OnDemand Webcast

Organizer: International Energy Agency (IEA)
Type: Side-event
Time: 24/05/06 13:00
Location: Solar

Energy policy and technology options: recent work from the IEA

  1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
  National positions differ significantly on climate policy and the way forward. This is reflected in the various fora considering these issues. While views are divergent, analysis of policies, technologies and future options continues at the IEA. The event presented some of the recent analysis.

Richard Bradley - Chair

Energy Technology

Energy Technology Perspectives: Scenarios and Strategies to 2050, Robert Dixon

Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, Debra Justus

Energy Efficiency and Environment

Deploying Climate-Friendly Technologies Through Collaboration with Developing Countries, Nicholas Lefevre-Marton

Global Implications of Fuel-efficient Tyres, Alan Meier

Agenda Charts