Paris Committee on Capacity-building - decisions and conclusions

Decisions and conclusions relevant to PCCB with introductory descriptions

At its twenty-fifth session, the Conference of the Parties (COP) decided to review, at COP 29 (November 2024), the progress and need for extension of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB). COP 25 requested the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) to initiate, at SBI 58, the preparation of the terms of reference for the second review of the PCCB with a view to COP 28 agreeing on the final terms of reference.

The objective of the second review is to assess the progress of the PCCB towards achieving its overall aim set out in decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 71, and affirmed in decision 3/CMA.2, paragraph 3, and in addressing its priority areas and activities set out in decision 9/CP.25, paragraph 9 and annex, and affirmed in decision 3/CMA.2, paragraph 4, as well as the need for its extension.

Read the Terms of reference for the second review of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building here.

At COP 27, the SBI was invited to consider the annual technical progress report (ATPR) of the PCCB  for 2022 (FCCC/SBI/2022/14), including its recommendations to the COP and CMA.

The SBI recommended two draft decisions on the matter for consideration by COP 27 and CMA 4 respectively, which were subsequently adopted (19/COP.27 and 21/CMA.4).

In the decisions, the COP and CMA welcomed the ATPR and the recommendations contained therein and invited Parties, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, the constituted bodies under the Convention, United Nations organizations, observers and other stakeholders to consider these recommendations and to take any necessary action, as appropriate and in accordance with their mandates.

The COP and CMA acknowledged of progress made by the PCCB in delivering on its mandate and in implementing its workplan of the PCCB for 2021–2024 on the basis of the priority areas and activities contained in the annex to decision 9/CP.25. They invited Parties and relevant institutions to provide support and resources to the PCCB in implementing its workplan for 2021-2024.

Both welcomed the PCCB’s new monitoring and evaluation framework and the findings from its M&E exercise as well as the work on coherence and coordination of capacity-building and the collaboration with Parties and non-Party stakeholders on climate capacity-building.

The COP and CMA also took note of the PCCB focus area for 2023 which is capacity-building support for adaptation, with a focus on addressing gaps and needs related to formulating and implementing national adaptation plans.

The CMA also took note of the PCCB synthesis for the technical assessment component of the first global stocktake and welcomed the launch of the toolkit to assess capacity-building gaps and needs to implement the Paris Agreement, inviting Parties and institutions to consider using it.

At COP 26, the SBI was invited to consider the annual technical progress report (ATPR) of the PCCB  for 2020 (FCCC/SBI/2020/13) and 2021 (FCCC/SBI/2021/10), including its recommendations to the COP and CMA.

The SBI recommended two draft decisions on the matter for consideration by COP 26 and CMA respectively, which were subsequently adopted (12/COP.26 and 18/CMA.3).

In the decisions, the COP and CMA welcomed the ATPRs and the recommendations contained therein and invited Parties, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, the constituted bodies under the Convention, United Nations organizations, observers and other stakeholders to consider these recommendations and to take any necessary action, as appropriate and in accordance with their mandates.

The COP and CMA took note of progress made in the implementation of the workplan of the PCCB for 2021–2024 on the basis of the priority areas and activities contained in the annex to decision 9/CP.25.

Furthermore, the they invited Parties and relevant institutions to provide support and resources to the PCCB in implementing its workplan for 2021-2024.

The COP and CMA also took note of the PCCB focus area for 2022 which is building capacity to facilitate coherent implementation of NDCs in the context of national development plans and sustainable recovery.

SBI 51 concluded work on the PCCB review, on the basis of the terms of reference adopted at SBI 50, and recommended a draft decision to COP 25 which was adopted by the COP (9/CP.25). Key elements contained in the COP decision include a 5-year extension of the PCCB until 2024 and provisions for a second review of the progress and need for extension of the PCCB to be concluded at COP 30. The terms of reference for the second review are to be agreed at COP 29.

In addition, the decision contains clear guidance by the COP on the priority areas and corresponding activities for the next work plan period. The priority areas are a) enhancing coherence and coordination of capacity-building under the Convention, b) identifying current and emerging capacity gaps and needs, and recommending ways to address them, and c) promoting awareness-raising, knowledge- and information-sharing and stakeholder engagement.

The COP also requested the PCCB to develop a five-year workplan for consideration at COP 26 and provided guidance to the PCCB on core elements to be included in the workplan. Further guidance contained in the decision relates to the reporting of the PCCB. 

COP 25 also adopted a decision (8/CP.25) on the annual technical progress report of the PCCB for 2019. In it, the COP welcomes the report and takes note of its recommendations. In addition, it invites Parties and other stakeholders to consider the recommendations and to take any necessary action as appropriate and in accordance with their mandates. In addition, the decision commends the work of the PCCB on coherence and coordination of capacity-building activities under the Convention, as well as the collaboration of the Committee with Parties and non-Party stakeholders, including through the annual Capacity-building Hubs. Finally, the decision takes note of the focus area of the PCCB for 2020: “Strengthening the coherence and coordination of capacity-building activities for implementing nationally determined contributions”.

