UNFCCC Climate Action and Support Transparency Training

The UNFCCC Climate Action and Support Transparency Training (UNFCCC-CASTT) is a capacity-building programme designed to cater to stakeholders at all levels of competencies within national climate governance and implementation.

The primary objective of the UNFCCC-CASTT is to promote effective and universal participation of countries in the MRV arrangements under the Convention and the enhanced transparency framework under the Parties Agreement through a targeted, professional and comprehensive capacity-building.

The programme allows participants to draw upon the body of knowledge and experience of a vast array of climate change professionals to produce content that provides a theoretical basis as well as practical do-it-yourself methods and techniques based on a shared vision and sound reasoning to arm trainees with the competence they need to take transformative action.

Under the UNFCCC-CASTT umbrella, three training modules are offered to interested Parties:

  1. UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT Programme on greenhouse gas inventories
  2. Blended training, combining online and in-person programs, on enhanced transparency framework
  3. Adaptation Academy on vulnerability and adaptation assessment

The secretariat is currently collaborating with a number of institutions and partners to provide these training programmes.
