Country page - Panama

Updated on 30 January 2024



Tropical Cyclone

Breaking the cycle of incomplete recovery

Address the challenge of incomplete recovery by implementing strategies that aim to break the cycle of vulnerability and repeated disasters.

Evidence-based relocation strategies

There are also gaps regarding evidence-based relocation and SN could support in developing effective strategies for this


Economic valuation of impact

Comprehensive economic valuation of the impacts to assess the costs and losses incurred.

Staffing and capacity building at ministries

Invest in training programs, knowledge sharing, and recruitment of skilled personnel to ensure effective management of floods and climate challenges.

Involvement of private sector and financial sector

Strategies to improve engagement and involvement of the private sector and finance sector in climate and DRR. Foster partnerships, develop incentives, and promote innovative financing mechanisms to encourage private sector participation and investment in climate-resilient projects.

Tailored insurance products

Support in developing insurance products tailored to the needs of different sectors and promote financial literacy programs to enhance understanding and uptake of insurance among small-scale farmers and rural communities.

Tools for Event Intensity Evaluation

instruments and tools to evaluate the intensity and severity to aid in risk assessment, and guide the prioritization of adaptation and resilience measures.

Climate and finance literacy

Help strengthen capacity development initiatives focused on improving climate and finance literacy.

Direct payments to populations and gender mainstreaming

Help in developing mechanisms for providing direct payments to populations as conditional funds, incentivizing climate-resilient practice, along with strategies to integrate gender considerations and mainstream gender perspectives across climate and DRR efforts

  • Análisis de la vulnerabilidad de la costa de Guna Yala ante la potencial subida del nivel del mar asociado al cambio climático (Analysis of the vulnerability of the Guna Yala coast to the potential rise in sea level associated with climate change).
  • Tercera Comunicación Nacional sobre Cambio Climático (Third National Communication on Climate Change)
  • Programa conjunto de vulnerabilidad y adaptación (Joint vulnerability and adaptation program).

Preemptive adaptation:

  • Plan Nacional de Adaptación de Panamá (National Adaptation Plan of Panama)
  • Plan Nacional de Seguridad Hídrica 2015-2050 (National Water Security Plan 2015-2050)
  • Plan Nacional de Cambio Climático para el Sector Agropecuario (National Climate Change Plan for the Agricultural Sector)
  • Estudio de Vulnerabilidad Climática, Balance    Hidrológico    y    Flujo    Ambiental, Documento    Técnico    para    el    Proceso    de Concesiones  de  Permisos  de  Agua  y  Diseño  de Planes  Distritales  de  Seguridad  Hídrica  de Tierras  Altas,  Provincia  de  Chiriquí y Santa Fe, Provincia de Veraguas (Study of Climate Vulnerability, Hydrological Balance and Environmental Flow, Technical Document for the Process of Concessions of Water Permits and Design of District Water Safety Plans of Tierras Altas, Province of Chiriquí and Santa Fe, Province of Veraguas)
  • Impacto del Cambio Climático en las Costas Arenosas del Caribe - Alternativas para su Control y Resiliencia (Impact of Climate Change on the Sandy Coasts of the Caribbean - Alternatives for its Control and Resilience)

Contingency measures, e.g. through risk financing with regional risk pooling, insurance facilities and bonds, and through social protection measures, etc.:

  • Seguros climáticos del Instituto de Seguro Agropecuario (ISA), bajo la plataforma del Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario (Climate insurance from the Agricultural Insurance Institute (ISA), under the platform of the Ministry of Agricultural Development)

Addressing losses through disaster relief funds, credit facilities etc.:

  • Centro Logístico Regional de Asistencia Humanitaria HUB de las Américas (Regional Logistics Center for Humanitarian Assistance HUB of the Americas)
  • Fondo Ahorro Panamá, que se activa cuando se tienen impactos asociados a eventos extremos (Panama Savings Fund, which is activated when there are impacts associated with extreme events)
  • Fondo Central para la Acción de Casos de Emergencias ONU (Central Fund for Action in Cases of Emergencies UN)

Disaster risk reduction focused strategies and measures through activities under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, contingency and trust funds, disaster legislation, etc.:

  • Plan Nacional para la Reducción de Riesgo de Desastres 2011-2015 (National Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2011-2015)
  • Plataforma Nacional para la Gestión de Riesgo de Desastres (National Platform for Disaster Risk Management)
  • DesInventar Sendai, manejado por el Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (DesInventar Sendai, managed by the National Civil Protection System)
  • Marco Nacional de Recuperación de Panamá (National Recovery Framework of Panama)

Transformative actions (which could include any such actions already mentioned above):

  • Plataforma Nacional para la Gestión de Riesgo de Desastres, ya que permite el intercambio de conocimiento entre las partes involucradas (National Platform for Disaster Risk Management, since it allows the exchange of knowledge between the parties involved)
  • Escenarios de vulnerabilidad al cambio climático (Scenarios of vulnerability to climate change)

Collection and management of data and information (including databases, spatial data, systematic observations, establishing baselines, etc):

  • Use of space technologies in systematic observations and geospatial analyses.
  • Establishment of a baseline on non-economic and social loss and damage, as well as regarding culture, territory, indigenous knowledge systems, ecosystem services.
  • Development of databases and information services to support risk profiling and risk assessment of a variety of timeframes by different actors and stakeholders in their decision-processes.
  • Setting up a registry/Mapping of at-risk populations to assess sea level rise induced relocation costs for coastal communities.

