There are 3 files (other than this readme) on the CD. 1. SCENGEN.ZIP - This is the MAGICC/SCENGEN program. 2. FormatSCENGEN_forGIS.xls - This is an MS Excel workbook (2000) that converts output SCENGEN data into GIS importable format 3. ImportSCENGEN.aml - this is an Arc Macro Language (AML) script that imports the file output from the Excel macro into a GIS grid (ESRI GRID format) To install MAGICC/SCENGEN: 1. Create the exact directory: c:\sg41 2. Unzip the SCENGEN.ZIP file into this directory. To launch MAGICC/SCENGEN: Execute: C:\sg41\SCEN-41\magicc\magicc.exe To Run FormatSCENGEN_forGIS.xls: 1. Open the excel file and choose "Enable macros" when prompted. 2. Click on the "Format SCENGEN" button This will input the file: C:\sg41\SCEN-41\engine\imout\GHANDAER.OUT which is the output of greenhouse and aerosols file for the latest run of MAGICC/SCENGEN It outputs to: C:\sg41\GHANDAER.txt This file is in ASCIIGRID format and can be imported using ArcGIS or workstation. Alternatively, you can use the following script to convert to a GRID format and add projection information. To Run ImportSCENGEN.aml: 1. Start ArcInfo Workstation (Arc: command prompt) 2. Type the following at the command prompt: &r ImportSCENGEN.aml Then follow the on-screen prompts. By default, this outputs a grid to: c:\sg41\grid\ghandaer