Climate Dialogues,
Constituted Body meetings and events
Informal event of the forum on the impacts of the implementation of response measures
30 Nov. 2020
14:00h - 16:00h
Virtual event
Response Measures
English only
Climate Dialogues,
Constituted Body meetings and events
Informal event of the forum on the impacts of the implementation of response measures
30 Nov. 2020
14:00h - 16:00h
Virtual event
Response Measures
English only


Decisions 7/CMA.1, 7/COP.24 and 3/CMP.14 established the Katowice Committee of Experts on the impacts of the implementation of response measures (KCI) to support the forum in implementation of its work programme and also decided that the forum will report to the COP, CMP and CMA. Further, workplan of the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures and its KCI was adopted by decision 4/COP.25, 4/CMP.15 and 4/CMA.2. The adopted workplan requires KCI to implement a set of activities at its each meeting. The KCI held its third meeting during 5-9 October 2020 and implemented following two activities:

  • Explore approaches to inform the development and implementation of climate change mitigation strategies, plans, policies and programs, including Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and/or long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LT-LEDS)that maximize the positive and minimize the negative impacts of response measures
  • Enhance capacity and understanding of Parties, through collaboration and input from stakeholders, on the assessment and analysis of the impacts of implementation of response measures to facilitate the undertaking of economic diversification and transformation and just transition

In this context, recovery policies implemented around the world to manage the social and economic impacts of COVID pandemic provides a good basis for peer learning and providing an opportunity to incorporate strategies which maximize positive and minimize negative impacts in the recovery plans, NDCs and LT-LEDS.

Objective and description

The event will take place under the guidance of the SB Chairs. The forum on impacts of implementation of response measures is mandated to undertake the same activities, as undertaken by KCI at its third meeting, at 52nd session of subsidiary bodies by receiving input from experts, practitioners and relevant organizations; and to build awareness and enhance information sharing through the exchange and sharing of experiences and best practices.  The objectives of the informal event are to:

  • Inform Parties and stakeholders on the work undertaken by the KCI
  • Provide a platform for Parties, experts, practitioners and relevant organisations to informally reflect, exchange views, share experiences and best practices around approaches that maximize the positive and minimize the negative impacts of response measures; and enhancing capacity and understanding on assessment and analysis of response measures to facilitate the undertaking of economic diversification and transformation and just transition.

The discussion from the event will

  • Enhance understanding of the enabling conditions to facilitate development of climate change mitigation strategies that maximize positive and minimize negative impacts
  • Enhance understanding of the enabling conditions to facilitate the undertaking of economic diversification and transformation and just transition, informed by assessment and analysis of response measures
  • Facilitate advancing implementation of the forum’s mandated work.

Proposed programme




Opening remarks by SB Chairs

Overview of work undertaken by KCI Co-Chairs

SB Chairs

Annela Anger-Kraavi, Estonian Environment Agency, Estonia (KCI Co-Chair)

Peter Govindasamy, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore (KCI Co-Chair)

Moderated panel discussions


Session – I : Panel discussion on climate change mitigation strategies that maximize positive and minimize negative impacts

Noura Mansouri, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Centre, Saudi Arabia

Felipe Andrés Díaz Bórquez, Climate Change Office of the Ministry of Environment of Chile, Chile

Camila Gramkow, Economic Commission for Latin  America and the Caribbean, Brazil

Quentin Dupriez, European Commission, Directorate-General for Climate Action



Session – II : Panel discussion on enhancing capacity and understanding on assessment of impacts of implementation of response measures to facilitate economic diversification and just transition

Oei Pao-Yu, Technische Universität Berlin

Diann Black-Layne, Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment, Antigua and Barbuda

Kate Hughes, Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, United Kingdom

Dunja Krause, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development




Closing remarks by SB Chairs

SB Chairs

                                                                            VISUAL SUMMARY