OnDemand Webcast

Organizer: UNFCCC
Type: In-session workshop
Time: 22/05/06 10:00
Location: Plenary 2

Workshop on carbon dioxide capture and storage as CDM project activities

10 a.m. – 1 p.m.


This event aims to facilitate an exchange of views on carbon dioxide capture and storage as clean development mechanism (CDM) project activities, taking into account issues relating to project boundary, leakage, permanence and other issues

  Session I: Opening and setting the scene
  Opening introduction and aim of the workshop by the co-chairs Mr. Georg Børsting and Mr. Hernán Carlino
    Summary of the SBSTA workshop & overview of 2006 IPCC guidelines relevant to the CDM discussions
    Storage site selection;
    Risks of physical leakage;
    Techniques and technologies.
    (Heleen de Coninck)
    a. Introduction & overview of topics provided by parties & CDM terminology in the context of CCS
    b. Summary of the current CCS methodologies submitted to the EB

NM0167: The White Tiger Oil Field Carbon Capture and
Storage (CCS) project in Vietnam

    NM0168: The capture of the CO2 from the Liquefied Natural
Gas (LNG) complex and its geological storage in the aquifer
located in Malaysia
    SSC_038: Anthropogenic Ocean Sequestration by Changing
the Alkalinity of Ocean Surface Water
  Session II: Open discussion session
    Definition of the project boundary (capture, process, injection
& storage);
    Issues arising out of project boundaries/storage that span
across international borders (NAI/AI//non-KP);
    Several projects using one reservoir.
    Accounting for emissions resulting from emissions due to
enhanced hydrocarbons recovery (EOR, ECBM & EGR);
    Accounting for up and downstream emissions;
    Validation & verification of CCS projects;
    Liability with regard to leakage beyond the crediting period.
    Accounting & responsibility for impermanence and
monitoring during and after the crediting period;
    Seepage methodologically;
      a. Prescription of selection criteria (who & what?);
      b. Methods of storage under the CDM;
      c. Monitoring, methods and periodicity;
      d. Force majeure and accidents.
    Other issues concerning CCS in the CDM
    Additionality issues;
    Technology transfer issues;
    CDM modalities & procedures;
    Sequestration or emission reductions.
  Session III: Conclusions and closing
    Closing remarks by the chair and summary conclusions
Agenda Charts
English Floor