Negotiation Updates COP 20 / CMP 10

Back to Lima Climate Change Conference - December 2014

This section provides regular updates on developments following the closure of the SBI and SBSTA, including in relation to to items that have not been resolved in the subsidiary bodies and therefore transferred to the COP/CMP, as well as ministerial consultations, Presidency informal stock-taking meetings and other significant developments in negotiations during the high-level segment of the sessions.

For information on the status of negotiations under specific agenda items, please also refer to the regular status reports on the consideration of agenda items available on the pages of the relevant bodies (COP, CMP, SBI, SBSTA and ADP). 


Saturday,13 December 2 p.m.

Special Announcement

Following transmission of the draft ADP decision text to the COP by the ADP Co-Chairs, the President of the COP and CMP will hold brief consultations with negotiating groups starting at 2:30 p.m.

Consultations with the groups will be brief (max. 10 minutes each) with a focus on identifying solutions that would facilitate consensus.

The President intends to meet with the following groups:

G77 and China
African Group
Arab League
Coalition of Rainforest Nations

The COP/CMP Plenary will convene at 5 p.m. to consider items that have already been agreed, as follows:

Item 8                   Loss and Damage
Item 12 (a)-(e)    Finance
Item 21                Other matters
Item 2 (d)             Elections

Item 2 (b)            Elections

The final COP/CMP Plenary will resume tonight at a time to be announced in Plenary Lima to take up the following items:

Item 4         ADP

Joint COP/CMP meeting

Item 22 (a)        Report of the session
Item 22 (b)        Closure of the session

Item 17 (a)        Report of the session
Item 17 (b)        Closure of the session

Saturday,13 December 3.45 a.m.

ADP informal meeting convened at 2 a.m., ending at 3.30 a.m. Co-Chairs tabled revised draft decision text for consideration by Parties. Parties will reconvene for the ADP closing plenary at 10 a.m., followed by COP and CMP closing plenaries.

Friday, 12 December, 11.45 p.m

An informal ADP meeting will convene at 01:00 am in Plenary Cusco.
Upon conclusion, the ADP closing plenary will commence.

Friday, 12 December 8 p.m

The COP President is consulting with the ADP Co-Chairs and ministers on the results of consultations today. An announcement on further steps will be made at 10 p.m.

COP contact group on climate finance 12 (b)(d-e) to be convened at a time to be announced.

Friday, 12 December, 6:30 p.m.

The President of the COP and CMP convened an informal stock-taking plenary at 3 p.m. At that meeting he informed Parties that the ministerial outreach undertaken on his behalf by Secretary of State Edward Davey (UK) and Minister Edna Molewa (South Africa) on outstanding finance issues under the COP was continuing.
The President invited the ADP Co-Chairs to report on the status of consultations in the ADP Contact Group on the new draft decision text issued on Thursday evening at 10.30 p.m. The Co-Chairs reported that the Contact Group had re-convened on Friday morning but were not able to finish their consultations, with a number of Parties remaining to take the floor.
Stressing the need for open and transparent consultations, the President mandated the ADP Co-Chairs to continue in the Contact Group so that all Parties who wished to take the floor had the opportunity to speak.
Furthermore, the President said that he intended to continue consultations on three tracks: consultations by Parties in the ADP; ministerial outreach on his behalf by Ministers Tine Sundtoft (Norway) and Vivian Balakrishnan (Singapore); and his own consultations with Parties.
He encouraged Parties to reap the fruits of two years of hard work under the ADP and to conclude work in the little time left.

Thursday, 11 December, 10 p.m

Meeting arrangements for the first part of Friday, 12 December 2014

Following the instructions given by the COP/CMP President at the informal stock-taking plenary on Thursday evening (see summary below), and subsequent consultations between the President and the ADP Co-Chairs, the following COP/CMP and ADP meetings will take place in the first part of Friday:

Meeting arrangements for Friday morning

Friday, 10:00 a.m.

