Join the 1st Latin America and the Caribbean ETF Dialogue!

The countdown is on as we are approaching the end of 2024, when nations are due to submit their first biennial transparency reports (BTR) to inform the international community and their societies of the state of their national efforts to tackle the climate crisis and contribute to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. After the success of the Africa ETF Dialogue in September, the UNFCCC secretariat and ICAT convene a new session of ETF Dialogue in Panama, as part of LAC Climate Week.

Panama skyline
Credit: (c) Leonid Andronov (Canva)

Strengthening National Climate Transparency Capacities

At the eve of this new era of climate transparency with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) entering into full implementation mode, more countries are recognizing the potential of driving effective climate action with strong data and robust transparency frameworks while navigating the technical complexities and resource constraints to ensure comprehensive and accurate reporting.

In this context, the first Latin America and the Caribbean ETF Dialogue that will take place on 26-27 October in Panama, emerges as a seminal regional opportunity for countries to articulate their vision, share strategies and experience, and address capacity-building needs pivotal for a smooth implementation of the ETF.

The LAC ETF Dialogue follows on the heels of a successful dialogue recently convened in Africa, as part of a series of regional dialogues organized by the UN Climate Change secretariat and the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency.

Engaging in Constructive Exchange

The LAC ETF Dialogue, that can be joined in person through registration for the LAC Climate Week or followed virtually (ADD LINK), will start with the first day dedicated to the high-level policy dialogue where Ministers and high-level representatives will set the stage by laying out their the vision and the status of their respective implementation of the ETF.

Day one’s policy discussions will analyze the transformative potential of transparency, highlighting its role as a catalyst for low emissions and climate-resilient development. Additionally, the key role of the non-Party stakeholders will be at the center with a session with insights from youth, media, and the business community about their role in implementing transparent climate action. Discussions will also dive into the intricate review system and into the region’s national transparency frameworks for both adaptation and mitigation, and will be followed by a session on the indicators and tools that are pivotal for tracking NDC implementation.

Day two will be dedicated to practitioners from the LAC countries and other international experts, who will share insights on adaptation monitoring and evaluation, and the crucial topic of assessing losses and damages. The dialogue then will shift to the integration of sub-national and non-State actors in enhancing the transparency of climate action and support. The afternoon sessions will delve into the details of transparency activities under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and the day will conclude with a vital session on tracking climate finance, emphasizing the importance of mobilizing necessary resources for robust climate action.

Charting a Path Forward

The first ETF Dialogue for Latin America and the Caribbean symbolizes more than technical discussions; it represents LAC's commitment to capacitating its future and ensuring cohesive climate action. By fostering collaboration among country officials and experts, civil society, private entities and international organizations, this dialogue underscores the regions commitment to a pathway towards a transparent, unified climate future.

Consult the LAC ETF programme here and please fill in this registration form to secure your spot.

For more information and updates on the #Together4Transparency initiative, visit the website.
