Information on APA item 8

Further matters related to implementation of the Paris Agreement

(a) Preparing for the convening of the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement

(b) Taking stock of progress made by the subsidiary and constituted bodies in relation to their mandated work under the Paris Agreement and section III of decision 1/CP.21, in order to promote and facilitate coordination and coherence in the implementation of the work programme, and, if appropriate, take action, which may include recommendations.

APA 1.7 – Resumed first session, 2 to 8 December 2018

Draft text possible additional matters Third iteration (7 December 2018)

Draft text possible additional matters Second iteration (6 December 2018)

Draft text possible additional matters First iteration (5 December 2018)

Informal Note: Proposal by the Co-Chairs on the order of the five possible additional matters during APA 1.7 (3 December 2018)

APA 1.6 – Resumed first session, 4 to 9 September 2018

Revised additional tool for item 8 (Adaptation Fund) of the APA agenda Second iteration (9 September 2018)

Revised additional tool for item 8 (Adaptation Fund) of the APA agenda First iteration (7 September 2018)

Additional tool for item 8 (Adaptation Fund) of the APA agenda (2 August 2018)

Revised additional tool for item 8 (possible additional matters) of the APA agenda - Final iteration (8 September 2018)

Revised additional tool for item 8 (possible additional matters) of the APA agenda - Second iteration (7 September 2018)

Revised additional tool for item 8 (possible additional matters) of the APA agenda -  First iteration (6 September 2018)

Additional tool for item 8 (possible additional matters) of the APA agenda (2 August 2018)


APA 1.5 - Resumed first session, 30 April to 10 May 2018

Informal Note by the Co-Chairs (APA 8ab ex. AF) - Final iteration (8 May 2018)

Informal Note by the Co-Chairs (APA 8ab ex. AF) - First iteration (5 May 2018)

Informal Note: Options for ways forward identified by Parties on three possible additional matters on guidance

Informal Note: Proposal by the Co-Chairs on the order of the five possible additional matters during APA 1.5

Informal Note: Probing questions proposed by the Co-Chairs

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators (APA 8a AF) - Revised Final iteration (9 May 2018)

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators (APA 8a AF) - Final iteration (8 May 2018)

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators (APA 8a AF) - Second iteration (7 May 2018)

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators (APA 8a AF) - First iteration (3 May 2018)


First round of Inputs from Parties at APA 1.5 - Item 8 - AF


Second round of Inputs from Parties at APA 1.5 - Item 8 - AF

Arab Group

APA 1.4 - Resumed first session, 7 - 15 November 2017

During the third part of its resumed first session, held in May 2017, the APA recommended a way forward on two additional matters relating to the implementation of the Paris Agreement. At the fourth part of its resumed first session, the APA is expected to continue its consideration of the five remaining additional matters relating to the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

APA 1.3 requested the secretariat (FCCC/APA/2017/2, paragraph 28 (b)) to compile and make available on the UNFCCC website, by 15 September 2017, a list of all previous decisions that have been taken on the Adaptation Fund that touch on governance and institutional arrangements, safeguards and operating modalities. Click here to see the list of the decisions.

Co-Chairs’ additional questions on further matters related to implementation of the Paris Agreement (APA 8ab ex. AF) (version of 7 November 2017,18:30 )

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators (APA 8 AF) - Revised Final version (version of 14 November 2017)

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators (APA 8 AF) - Final version (version of 13 November 2017)

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators (APA 8 AF) - Second iteration (version of 11 November 2017, 14:00)

Informal Note by the Co-Facilitators (APA 8 AF) - First iteration (version of 10 November 2017, 13:00)

Informal note by Co-Facilitators, final iteration (APA 8ab ex.AF) - Final iteration (version of 14 Nov 2017, 17:23)

Informal Note by Co-Facilitators (APA 8ab ex. AF) - First iteration (version of 13 Nov 2017, 18:38)


APA 1.3 - Resumed first session, 8 - 18 May 2017

Informal Note by the Co-Chairs (APA 8ab ex. AF) Final version (version of 17 May 2017, 9:30 a.m)