COP/CMP Plenary to adopt the already agreed conclusions and decisions transmitted by the Subsidiary Bodies to the COP/CMP

Friday, 10:00 a.m.

ADP Contact Group meeting to consider the revised draft decision text issued at 10:30 p.m. on Thursday

Friday, 1:00 p.m.

Informal stock-taking plenary convened by the President of the COP/CMP to hear the conclusions of the ADP Contact Group discussions and the outcome of the Ministerial outreach on finance issues (to replace the 9:00 a.m. informal stock-taking plenary announced by the President at the stock-taking meeting on Thursday evening)

Summary of the President's stock-taking plenary of 11 December, 7 p.m.

On Thursday, 11 December, 7 p.m., the President convened an informal stock-taking plenary to inform Parties about the status of negotiations under the ADP, the COP and CMP, carry-over items from the SBI and SBSTA, and the way forward.


On work under the ADP, the Co-Chairs informed the President that Parties had not been able to make progress on how to proceed with textual negotiations on the draft decision text.

Having heard the report by the ADP Co-Chairs, the President made a strong appeal to Parties to focus their attention on key issues in the little time left and come to an agreement on a draft decision in time for the closure of the session on Friday. It would not be acceptable for Parties to leave Lima with empty hands.
In order to reach an agreement, the President mandated the ADP Co-Chairs to produce, under his guidance, a new decision text Thursday night, including options on key issues, to be subsequently considered by the ADP. 
The President also emphasized that the non-paper should graduate to become the elements for a draft negotiating text.


In relation to issues under the COP and CMP, the President informed Parties that he had decided to mandate Secretary of State Edward Davey (UK) and Minister Edna Molewa (South Africa) to undertake ministerial outreach on outstanding key political issues under the COP items Long-term Climate Finance and Green Climate Fund. He requested them to report back to him by Friday, noon.

Matters related to the SBI and SBSTA

The President heard a report from the SB Chairs on the outcome of the consultations which the President had requested them to undertake under his authority on matters that could not be resolved in the SBI and SBSTA. The status of consultations is reflected in the table below:

SBI/SBSTA agenda item (from provisional agenda)

SBI 10;  SBSTA 7

Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts

Agreement reached on the organization and governance of the Loss and Damage Executive Committee. A draft decision is available for adoption by the COP.

SBI 14 (a);
SBSTA 9 (a) 

Impact of the implementation of response measures: Forum and work programme

No agreement reached on the draft text. Parties agreed to continue their deliberations on the issue at SB42 on the basis of the text forwarded by the SBs to the COP at this session (FCCC/SB/2014/L.6/Rev.1)

10 (a)

Methodological issues under the Convention:

Work programme on the revision of the guidelines for the review of biennial reports and national communications, including national inventory reviews, for developed country Parties;

Agreement reached on a draft text to be made available.

11 (a)

Methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol:

Implications of the implementation of decisions 2/CMP.7 to 4/CMP.7 and 1/CMP.8 on the previous decisions on methodological issues related to the Kyoto Protocol, including those relating to Articles 5, 7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol;

No agreement reached by Parties. Item to be forwarded to a future session.

Wednesday, 10 December, 11 p.m.

On Wednesday, 10 December, 8 p.m., the President convened an informal stock-taking plenary to inform Parties about the status of negotiations under the ADP, the COP and the CMP, and on carry-over items from the SBI and SBSTA.


On work under the ADP, the Co-Chairs informed Parties that the line-by-line review by Parties of the revised draft decision text issued on Monday, 8 December, would continue Wednesday evening following the President’s stock-taking plenary with a view to complete the review.

On the revised elements for a draft negotiating text, issued on Wednesday, 10 December, in the morning, the Co-Chairs informed Parties that this revised version would be considered at a Contact Group meeting on Thursday.

The President reaffirmed his expectation for the ADP to finalize by tomorrow a strong and balanced draft decision text, and to produce "a Lima draft text" which Parties could consider as the starting point of their negotiations, reflecting the preferred options of all Parties, without prejudging the legal nature or the full range of its contents.

