The road to Baku
COP 29 Logo - vertical
Credit: COP 29 host country
logo of COP 28
Credit: COP 28 host country

The COP 28 Presidency and the COP 29 incoming Presidency are committed to ensuring a transparent and inclusive process in the lead-up to COP 29 to be convened in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 11 to 22 November 2024.

The Presidency and the incoming Presidency will engage Parties throughout the year at ministerial, Heads of Delegation and technical levels, as appropriate, to lay the ground work needed to deliver a successful COP 29.

To ensure coherence, the Presidencies will work closely with the Chairs of the subsidiary bodies, with the support of the secretariat, on a common vision towards COP 29. 

The information below will be regularly updated to reflect plans for informal consultations and other relevant engagement.

The first multilateral consultations will focus on taking stock of the outcomes of COP 28, the UAE Consensus and the way forward.

The consultations will be held virtually over two parts: 

  • Part 1: Wednesday, 21 February, 9:30 - 11:00 CET
  • Part 2: Wednesday, 21 February, 18:00 - 19:30 CET

Discussion questions guiding the consultations:

  • Q1: In light of the adoption of the UAE Consensus, in your view, what are the three transformative outcomes of COP 28? What are the key elements to advance implementation and continue to build on the momentum of COP 28?
  • Q2: In your view, what should be the three priorities for COP 29? What are the opportunities and challenges to deliver on these priorities to ensure ambitious outcomes at COP 29?

Co-Chairs' Summary
