Cosmic 2 Install 



  COSMIC 2 is a Microsoft .NET Package.  COSMIC 2 will not install unless the new  .Net Framework 1.1 Redistributable Package is present on your computer. These runtime components require  Internet Explorer 5.1 or later.  This cdrom disk contains: (1) the COSMIC 2 installation package and (2) the Dotnetfx.exe package.  

To determine if  the .NET Framework 1.1 is present on your computer follow these steps:
                1. From the Start Button open the Settings\Control Panel
                2. Double click the Add or Remove Programs Icon in the Control Panel
                3. Look for "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
                If .NET is not present, then follow the Steps below to Install it.

Click here to determine the minimum System Requirements for running the .NET 1.1 Framework Redistributable Package. Note: you must be connected to the internet for this Step.
(Please note: you do not need "Data Access Components" or "DirectX" to run COSMIC 2. You will need Explorer 5.1 or later.)


Steps to Install COSMIC IF .Net Framework is present.

  1. Click here to launch Setup.exe and choose open from current location. 
    Note that this process begins with a notice that "The publisher cannot be determined due to the problems below:   Authenticode signature not found."  Click "Yes" to install anyway. 

    To avoid this security notice use Windows File Explorer to navigate to the CD root directory and double click "Setup.exe".


If not present, then Install The .Net Framework first.

  1. You must have Internet Explorer 5.1 or later installed before you can install the .Net Framework. If you do NOT have it, the .NET Framework installation will stop before completion.  When this page was written the latest version was Explorer 6 SP1. If you are connected to the internet you may obtain the latest version of Internet Explorer directly from Microsoft by clicking here.  Then install Internet Explorer.  Then follow Step 2 below to install the .Net package.
  2. Click here to install the .Net Framework Redistributable Package.
  3. You are now ready to install COSMIC 2.