News Briefs

The following resolutions resulted from the plenary discussions from the first National Workshop on Climate Change were put forward as the main recommendations of the workshop.


1. Mounting of Information campaigns for awareness raising in all sectors of the population.

This was rated as one of the most important steps forward, as it was noted that the majority of the population is not aware of the existence of climate change , let alone its causes or possible redress mechanisms. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism was asked to be the leading institution in mounting these, and to act as torch bearers in all activities that deal with climate change. It was encouraged that projects to address climate change should be people driven initiatives.

2. Development of projects focused on local situations.

It was encouraged that proposals for projects on climate change be developed in line with local needs and situations. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism should assist in pointing such proposals to the possible funding mechanisms such as GEF, UNDP and UNEP. The ministry was asked to compile a booklet on project formulation techniques to allow fast and easy drafting of project proposals.

3. Legislation

Legislation should not be based on the archaic "command and control" structure but rather on incentives and penalties (carrot and stick). Incentives and disincentives such as carbon taxes and emission fines should be introduced to encourage the enhancement of a safer environment.

4. International Conventions

Integration of international and regional climate change policies and programs into national development plans was encouraged to avoid duplication of programmes and avoid conflicts.

5. Research

It was strongly felt that national and regional researchers should strengthen research into :
- forecasting technologies
- climate models
- adaptation and mitigation options.
to avoid reliance on data generated in the North. This would put Africa on a platform where she can argue for herself, and be in a better position to influence global policies. Environmental education was encouraged at all levels of education, primary, secondary, tertiary or otherwise.

8. National Project Formulation Committee.

A team of national experts on energy and the environment was asked to be drawn form interested institutions in the country to form the National Project Formulation Committee with the specific task of helping with project proposal formulation and reviewing of these. This team will work in close co-operation with the Country Working Group on the Climate Change Capacity Building Project.


The workshop ended with the closing remarks that the outlined resolutions had to be reviewed at the first provincial workshop to be held in Chinhoyi.

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