Workshops, Seminars & Meetings

First National Workshop

The First National Workshop for Zambia was held immediately after the UNEP/GEF Project Workshop 1 in Livingstone from 23-25 September 1996. The objective of the Workshop was to bring together various stakeholders to form a forum to discuss in detail relevant issues relating to project implementation, methodology and work schedule. The Workshop was attended by stakeholders representing Ministries of Environment and Natural Resources, Energy and Water Development, Mines and Mineral Development, and Finance and Economic Planning. Other stakeholders who attended are Forestry Department, ZESCO, ZCCM and Charcoal Burners Association.

UNEP/GEF Project Workshop (February 1997)

To present and discuss work carried out by country project teams at mid-project stage, primarily related to the national baseline. The Draft Interim Report will be presented and discussed. Project teams will also present methodological issues for discussion. It will be at this in time that project plans and time table will be discussed and agreed.

First Regional Workshop (February 1997)

The purpose of this workshop is to receive and discuss preliminary results from project teams and discuss them among project teams and selected external participants.

Project Progress Report (November 1996)

The project team will be reporting the progress of the study every second month. The reporting will be done in such a fashion in order to keep the project manager and the funding organisation abreast of the developments. The first report is expected in November 1996. A total of eight progress reports are to be presented between November 1996 and January 1998 following the above reporting intervals.

Mid-term Project Reports

A mid-term report is expected in March 1997.

Second National Workshop (October 1997)

The Second National Workshop is scheduled to be held in October 1997. The schedule for this workshop is such that it will take place prior to the UNEP/GEF Project Workshop 3 after the preparation of a draft country report. The main objective of the Workshop is to finalise the Country report. Participants to the workshops will be Country Study Team Co-ordinator, country Team, UCCEE responsible staff, representatives from relevant country ministries (i.e the National Climate Change Steering Committee) and other stakeholders.

If you have any questions or comments please contact us at
or Private Bag E721, Lusaka, Zambia.
