COP events
Measuring capacity progress in climate transparency under the GST: A collaborative discussion to enhance coherence and effectiveness of future capacity-building endeavors
04 Dec. 2023
15:10h - 16:10h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Capacity-building Hub, Expo City
Expo City
COP events
Measuring capacity progress in climate transparency under the GST: A collaborative discussion to enhance coherence and effectiveness of future capacity-building endeavors
04 Dec. 2023
15:10h - 16:10h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Capacity-building Hub, Expo City
Expo City

Credit: UNU-EHS





This event was hosted by Greenhouse Gas Management InstituteInstitute for Global Environmental Strategies and Council on Energy Environment, and Water



The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) enables meaningful climate action by governments, corporations, and organizations by growing and supporting a global community of experts and institutions with the highest standards of professional practice in measuring, reporting, verifying (MRV) greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, GHGMI has implemented capacity-building programs and projects to improve GHG MRV and transparency for over 15 years. In a recent study, with collaborators at the Independent Global Stocktake, the Center for Global Sustainability at the University of Maryland, the Council on Energy, Environment and Water, and the Institute of Global Environmental Strategies, we identified relevant indicators and the current availability of data to support collection of those indicators for measuring and evaluating transparency capacity under the GST. This event encouraged stakeholder discussion on how to enhance measurement of capacity progress in climate transparency under the GST. 



  • Increase stakeholder awareness and engagement on measuring capacity progress in climate transparency. 
  • Enhance and exchange knowledge and information around frameworks for measuring transparency capacity, introducing the framework published here. 
  • Encourage discussion and connection amongst stakeholders to prioritize and collaborate on future research, measurement, and evaluation under the GST. 



Time Segment
5 mins  Welcome
10 mins  Introductory “level-setting” presentation to measuring capacity progress in climate transparency under the GST
30 mins  

Facilitated small group discussion (roundtables) on the following prompts: 

What capacity-building indicators should we prioritize for future research and evaluation? 

How could we foster and increase capacity-building indicator data availability?

15 mins Session close and networking “ask and offer” session





Molly White 


Greenhouse Gas Management Institute 

Chisa Umemiya 


Institute for Global Environmental Strategies 



  • Lisa Hanle
  • Maria Juan-Blasco, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute  
  • Olga Lyandres, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute  
  • Kayla Asemanfar, Greenhouse Gas Management Institute  
  • Shikha Bhasin, Council on Energy, Environment, and Water 


Key Outcomes

  • Open discussions amongst stakeholders within a small group setting.
  • Successful connection and building of relationships with fellow stakeholders for future work.
  • Encouraged discussion and connection amongst stakeholders to prioritize and collaborate on future research, measurement, and evaluation under the GST.
  • Increased stakeholder awareness and engagement on measuring capacity progress in climate transparency.



GHGMI presentation slides

Measuring Capacity Progress in Climate Transparency:  A Framework to Inform Future 

National GHG inventory capacity in developing countries – a global assessment of progress