Proceedings of the Seminar of Governmental Experts (CD ROM)
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Q & A 6
A complete coverage of the question and answer session that took place after the presentations by experts from New Zealand, Argentina, Germany and Finland, both on behalf of the European Community and its member States, can be found at <>

The issues raised during the discussion included strengthening networks on technology and on enhancing the knowledge base locally, nationally and internationally, as well as the role of the CDM in a future regime on climate change, the equity principle, and providing certainty for investors in order for them to make long-term decisions on projects.

Several participants addressed the issue raised by one of the experts on how to find ways to promote technology change and bring technology to markets. One participant remarked that the best way of achieving this objective is to promote networking of research organizations, universities, and public and private sector organizations in energy conservation and efficiency and renewable energy. It was stressed that this type of networking can give rise to benefits that can lead to technology transfer, and reduction of global carbon emissions, and experience would be gained in the process that could lead to the development of a secure, sustainable, long-term policy framework.

Another participant indicated that his country cooperates with Argentina on several infrastructure projects that take climate change issues into account. The renewable energy conference held in Bonn in 2004 was highlighted as an important forum at which participating ministers agreed to establish the Renewables 21 network for the purpose of networking and spreading best practices technology, and creating a framework for building capacities in the area of climate technology.
Several participants also addressed the issue raised by one of the experts on how the knowledge base can be enhanced locally, nationally and internationally. An initiative in the Asia Pacific Region was highlighted as an important forum for exchange of regional expertise and scientific knowledge. One expert emphasized the need to find ways to strengthen networks, and to promote cross-sectoral networking among agencies in adaptation efforts, noting that responses to adaptation should depend on national circumstances and adjusted accordingly.

On ways forward, one participant indicated that there may be a need for a new Protocol after 2012 and that this should address equity concerns. Another wished to know what kind of common and coordinated actions could constitute a future mitigation programme under the UNFCCC. On the issue of providing certainty to private investors, the need was emphasized to send a message of long-term stability to build confidence by investors to engage them in the mechanisms. One participant, in trying to address this issue, mentioned that more discussion is needed on whether an agreement on an overall long-term collective target on GHG emissions could give investors some certainty. One expert noted that a clear framework to foster investment and innovation is urgently needed.

Another expert called for discussions to start under a Montreal mandate to explore new mechanisms to facilitate and encourage the reduction of emissions.