He encouraged the ADP to continue and intensify its work to be able to close on Thursday tomorrow afternoon and recommend a substantial decision for adoption by the COP on Friday.

In relation to issues under the COP and CMP, the President reported on the set of agenda items related to finance, on which groups had met all day in a positive mood. He reported that the group on the Fifth Review of the Financial Mechanism concluded with a draft decision for adoption by the COP. The President asked the co-chairs to continue to work in the evening on all outstanding items. He showed his confidence that Parties would be able to conclude on the remaining matters Wednesday night. The co-chairs are to report to the President on Thursday morning.

Regarding the work on issues in the CMP, the President informed Parties that work on issues related to Joint Implementation was completed and a decision had been recommended for adoption.

Matters related to the SBI and SBSTA

The President heard a report from the SB Chairs on the outcome of the consultations which the President had requested them to undertake under his authority on matters that could not be resolved in the SBI and SBSTA. The status of consultations is reflected in the table below:

SBI/SBSTA agenda item (from provisional agenda)

SBI 10;  SBSTA 7

Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts

Agreement reached on the organization and governance of the Loss and Damage Executive Committee. A draft decision is available for adoption by the COP.

SBI 14 (a);
SBSTA 9 (a) 

Impact of the implementation of response measures: Forum and work programme

Despite progress on a number of issues different views persist among Parties on institutional arrangements. SBI Chair to continue consulting on President's behalf until end of Thursday, 11 December.

10 (a)

Methodological issues under the Convention:

Work programme on the revision of the guidelines for the review of biennial reports and national communications, including national inventory reviews, for developed country Parties;

Upon request by the SBSTA Chair, the President agreed to extend the deadline for consultations until end of Wednesday, 10 December.

11 (a)

Methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol:

Implications of the implementation of decisions 2/CMP.7 to 4/CMP.7 and 1/CMP.8 on the previous decisions on methodological issues related to the Kyoto Protocol, including those relating to Articles 5, 7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol;

The consultations under the guidance of the SBSTA Chair resulted in a text that contains only a few non-agreed (bracketed) provisions. The President, upon the report of the SBSTA Chair, and in the light of comments made during the informal stock-taking plenary is considering steps to finalize the text in an appropriate manner.

The President will convene another informal stock-taking plenary as needed.

Tuesday, 9 December 12 p.m.

Upon request by the SBSTA Chair, the President agreed to extend the deadline for consultations on item 10 (a) Methodological issues under the Convention: Work programme on the revision of the guidelines for the review of biennial reports and national communications, including national inventory reviews, for developed country Parties; until the end of Tuesday, 9 December

Monday, 8 December, 8 p.m. 


The revised draft decision text issued by the Co-Chairs this morning was taken up in a Contact Group meeting from 3 to 6 p.m. this afternoon. Progress in reviewing it has been slow and will continue tomorrow.
Starting at 8 p.m., the ADP convened in two Contact Groups to review the elements for a draft negotiating text issued by the Co-Chairs this morning, one with a focus on elements, continuation of section K; sections L and M, and one  with a focus on elements, sections A, B and C. 


The 41st session of the SBI closed on Monday, 8 December at 7.45 p.m. following the successful closure of the first Multilateral Assessment.
COP/CMP: Following closure of the SBI, the President of the COP and CMP convened an informal stock-taking plenary, at which the Chairs of the SBSTA and SBI as well as the Co-Chairs of the ADP reported on the work of their respective bodies. At this meeting the COP President also informed Parties on how outstanding items under the SBSTA and SBI will be taken forward this week, in line with the summary provided in the previous update (see update of 6 December, 8 a.m. below) .

