The National Communication

Inventories on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The study came up with a database for GHG emission from agriculture, livestock and land use changes combustion in industries and power generation. Cottage industry activities, household and commercial sector energy use and wastewater management.

The study was financed by Global Environmental Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) via the Directorate of environment, and memorandum of understanding was signed by UNEP and DoE in July 1993. The draft final report of the study was completed in November, 1994 and submitted to the Department of Environment of the then Ministry of Tourism, Natural Resources and Environment and to UNEP. OECD, UNEP and IPCC have provided comments on the report. Further work to review, and validate data and information has been carried out by the Centre under the financial support from UNEP and the US Country Studies Programme. The final report is now ready. Public outreach for the study results is planned for 1996.

Another GHG related study is the comparative study on greenhouse gas emissions between Tanzania and Zimbabwe. This study is being carried out with the support of the International Development Research Centre of Canada (IDRC). The study is now in its second phase. This study is expected to be completed in March, 1997. A meeting will be held in January, 1997 to prepare a joint final draft report for submission to IDRC.

Greenhouse Gases Mitigation

This study is a follow up of the study on sources and sinks of GHG emission, with the following objectives:
  • Identifying technologies that are associated with GHG emissions for various sectors, together with technical possibilities of minimising of GHG emissions. The study has other objectives of analysing the technical characteristics of various technologies identified as well as evaluating their reduction potentials.
  • This facilitated identification of technological strategies and policy options to mitigate the emissions of GHG based on abatement cost curves.
The study came up with a number of options for GHG Mitigation in Tanzania which include:
Advanced thermal electricity generation technologies, renewable energy sources, including hydro solar, and biomass and efficiency improvement in energy use in industries, household and commercial sectors in the energy sector; road improvement in urban and rural areas, city train for Dar es Salaam, and fuel switch in the transport sector; efficient production of cement and pulp and paper including recovery of CO2 in the production process in the industry sector; better practices in fertilizer application, management of irrigation water in paddy cultivations, and better feeding practices in livestock keeping as well as better breeding in the agriculture and livestock sector; and afforestation, reforestation, agroforestry and urban tree planting in the forestry and land use sectors.
The study was financed by the Deutsche Gesellscheaft fur Technische Zusanimenarbeit (GTZ) as part of support by the Government of the federal Republic of Germany to the Government of United Republic of Tanzania to enable the latter to meet her obligations under the framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC). The UNEP collaborating Center for Energy and Environment (UCCEE) provided technical backstopping for the study.
A national workshop to discuss preliminary results of this work was held in November, 1995 at the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology premises. Recommendations of the workshop were used to update the technical report which was submitted to the Government and GTZ on 30th November, 1995.

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