National Policy


n seychelles, the right of every citizens is articulated in Article 38 of the National Constitution of the Third Republic. The Article requires the state; to ensure a sustainable socio-economic development of the country by the judicious use of its resouces, and to promote public awareness of the need to protect, preserve and improve the environment. In order to fulfil this constitutional obligations, the country has been preparing short and long-term comprehensive environmental management plans extending up to the year 2000.

Seychelles has prepared an Environment Management Plan of the Seychelles (EAMPS) for the period 1990-2000. The EMPS is basically a management plan for the environment containing more details on actions to be implemented to protect the environment. This plan sets priorities on environmental issues which the country needs to implement through certain management programs and projects. The objectives of the plan are in conformity with the central objective of the United nations Framework Convention on Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and internationally recognized general principles on environmental protection.

The Government launched a plan (1990 - 1994) in June 1990 which was aimed at promoting -"sustainable development" on the islands. It was launched in conjunction with the EAMPS in a bid to ensure a development pattern that would conform with the need to preserve and protect the environment.

Keeping in mind the past and ongoing scientific assessments conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)cand other relevant bodies, the Government of Seychelles is cognizant of the fact that porential impacts of climate change such as: sea-level rise , changes is local climate conditions, including temperature, wind and precipitation patterns could have important negative impacts on different aspects of socio-economic development of many countries, in particular, small island developing countries. As a member of the Alliance of Small Island Staes (AOSIS), and a small island developing country, Seychelles recognized the importance of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Seychelles ratifies the Convention on august 22, 1992 shortly after the Convention was opened for signature at the United nations Conference on Environment (UNCED) held in Rio de janeiro in June 1992, in fact the second country to do so. As a party to the Convention, Seychelles is committed to preparing and submitting to the Conference of the parties (COP) its first national communications in accordance with article 12.1 of the UNFCCC.

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