Ministerial Dialogues during COP 20/CMP 10

Ministerial Dialogues and other High-Level Events

A number of Ministerial Dialogues will be convened at COP 20 / CMP 10 in Lima to advance issues through high-level engagement. Details of each event follow below.

Both Dialogues will be open for attendance by representatives of observer organizations. Additional arrangements regarding the participation of observers in the Dialogues will be published below in due course.

Additionally, the website will be updated as new information becomes available. Further information on each event will be made available in the Daily Programme and on CCTV.

Tuesday 9th December 15.00-18.00
Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance

Towards an articulated vision for climate finance how can it support ongoing efforts to scale-up funding and investments?

The Conference of the Parties at its nineteenth session through decision 3/CP.19 decided to convene a biennial High-level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance starting in 2014 and ending in 2020 and informed, inter alia, by the in-session workshops on long-term finance and the submissions on updated strategies and approaches for scaling-up climate finance from 2014 to 2020 referred to in the same decision. Furthermore, the COP requested the presidency of the Conference of the Parties to summarize the deliberations of the dialogue.

In response to this request H.E. Mr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, President-designate of COP20/CMP10, will convene the High-level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance on Tuesday 9th December from 15.00-18.00

The Dialogue provides a unique opportunity for Ministers to engage with each other to reflect on how the current institutional arrangements and the information tools for climate finance under the UNFCCC are providing countries with the necessary reassurance that international public finance is flowing and is achieving its intended purpose and to further discuss their potential for scaling up funding and investments by engaging different actors.

In this regard Ministers will be requested to engage in discussions based on a set of guiding questions which are contained in the concept note herein attached. The organization of the event will be conducted in a manner which respects Parties collective desire for enhanced time management at the session. Consequently Parties should note that it may not be possible to accommodate all requests in the three hour period available, unless participants are focused to limit their interventions to 3 minutes. Priority will be given to those speaking on behalf of groups of Parties. Noting that this event will take place in parallel to the delivery of national statements to the High-level Segment Parties are encouraged to indicate in advance their desire to intervene by contacting

Provisional programme , Provisional speaker list

Democratic Republic of the Congo , European Union, Japan

Summary of the deliberations of the Ministerial Dialogue on climate finance prepared by the COP Presidency

Further information regarding the dialogue will be posted as it becomes available.

Wednesday 10 December 15.30-18.30
Ministerial Dialogue on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action

Setting the foundations for the 2015 agreement - and accelerating action now.

The Conference of the Parties at its nineteenth session, through decision 1/CP.19, called upon Parties to intensify their high-level engagement on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action through an in-session ministerial dialogue to be held in conjunction with the twentieth session of the Conference of the Parties.

In response to this request H.E. Mr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, President-designate of COP20/CMP10, will convene a ministerial dialogue on Wednesday 10th December from 15.00-18.00 with the aim of providing strategic direction to set the foundations for the 2015 agreement and accelerate action now.

Informed by the progress being made through the Ad-hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform (ADP), the Dialogue provides a unique opportunity for Ministers to engage with each other, provide political guidance on the full spectrum of issues being advanced through the ADP and to inject political momentum and direction towards successful outcomes in Lima on the road to Paris in 2015.

In this regard Ministers will be requested to engage in discussions based on the themes in the concept note. The organization of the event will be conducted in a manner which respects Parties collective desire for enhanced time management at the session. Consequently Parties should note that it may not be possible to accommodate all requests in the three hour period available, unless participants are focused to limit their interventions to 3 minutes. Priority will be given to those speaking on behalf of groups of Parties. Noting that this event will take place in parallel to the delivery of national statements to the High-level Segment Parties are encouraged to indicate in advance their desire to intervene by contacting

Provisional List of Speakers for the Ministerial Dialogue on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action

European Union, Hungary , Mexico, Republic of Korea

Further information regarding the dialogue will be posted as it becomes available.

Thursday 11 December 10.00-12.30
Lima Climate Action High-Level Meeting

Setting the foundations for the 2015 agreement - and accelerating action now.

Enhanced action is needed to address climate change. It requires, as a priority, the fulfillment of existing obligations under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol. Additionally, State and non-state actors should continue to identify, scale-up and assess new opportunities with high potential to address climate change. The increasing recognition of the role of non-state actors and subnational authorities in supporting national governments to achieve their targets and increase their ambition has opened space for a more inclusive dialogue between Parties and other stakeholders under the UNFCCC.

The government of Peru is committed to supporting the needed acceleration of climate action and give recognition to all actors of their role to combat climate change. In order to do so, COP 20 will provide a positive action-oriented environment through a series of interconnected activities. A key part of this will be the Lima Climate Action High-Level Meeting which will feature a structured dialogue between a representative cross-section of ministers and leading non-state actors to identify methods and approaches for scaling up action.

This session will feature high-level opening and closing remarks and a focused dialogue between invited ministers and senior representatives from non-state actors. The discussion will be focused on approaches to scaling up action and how non-state actors can support the negotiation of a new universal climate agreement at COP 21 in Paris.

This event will be open to all those with accreditation for COP 20 and the media. It will also be streamed live.

The draft agenda of the meeting can be found here

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