Analyses of data and information (including climate change projections, impact analyses, hazard mapping, etc):

  • Development of local to national climate change scenarios and production of projections of climate risk.
  • Conduct of pilot loss and damage assessments for certain key agricultural commodities which are vulnerable to climate change, such as rice, aquaculture, and fruits.
  • Construction of multivariate impacts and loss databases to support assessments and reporting including through the use of bigdata methods.
  • Design of shared database systems to support different ministries and other stakeholders in the country including data collection, storage and sharing protocols and policies.
  • Quantitative assessment of risk for important systems to inform decision-making, in particular, selection of risk management approaches.
  • Costing of impacts in the present as well as for projected impacts for use in costs-benefit analyses to appraise options.
  • Methods for automated and semi-automated inventorying of infrastructure and assets such as involving geospatial technologies and artificial intelligence.
  • Estimation and outreach on future climate change risks to inform investor decisions.
  • Development of standardized set of risk assessment guidelines for community/subnational level to prepare and maintain inventories of at-risk assets.
  • National-scale site characterization to support hazard mapping, zoning and other land use planning.

Design and implementation of projects on Loss and Damage:

  • Setting up cross-ministerial/sectoral coordination mechanism for the dissemination and linking warnings with early action, and the deployment of emergency assistance for communities.
  • Linking national systematic observations and monitoring to regional and global efforts (for relevant variables, hazards and systems).
  • Development of protocols (legal, social, financial, institutional) for relocation to ensure effective buy-in of all stakeholders.
  • Development of alternative livelihood programs, livelihood transformation programs, and vocational training for coastal communities and other at-risk population groups.
  • Development of infrastructure and plans for relocation/resettlement of households and communities from frequently affected areas.
  • Design of proposals and access to financing for climate information services and early warning systems under the GCF and other funding channels.
  • Optimal design of sustainable public works (drainage, transportation and other critical and protective infrastructure).
  • Optimizing land use based on available resources (e.g. water resources, energy, etc).
  • Optimizing financing between different measures to address risk comprehensively/trade-off analyses in deciding on balance between investment in preemptive measures and measures to address residual risk.
  • Protection of cultural heritage and traditional knowledge.
  • Sustainable landscape management including nature-based solutions.

 Financial instruments (such as insurance, risk pooling, contingency funds, etc):

  • Design of combinations of appropriate risk finance tools and instruments applicable to a specific country context and vulnerable groups.
  • Development and deployment of forecast-based finance instruments to minimize potential losses to productive systems.
  • Design and financing of social protection measures.
  • Development of different insurance mechanisms.
  • Design of national trust/contingency/recovery funds.
  • Development of national finance instruments (bonds, etc).
  • Development of regional finance instruments (regional risk facilities, etc).
  • Development of legal instruments to manage planned migration.
  • Development of curriculum on various relevant aspects of climate change and loss and damage.
  • Desarrollo de escenarios climáticos (Development of climate change scenarios)
  • Plan Nacional de Adaptación (National Adaptation Plan)
  • Plan Nacional de Seguridad Hídrica 2015-2050 (National Water Security Plan 2015-2050)
  • Plan Nacional de Cambio Climático para el Sector Agropecuario (National Climate Change Plan for the Agricultural Sector)
  • Estudio de Vulnerabilidad Climática, Balance    Hidrológico    y    Flujo    Ambiental, Documento    Técnico    para    el    Proceso    de Concesiones  de  Permisos  de  Agua  y  Diseño  de Planes  Distritales  de  Seguridad  Hídrica  de Tierras  Altas,  Provincia  de  Chiriquí y Santa Fe, Provincia de Veraguas (Study of Climate Vulnerability, Hydrological Balance and Environmental Flow, Technical Document for the Process of Concessions of Water Permits and Design of District Water Safety Plans of Tierras Altas, Province of Chiriquí and Santa Fe, Province of Veraguas)
  • Impacto del Cambio Climatico en las Costas Arenosas del Caribe - Alternativas para su Control y Resiliencia (Impact of Climate Change on the Sandy Coasts of the Caribbean - Alternatives for its Control and Resilience)