC, started in 2022, identified the need for capacity building so observer participants can be better informed about, and better engaged in the UNFCCC process. In response to this outcome, the secretariat conducts briefings on UNFCCC sessions prior to each conference explaining general logistics and various in-session engagements for IGOs and NGOs registered for the particular conference. For SB 60, one was organized on Thursday, 11 April 2024. Weaving through the SB 60 Information for Participants (A-Z) and Observer Handbook, the session aimed at the primary objectives to:

  • Provide key logistical details for the conference, implications of reduced services, covering venue specifics, registration, local transportation, accommodation, and visas to assist observers to navigate SB 60 with ease.
  • Familiarize participants with the Code of Conduct, reinforcing the importance of adhering to established norms and protocols.
  • Inform observers about engagement opportunities available at SB 60.
  • Provide insights into following the negotiations, ensuring observers are well-versed in the processes and limitations.
  • Address any queries or concerns observers might have in the run-up to SB 60.

For those who could not attend the briefing, the recording and presentation can be found linked below:

The application period for SB 60 side events opened on Tuesday, 27 February, at 10 am CET, and closed on Friday, 1 March, at 5 pm CET. Please find further information here.

For information on how to attend side events, please consult this webpage.

Within the UNFCCC conference venue (Blue Zone), the secretariat, in close cooperation with UN Department of Safety and Security, facilitates advocacy actions to ensure that diverse perspectives are heard during the climate change conference while maintaining that the UNFCCC process remains conducive to intergovernmental dialogues.

There is a well established process for obtaining clearance from UNFCCC to organize an advocacy action. Information on the clearance process can be found here

To apply for an advocacy action within the conference venue, please fill in this form by 10:00 am the day prior to the planned action. The secretariat will inform of its decision the evening prior to the planned action.


If you plan to organize a demonstration outside of the Blue Zone, please get in touch with the local authorities. Please see information on how to get in touch with the local authorities here.


The UNFCCC secretariat has become aware that certain admitted observer organizations are using commercial business model packages to solicit business. As an inducement to sell these packages, potential clients are assured participation at UNFCCC conferences, sessions and meetings through quotas of admitted observer organizations. The UNFCCC secretariat would like to make clear that it does not endorse such practices nor does it charge any fees to anyone for participating in the UNFCCC process. Eligible participants are accredited only by the UNFCCC secretariat who upon issue of badges by the UNFCCC secretariat can enter conference, sessions and meetings venues and participate, subject to the relevant rules and regulations, in the activities organized by the UNFCCC secretariat including the UNFCCC side events and exhibits.
