#ActOnTheGAP Action List

As a pilot for COP24 the UNFCCC secretariat is pleased to introduce #ActOnTheGAP Action List to encourage equal participation in climate talks.

COP24 side event organizers were invited to commit to achieving gender-balance in their panels.

#ActOnTheGAP Action List showcases those side events where gender-balance among panellists was achieved and will be updated daily from 3 to 14 December 2018.

Organizer Title
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Organizer Title
Friends of the Earth International (FOEI), Centre for Environmental Justice (CEJ),
Korean Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM)
People Power Now! Transforming our Energy System
Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW),
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC)
Paris Agreement Rule-book: Actions, Actors,
and Capacity Building for enhanced transparency
Sri Lanka, Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWPO) A tropical country response to climate change
with integrated water resources Management
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), NPO Tuvalu Overview (TOV), Refugees International Climate-Forced Displacement(CFD): Progress to Advance Human Rights and Justice Since Paris Agreement
Organizer Title
Corporate Accountability International, Corporate Europe Observatory Foundation (CEO), PUSH Sweden Fork in the road: Just transition & true climate action or dangerous distractions and climate chaos?
Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP), Coordinadora de Desarrollo y Defensa de los Pueblos Indígenas de la Región San Martín (CODEPISAM), Federación de Pueblos Indígenas Kechwas de la Región de San Martín (FEPIKRESAM) Minga NDC and Talanoa Dialogue: Indigenous strategies for climate ambition
Green Climate Fund (GCF) GCF Operations update and lessons emerging from ongoing evaluations
Global Canopy Programme (GCP), National Wildlife Federation (NWF) How transparency can drive action on climate change commitments
Global Forest Coalition (GFC), Brighter Green, Inc., Krasnoyarsk regional public ecological movement "Friends of the Siberian Forests" (FSF) 1.5 degrees from a community perspective
China Green Carbon Foundation (CGCF), Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC), Global Village of Beijing (GVB) Climate change actions and challenges based on terrestrial ecosystems and polar marine ecosystems
Organization Title
Association Actions Vitales Pour Le Développement Durable (AVD), Greener Impact International (GII) Intergenerational dialogue and Talanoa dialogue: uniting for a successful Paris Agreement's rulebook
Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), University of Eastern Finland (UEF) The role of international trade law and policy in implementing and strengthening the Paris Agreement
Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform gGmbH*, Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) Making finance flows consistent with Paris objectives: insights on operationalizing Article 2.1c
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Wageningen University (WUR) What has REDD+ achieved? Empirical evidence for transformational change.
Organizer Title
Climate Alliance (Klima-Bündnis), Climate Alliance Italy, Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités (GERES) Local Climate Action: The Practices Behind the Numbers
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Building capacity for integrating human rights into climate action
Tebtebba Foundation, CHIRAPAQ - Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú (CHIRAPAQ) Maximizing support for indigenous peoples' adaptation and mitigation efforts: GCF & climate finance
Instituto de Ecología y Antropología de Acción (INFOE), Action Solidarité Tiers-Monde a.s.b.l. (ASTM) The powers of water - on the way to the sustainable use of nature's driving force
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN), New Zealand Financing the Just transition: Fossil fuel subsidy reform and reinvestment to communities
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Organization Title
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) Progress and prospects: The implementation challenge of adaptation within the Paris Agreement
Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), Green Economics Institute (GEI) Advances in Climate Law & Governance for Sustainable Development
International Council for Science (ICSU), C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) The CitiesIPCC Research and Action Agenda for effective urban responses to climate change
Organization Title
Plant for the Planet Foundation (Plant for the Planet), Global Marshall Plan Foundation Climate neutral by 2022 – Private sector accelerating climate action
Sustainable Energy for All Association for sustainable Energy (SE4ALL Association) Understanding the Landscape:Finance flows for electrification and clean cooking in HIC
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), International Center for Environmental Technology Transfer (ICETT), Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) Mobilising Investment for Off-Grid Energy Solutions in African Countries
Organizer Title
Global Environment Facility (GEF) Transformational changes required for a 1.5°C World
Renewable Energy Policy Network (REN21), Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Stiftung World Future Council (WFC) Delivering Renewables at Scale: A must to meet the Paris Agreement
International Cryosphere Climate Initiative (ICCI),  Climate Analytics gGmbH, Climate Policy Center (CPC) The 1.5 Degree Report and the Cryosphere: Reasons and Pathways for Both High Urgency and Ambition
Organization Title
International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) Restoring degraded tropical forests: Reconciling carbon, biodiversity and community resilience
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