June Momentum for Climate Change FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Why this title?

The name was chosen to convey the intention to inject momentum into the discussions on and work related to climate change, including the UNFCCC process. The capitalized term "Climate Change" refers to the UNFCCC process. It has been used in other similar contexts; it's a broad and straightforward term that reflects well the broad scope of the events. 

Under whose authority is the June Momentum taking place?

The June Momentum is taking place under the authority of the subsidiary body Chairs with support from the Presidency and the incoming Presidency as well as the secretariat.

How were the dates chosen?

The SB 52 sessions were originally mandated to be convened on these dates. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the sessions have been postponed to 4–12 October 2020. Convening this series of virtual meetings during the original dates helps to maintain momentum in the UNFCCC process.

What are the objectives and expected outcomes?

  • Advance work under the UNFCCC and in particular under the subsidiary bodies by providing a space for information sharing and exchange among Parties, as well as observers and non-Party stakeholders
  • Clearly demonstrate that the UNFCCC process is not dormant during the pandemic and that it is still active and responding to the urgency of greater climate ambition and action
  • Foster engagement and participation by Parties as well as observers and non-Party stakeholders
  • Set the stage for further virtual engagement and events under the UNFCCC and the SBs so as to further advance work in 2020, both before and after SB 52
  • No formal outcome except for mandated meetings on which an official report has to be prepared, e.g. the Durban Forum

How were the events selected and what is their scope?

  • The selection of events falls under the responsibility of the subsidiary body Chairs, but the Presidencies as well as the constituted bodies were given the opportunity to use the June Momentum space as they see fit
  • The list of events attempts not to fully reflect the SB agendas but to encompass many issues that are linked to the work of the subsidiary bodies

What is the nature of the events?

The events vary in nature. Some are information and briefing events, such as the event on loss and damage on the outcomes of COP 25 that was supposed to take place as a special event at the June sessions. For some, as on the periodic review, the Chairs seek to initiate a conversation with Parties on the way forward considering the current circumstances. Others have a workshop format, such as the Durban Forum on capacity-building (also originally slated to take place at the June sessions). Further, some events serve to kick off mandated engagements, including the ACE Dialogue and the work under the gender action plan. Information on how these events will proceed will be provided on the dedicated page of each of the events.

Are there expectations for new subsidiary body agenda items based on these events or are they one-off events?

  • The event selection has no bearing on the subsidiary body agendas. The agendas remain as published.
  • While a few of the events are mandated workshops and meetings, most are briefings and information events that will serve to foster understanding, transparency and inclusiveness without producing formal outcomes or prejudging subsequent discussions.

Aren’t negotiations inevitable when Parties meet?

Negotiations are not the purpose of the June Momentum. Negotiations will only take place when Party delegations are able to meet in person in October.
