Mitigation Analysis

Mitigation Options Assessment - Electricity Generation

In the baseline scenario hydroelectricity generation increase in 88544 GWh up to year 2011 there after it remains constant until the end of the study period. After 2011, the demand increase is covered with natural gas thermal generation. Consequently an increase in hydroelectrical generation capacity would contribute to CO2 emission reduction. To this effect, Venezuela has a economically usable hydroelectrical potential in the High Caroni and Caura rivers estimated in 10000 MW of capacity and 65000 GWh/year of medium energy. Currently, feasibility studies to develop this potential have been carried out, but there is not enough cost data to perform a complete mitigation assessment; however, an expansion case study of the power system that only included the Tayucay project was carried out.

OPTION 7: Hydroelectrical Capacity Increase with Tayucay Hydro Power Plant

Projects characteristics are as follows:

Capacity: 3000 MW Annual Energy: 15300 GWh Number of units: 6* 500 MW Beginning of operation: year 2012 Cost: 2130 $/KW

The development of Tayucay plant would imply an investment cost increase about 700M$ and a decrease of the operating and maintenance costs of 72M$. Table III.19 shows the assessment results obtain for this option

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