OnDemand Webcast

Organizer: UNFCCC
Type: Side-event
Time: 24/05/06 18:00
Location: Haydn

The CDM project cycle: from a project idea to the market

  6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
  To present the whole CDM project activity cycle from the development of a project idea to the actual trading of CERs in the market, highlighting positive lessons learned at the various stages.

Opening and welcome
UNFCCC Secretariat
Mr. Kai-Uwe Barani Schmidt

Manager, CDM Section

DOE: the validation process: the certification/verification process
Mr. Michael Lehmann

Technical Director, DNV Certification

Project participants: we made it - how?
Ag Cert International
Mr, Leo Perkowski

Director, Climate Change Programs

The CDM Registry
UNFCCC Secretariat
Mr. Daniele Violetti

Team Leader, Registration and Issuance

Project participants: we made it - how?
International Finance Corporation
Mr. Alan Miller

GEF Coordinator, Environmental Finance Group

The DNA perspective
Ms. Gisela Ulloa Vargas

Ministry of Sustainable Development and Planning

The CDM EB perspective
CDM Executive Board
Mr. José Domingos Miguez

Chair, CDM Executive Board

Roundtable discussion and Q & A




Agenda Charts