Young and Future Generations Day

On 10 November 2016, we celebrated the Young and Future Generations Day. On that day, the Intergenerational Inquiry, interviews at climate change studio and the award ceremony of Global Youth Video Competition on Climate Change & Film4Climate Global Video Competition puts a light on young people who are engaged with climate action. Other activities involving the youth took place, before, during and after the conference. Agenda

Intergenerational Inquiry: “The Role of Young People in Implementing the Paris Agreement”

10 November 2016, from 13:15 to 14:45, Room: Arabian, Marrakech, Morocco

This event brought together decision-makers and young leaders to discuss the key role that the youth - who represent more than half of the world’s population - play in implementing climate action. The results of the Conference of Youth (COY12) and inspiring youth-led initiatives were presented.  Young leaders, the COP 22 President, the UNFCCC Executive Secretary (TBC) and COY12 organizers were served as speakers. More >>

Award Ceremony of the Global Youth Video Competition on Climate Change & Film4Climate Global Video Competition

Ceremony Award

10 November 2016, from 18:00 to 20:00, Room: Climate Action Arena Room FES, Marrakech, Morocco 

The objective of the Global Youth Video Competition is to shine a light on existing climate action by the youth; providing them space to identify their achievements and inspire other young people - and even policymakers - to become just as active. The award ceremony  highlighted these winning accomplishments and showcased inspirational stories, as well as demonstrating the power of young people to act as key players in reaching innovative and ambitious solutions on climate change all over the world. A reception followed the ceremony. More>>

Interviews at the Climate Change Studio

Climate Change Studio

To channel the dynamic and engaging views and ideas of participants, ACE  organized interviews at the Climate Change Studio, which served as a platform to provide an opportunity for participants to be interviewed briefly by a professional journalist. The interviews took place on Young and Future Generations Day and Education Day.

Youth side events

Youth side events

The side events started with short introduction to the importance and benefits of public participation in and access to information on the implementation of the Paris Agreement. There will be a panel from regional bodies to discuss their experiences and good practices and was interactive. More>>

Other activities

High-Level Youth Briefings

Youth Briefing

These briefings will be organized throughout the conference period with key figures from the UNFCCC process, informing the youth delegates on the negotiations as well as responding to their questions.

UN Youth Booth

Youth Booth

This exhibition allowed participating United Nations agencies and youth organizations to showcase their work and was hosted by the United Nations Joint Framework Initiative on Children, Youth and Climate Change.


YOUNGO Coordination Meetings

Every day at COP 22, the UNFCCC observer constituency of youth non-governmental organizations (YOUNGO) will organize meetings to coordinate all their activities.

12th Conference of Youth (COY 12)

In the run-up to COP 22, the 12th Conference of Youth took place from 4 to 6 of November 2016 in Marrakech. Its purpose was to galvanize the voice of the youth just before the COP. Young people know about the limits of our model of society and they are ready to start a paradigm shift to pave the way to a more sustainable society.
