Together4Transparency at SB58

During the 2023 Bonn Climate Change Conference, several events will be organized by the UNFCCC secretariat and other organizations under the banner of #Together4Transparency.


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#Together4Transparency events at the Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB58) will deal with a diverse range of topics: from Parties’ preparation for the ETF to support opportunities for developing countries; from the role of non-Party stakeholders to the contributions of the transparency arrangements for the Global Stocktake; from the IPCC inventory software to the training and examination for becoming an expert conducting technical reviews under the ETF; and much more!

A provisional list of events is available below.

Disclaimer: the inclusion of affiliated side events as part of the #Together4Transparency initiative does not imply any endorsement from the UNFCCC secretariat of the contents, presentations or discussions by the organizers and speakers that may take place in preparation to, during and in the follow-up to the events.

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We look forward to meeting SB58 delegates at the Together4Transparency corner, located in front of side event room "Bonn". 

SB58 events