CMP 2 - Documents



Symbol Date Type Status Versions
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP), Second session, 6-17 November 2006, Nairobi, Kenya
1. Opening of the session
2. Organizational matters
2. (a) Adoption of the agenda
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/1 5 Sep 2006 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
2. (b) Election of replacement officers
2. (c) Organization of work, including the sessions of the subsidiary bodies
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/1 5 Sep 2006 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2006/6 16 Aug 2006 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
  FCCC/SBI/2006/12 16 Aug 2006 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2006/3 16 Aug 2006 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
2. (d) Approval of the report on credentials
  FCCC/CP/2006/4; FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/8 17 Nov 2006 meeting documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on credentials. Report of the Bureau.
2. (e) Status of Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol
3. Reports of the subsidiary bodies and decisions and conclusions arising therefrom
3. (a) Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
  FCCC/SBSTA/2006/5 13 Sep 2006 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its twenty-fourth session, held at Bonn from 18 to 26 May 2006.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2006/5/Add.1 20 Jul 2006 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its twenty-fourth session, held at Bonn from 18 to 26 May 2006. Addendum.
3. (b) Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation
  FCCC/SBI/2006/11 11 Aug 2006 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation on its twenty-fourth session, held at Bonn from 18 to 25 May 2006.
4. Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol
  FCCC/KP/AWG/2006/2 18 Jul 2006 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol on its first session, held at Bonn from 17 to 25 May 2006.
5. Issues relating to the clean development mechanism

Background information
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/3 15 Aug 2006 workshop documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on the workshop on carbon dioxide capture and storage as clean development mechanism project activities. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/4 25 Aug 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual report of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/4/Corr.1 23 Oct 2006 meeting papers Published EN RU
Annual report of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. Corrigendum.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/4/Add.1 (Part I) 7 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual report of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. Addendum. Part I.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/4/Add.1 (Part II) 7 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN
Annual report of the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. Addendum. Part II.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/MISC.1 14 Aug 2006 party submissions Published EN FR
Equitable distribution of clean development mechanism project activities. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/MISC.2 15 Sep 2006 party submissions Published EN
Consideration of carbon capture and storage as clean development mechanism project activities. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/L.8 17 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Further guidance relating to the clean development mechanism. Proposal by the President.
6. Report of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee

Background information
Joint Implementation (JI)

  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/5 5 Sep 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual report of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/5/Add.1 5 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual report of the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. Addendum.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/L.3 15 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol. Proposal by the President.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/L.4 16 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Guidance on the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol. Proposal by the President.
7. Report of the Compliance Committee

Background information
Compliance under the Kyoto Protocol

  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/6 22 Sep 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual report of the Compliance Committee to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/L.2 15 Nov 2006 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Compliance Committee. Proposal by the President.
8. Amendment of the Kyoto Protocol in respect of procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance
9. Report of the administrator of the international transaction log under the Kyoto Protocol
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/7 2 Nov 2006 ITL administrator reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Annual report of the administrator of the international transaction log under the Kyoto Protocol. Note by the secretariat.
10. National communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention: synthesis of reports demonstrating progress in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Kyoto Protocol
11. Review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/MISC.3 8 Sep 2006 party submissions Published EN SP
Review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9. Submissions from Parties.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/MISC.3/Add.1 2 Oct 2006 party submissions Published EN
Review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9. Submissions from Parties. Addendum.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/MISC.3/Add.2 23 Oct 2006 party submissions Published EN
Review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9. Submissions from Parties. Addendum.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/L.7 17 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9. Proposal by the President.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/CRP.1 13 Nov 2006 draft conclusions Published EN
Review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9. Draft decision proposed by the African group.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/CRP.2 14 Nov 2006 draft conclusions Published EN
Review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9. Draft decision proposed by Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Norway, Russian Federation, Switzerland and Ukraine.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/CRP.3 14 Nov 2006 draft conclusions Published EN
Review of the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to its Article 9. Draft decision proposed by the European Community.
12. Capacity-building under the Kyoto Protocol
13. Adaptation Fund
14. Matters relating to Article 3, paragraph 14, of the Kyoto Protocol
15. Matters relating to Article 2, paragraph 3, of the Kyoto Protocol
16. Proposal from Belarus to amend Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/2 16 Mar 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Proposal from Belarus to amend Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/9 17 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Proposal from Belarus to amend Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/L.9 17 Nov 2006 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Proposal from Belarus to amend Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol. Draft decision proposed by the Chair.
17. Administrative, financial and institutional matters
17. (a) Audited financial statements for the biennium 2004–2005
17. (b) Budget performance in the biennium 2006–2007
17. (c) Privileges and immunities for individuals serving on constituted bodies established under the Kyoto Protocol
18. Other matters referred to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol by the subsidiary bodies
19. High-level segment
20. Statements by observer organizations
21. Other matters
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/L.6 17 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Conclusions on the report of the President on consultations concerning the proposal of the Russian Federation. Proposal by the President.
22. Conclusion of the session
22. (a) Adoption of the report of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties on its second session
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/10 26 Jan 2007 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol on its second session, held at Nairobi from 6 to 17 November 2006. Part One: Proceedings.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/10/Add.1 26 Jan 2007 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol on its second session, held at Nairobi from 6 to 17 November 2006. Addendum. Part Two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol at its second session.
  FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/L.1 15 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft report of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol on its second session. Rapporteur: Mr. William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu (Ghana). Part One: Proceedings.
  FCCC/CP/2006/L.1/Add.1; FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/L.1/Add.1 16 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft report of the Conference of the Parties on its twelfth session. Rapporteur: Mr. William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu (Ghana). Draft report of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol on its second session. Rapporteur: Mr. William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu (Ghana). Addendum.
22. (b) Closure of the session.
  FCCC/CP/2006/L.3; FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/L.5 16 Nov 2006 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Expression of gratitude to the Government of Kenya and the people of the city of Nairobi. Draft resolution submitted by Switzerland.
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/1 6 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Monday, 6 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/2 7 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 7 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/3 8 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Wednesday, 8 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/4 9 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Thursday, 9 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/5 10 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Friday, 10 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/6 11 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Saturday, 11 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/7 13 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Monday, 13 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/8 14 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 14 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/9 15 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Wednesday, 15 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/10 16 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Thursday, 16 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).
  FCCC/CP/2006/OD/11 17 Nov 2006 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Friday, 17 November 2006 (COP12) (COP/MOP2).