Informal Note by the Co-Chairs (APA 8ab ex. AF) - Second Iteration (version of 15 May 2017, 7:00 p.m)

Informal Note by the Co-Chairs (APA 8ab ex. AF) - First Iteration (version of 15 May 2017, 2:45 p.m)

Informal Note proposed by the Co-Facilitators (APA 8a Adaptation Fund) (version 18 May 2017, 2:15 p.m)

APA 1.2 - Resumed first session, 7 - 14 November 2016

At the resumed first session, Parties initiated work on the matter related to the Adaptation Fund as mandated by the COP in response to an invitation by CMP11. In addition, Parties also discussed additional matters relating to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the convening of CMA1, which some Parties were of the view may not yet have been addressed. A summary of the discussions on these issues were captured by the Co-chairs in an Informal Note.

Other documents from APA 1-2

Submission by the G77 and China on Adaptation Fund

Nicaragua on the Adaptation Fund

Presentation by the secretariat on the Adaptation Fund


Paragraph 59 of 1/CP.21 Recognizes that the Adaptation Fund may serve the Agreement, subject to relevant decisions by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement.

Paragraph 60 Invites the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to consider the issue referred to in paragraph 59 and make a recommendation to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement at its first session.

Also in Paris, Decision 1/CMP.11 Recommends that the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, at its first session, consider that the Adaptation Fund may serve the Paris Agreement, (in accordance with the above).

By the same decision, the CMP Invites the Conference of the Parties, at its twenty-second session (November 2016), to request the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement to undertake preparatory work (concerning the issue above) and to forward a recommendation to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol for its consideration and adoption no later than at its fifteenth session (November 2019).

Decision 1/CP.22 also Requests the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement in its consideration of the necessary preparatory work on the Adaptation Fund to address the governance and institutional arrangements, safeguards and operating modalities for the Adaptation Fund to serve the Paris Agreement;

By the same decision, the COP Invites Parties to submit, by 31 March 2017, their views on the governance and institutional arrangements, safeguards and operating modalities for the Adaptation Fund to serve the Paris Agreement; link to submission page

1/CMA.1 Decides that the Adaptation Fund should serve the Paris Agreement, following and consistent with decisions to be taken at the third part of the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, to be convened in conjunction with the twenty-fourth session of the Conference of the Parties, and by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol that address the governance and institutional arrangements, safeguards and operating modalities of the Adaptation Fund.


Additional matters relating to the implementation of the Paris Agreement that have not yet been addressed under the work programme for the Paris Agreement contained in decision 1/CP.21

A list of such possible additional matters is contained in the  annex to the Informal note by the Co-Chairs. The CMA, at the first part of its first session, referred two of these matters to the SBI, at its forty-seventh session, to undertake preparatory work and report back to CMA 1 (i.e., Article 4, paragraph 10, of the Paris Agreement (common time frames for nationally determined contributions); and Decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 83 (ways of enhancing the implementation of training, public awareness, public participation and public access to information) see document  FCCC/PA/CMA/2016/3, paragraph 24. The CMA, through the COP, also requested the APA to continue its consideration of these additional matters relating to the implementation of the Paris Agreement (see  decision 1/CMA.1, paragraph 9).

In preparation for the third part of the first session of the APA, the APA Co-Chairs prepared
 Reflections note and noted that Parties may wish to answer the following questions in their continued consideration of these matters:

(a) Is any preparatory work currently being undertaken on any of the remaining possible additional matters identified by Parties in the list above?

(b) What work (if any) needs to be done on each of the matters which have not yet been addressed in order to give it effect under the Paris Agreement?

(c) Which body would be the most appropriate to undertake this work?

(d) What could be the time frame for completion of this work? 

In preparation for the fourth part of the first session of the APA  Reflections note, noted that Parties may wish to answer the following questions in their continued consideration of these matters:

(a) Is preparatory work currently being undertaken on any of these possible additional matters? If so, where?

(b) If there is no preparatory work being undertaken on any of these possible additional matters, is preparatory work required, and if so, by which body?

(c) What should be the time frame for this work?
