Workshops, Seminars & Meetings

Regional Workshop on GHG Mitigation for African Countries

This workshop which was attended by 76 participants from 22 countries was hosted by CEEST in Arusha between 28th - 31st August, 1995. The workshop objectives were among others to provide an opportunity for countries to share their experiences on GHG mitigation assessments and discussed issues related to implementation of mitigation strategies and how the strategies could be incorporated into policy formulation.

The workshop was a result of collaborative efforts of the US Country Studies Program (USCSP); GTZ of Germany; the Southern Centre for Energy and Environment of Zimbabwe; and the UNEP Collaborative Center on Energy and Environment (UNEP-CCEE) and CEEST.

Joint Implementation (JI) Workshop

CEEST organised roundtable discussions on 15 August, 1995 to exchange information concerns and stimulate discussion on the concept of JI in relation to Tanzania situation. These roundtable discussions brought together participants of diverse background to share experience on various aspects of JI in the mitigation of greenhouse gases.

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