Proceedings of the Seminar of Governmental Experts (CD ROM)
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Q & A 7
A complete coverage of the question and answer session that took place after the presentations by experts from Peru, Mali and Saudi Arabia can be found at <>

Participants discussed the importance of research and systematic observation to support adaptation activities and the need for innovation as a means for taking further action to meet the objective of the UNFCCC. Several participants highlighted the role that systematic observation plays in supporting adaptation activities; they discussed the experiences in the Sahel region, where farmers have access to relevant data when planning their activities. Some participants suggested a multilateral approach to research and systematic observation. Other participants noted that different regions may have different needs and, thus, generalization of experiences is not always the best solution. Participants also stressed the need to further strengthen actions under Article 2 of the UNFCCC. Some participants suggested that further action could be undertaken through innovative technologies such as CO2 capture and storage and/or policies (for example, CO2 levies). They noted the various opportunities for local initiatives in this regard. Finally, some participants noted that priorities in technology should focus on accelerating technology transfer.