Middle East and North Africa Climate Week 2022

MENACW 2022: A Step Towards COP27

The first-ever MENA Climate Week wrapped up on 31 March, bringing to a close a historic week of stakeholder engagement. Explore the MENACW 2022 Output Report and the MENACW 2022 Event Programme to learn more about these crucial discussions held ahead of COP27.

You are invited to watch the Wrap-Up and Closing Ceremony to discover key takeaways from the thematic discussions, hear from the host government and be inspired by the voice of youth.

MENA Climate Week aims to accelerate collaboration and integrate climate action into global pandemic recovery. Building forward opens an opportunity to address social inequalities and invest in economic development that is good for humanity and nature.

Opening Ceremony – 28 March Press Conference – 21 March

MENACW 2022 provides a platform for governments, cities, private sector leaders, financial institutions and civil society to discuss opportunities to build forward from the pandemic by identifying opportunities to enhance climate action. The event brought together key stakeholders to take the pulse of climate action in the region, explore climate challenges and opportunities and showcase ambitious solutions.

MENA Climate Week - Ministerial videos
Raising Ambition, Tradition meets Modernity, Accelerating Implementation

Check out the launch events from 2021

 MENA Climate Week at the Virtual Regional Roundtables

3-4 March 2021

MENA Climate Week 2022 at the WGES Launch Event

6 October 2021

 MENA Climate Week at the RCW 2021 Communique Handover

10 November 2021


 Thank you to all partners and participants for contributing to the success of the inaugural  MENA Climate Week.
