Enabling Activities

CC:INFO Country Profile

Project Title: Enabling Seychelles to prepare its first National Communications to theunited framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Project Number: SEY/96/G31/A/1G/99

Duration: Two years

UNDP Sector: Environment

GEF Implementing Agency: UNDP

National Executing Agency:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Planning and Environment/ Seychelles National Climate Change Committee (NCCC).

UNDP/GEF Financing: US $ 250,000

Country Contribution: US $ 25,000

Estimated Starting Date: September 1996

Brief Description: This project will enable Seychelles to prepare its first national communications to the parties (COP) in accordance with article 12.1 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The activities of the project are organized to focus primarily on the preparations of the first national communications. An essential component of the first national communications will be the preparation of a national inventory of greenhouse gases (CHGs) by sources and removal by sinks. The project will also conduct a vulnerability assessment to identify areas and sectors where the risk of climate change poses the greatest environmental and socio-ecocnomic threats. Finally, the project will also build technical capacity and strengthen national institutions with regard to climate change related issues.

If you have any questions or comments please contact us at lchangko@seychelles.net.