SBI/SBSTA agenda item (from provisional agenda)

SBI 10;  SBSTA 7

Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts

Agreement reached on the organization and governance of the Loss and Damage Executive Committee

SBI 14 (a);
SBSTA 9 (a) 

Impact of the implementation of response measures: Forum and work programme

Despite progress on a number of issues different views persist among the Parties on institutional arrangements.
The SBI Chair consulting on President's behalf until end of Tuesday, 8 December

10 (a)

Methodological issues under the Convention:

Work programme on the revision of the guidelines for the review of biennial reports and national communications, including national inventory reviews, for developed country Parties;

Upon request by the SBSTA Chair, the President agreed to extend the deadline for consultations until end of Tuesday, 9 December

11 (a)

Methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol:

Implications of the implementation of decisions 2/CMP.7 to 4/CMP.7 and 1/CMP.8 on the previous decisions on methodological issues related to the Kyoto Protocol, including those relating to Articles 5, 7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol;

The consultations under the guidance of the SBSTA Chair resulted in a text that contains only a few non-agreed (bracketed) provisions. The Presidency, upon the report of the SBSTA Chair, is considering steps to finalize the text

Special Announcement

Please be advised that a small number of places are still available for intervention by Parties in the Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance (15:00 - 18:00, 9 December) and in the Ministerial Dialogue on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (15:00 - 18:00, 10 December).

Parties who have not already done so, are therefore requested to indicate their interest by sending an email to, providing the relevant Minister's details and contact point and whether the Minister will be speaking on behalf of groups of Parties. In order to ensure that Ministers have the opportunity to speak in at least one of the dialogues, Parties are also requested to indicate which is the Party's preferred Dialogue to address.

In this regard, Parties are kindly reminded that the organization of the event will be conducted in a manner which respects Parties' collective desire for enhanced time management at the session. Consequently Parties should note that it may not be possible to accommodate all requests in the three hour period available, unless participants are focused to limit their interventions to 3 minutes. Priority will be given to those speaking on behalf of groups of Parties.

To facilitate planning by Parties the speaker's list will be published on the UNFCCC website as soon as possible prior to the events, noting the need to avoid clashes with national statements being delivered in the High Level Segment

Saturday, 6 December 2014, 11.00pm

Key outcomes from the informal stock-taking plenary convened by the COP President

As announced at the informal plenary meeting of the ADP on Saturday, 6 December, the Co-Chairs of the ADP will make available on Monday morning a revised draft decision on the Durban Platform and a revised draft of the elements of a draft negotiating text for the 2015 Agreement, taking into account the textual proposals made by Parties.

The secretariat will also make available as soon as possible information on the meetings of the contact group next week.


In the evening of Saturday, 6 December, the SBI and SBSTA Chairs reported to the President of the COP and CMP on the status of work in their respective bodies, following the closure of SBSTA on Saturday and the suspension of SBI on Friday.
Work on unresolved items under the SBI and SBSTA will continue under the authority of the President, who asked the two Chairs to undertake consultations on his behalf on a number of items, with a deadline of Tuesday noon, 9 December.

Below is the full list of items on which the President has asked the SBI and SBSTA Chairs to undertake consultations:

SBI/SBSTA agenda item (from provisional agenda)

SBI 10;  SBSTA 7

Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts

SBI 14 (a);
SBSTA 9 (a) 

Impact of the implementation of response measures: Forum and work programme

10 (a)

Methodological issues under the Convention:

Work programme on the revision of the guidelines for the review of biennial reports and national communications, including national inventory reviews, for developed country Parties;

11 (a)

Methodological issues under the Kyoto Protocol:

Implications of the implementation of decisions 2/CMP.7 to 4/CMP.7 and 1/CMP.8 on the previous decisions on methodological issues related to the Kyoto Protocol, including those relating to Articles 5, 7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol;

COP/CMP informal stock-taking plenary

The President of the COP and CMP will convene an informal stock-taking plenary on Monday, 8 December, following the closing of the SBI.

For updates on further informal stock-taking plenaries convened by the President as well as meetings convened by the Chairs or their facilitators to resolve the items above, please regularly check the meeting information on the CCTV screens.