CMA 2, in its decision (3/CMA.2) on the initial institutional arrangements for capacity-building under the Paris Agreement, agreed that the PCCB shall serve the Paris Agreement, in line with its mandate and terms of reference established under the COP.

The CMA invited the PCCB to work closely with other constituted bodies under the Convention and the Paris Agreement to address current and emerging gaps and needs in implementing capacity-building in developing countries and to enhance the coherence and coordination of capacity-building in accordance with the relevant mandates and activities of those bodies.

The CMA also agreed on the inputs to the work of the PCCB pertaining to issues related to the Paris Agreement and requested the PCCB to also report to the CMA in its annual technical progress report.

SBI 50 continued its deliberations on the review of the progress, need for extension, effectiveness and enhancement of the PCCB and developed terms of reference for the review.

In its conclusions, the SBI invited Parties and observers to submit their views on the review of the PCCB, taking into consideration the terms of reference, by 31 October 2019, and requested the secretariat to prepare a synthesis of the submissions.

SBI 50 agreed to continue consideration of the matter at SBI 51 (2-9 December 2019) with a view to recommending a draft decision on enhancing institutional arrangements for capacity-building for consideration and adoption at COP 25.

At COP 24, SBI 49 was invited to consider the 2018 annual technical progress report (ATPR) of the PCCB (FCCC/SBI/2018/15), including its recommendations to the COP, and to recommend draft conclusions or a draft decision thereon for consideration and adoption at COP 24.

Having considered the 2018 ATPR of the PCCB, the SBI recommended a draft decision on the matter for consideration by COP 24, which subsequently adopted the recommended draft decision (15/CP.24).

In its decision, the COP welcomed the ATPR and the recommendations contained therein and invited Parties, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, the constituted bodies under the Convention, United Nations organizations, observers and other stakeholders to consider these recommendations and to take any necessary action, as appropriate and in accordance with their mandates. The COP also welcomed the collaboration of the PCCB with non-Party stakeholders, including through its capacity-building hub and the use of social media tools. Furthermore, the COP Invited Parties and relevant institutions to provide support and resources to the PCCB in implementing its rolling workplan for 2017–2019.

The COP also took note of the decision of the PCCB to continue its 2018 focus area of capacity-building activities for the implementation of nationally determined contributions in the context of the Paris Agreement in 2019, and requested the SBI to thematically align future meetings of the Durban Forum with the annual focus area of the PCCB, taking note of the recommendation of the Committee contained in its 2018 ATPR.

COP 24 was invited to initiate the review of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building in accordance with decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 81. It referred to the SBI the consideration of this matter with a view to making a recommendation to CMA 2 on enhancing institutional arrangements for capacity capacity-building consistent with Article 11, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement. The SBI considered the matter of the PCCB review together with the annual technical progress report of the PCCB and adopted conclusions (FCCC/SBI/2018/22).

In its conclusions, the SBI invited Parties and observers to submit their views on the matter of the PCCB review, including views on enhancing existing institutional arrangements for capacity-building under the Convention, for consideration at SBI 50 (June 2019). It further requested the secretariat to prepare a compilation and synthesis of these submissions for consideration at SBI 50. It further agreed that all available annual technical progress reports of the PCCB will serve as inputs for the review.

The SBI agreed to continue its work at SBI 50 with a view to recommending a draft decision on enhancing institutional arrangements for capacity-building for consideration and adoption at COP 25 (November 2019), taking into account Article 11, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement, in accordance with decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 81.

At COP 23, the 2017 annual technical progress report of the PCCB (FCCC/SBI/2017/11) was discussed under agenda item 16 (b) of SBI 47. The decision text for this agenda item can be found here (16/CP.23).

The COP adopted a draft decision recommended by the SBI that appreciates and welcomes the work done by the PCCB so far, and invited Parties and relevant institutions to provide support and resources to the PCCB in implementing its 2017-2019 rolling workplan in light of the aim of the PCCB, established in 1/CP.21.

In addition, the newly adopted COP decision noted the decision of the PCCB to continue its 2017 focus area or theme of capacity-building activities for the implementation of NDCs in the context of the Paris Agreement in 2018, and requested the SBI to thematically align the next Durban Forum with the 2018 focus area or theme of the PCCB.

At COP 22, Parties adopted the terms of reference of the PCCB (2/CP.22) in Marrakech.

As one of the outcomes of the third comprehensive review of the implementation of the framework for capacity-building in developing countries under the Convention (16/CP.22), an invitation was extended to the PCCB with regard to the management of the 2016–2020 workplan.

The conclusions of SBI 45 on the PCCB can be found here ( FCCC/SBI/2016/20).

At COP 21, as part of the Adoption of the Paris Agreement (10/Add.1), the Conference of the Parties (COP) established the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) to address gaps and needs, both current and emerging, in implementing capacity-building in developing country Parties and further enhancing capacity-building efforts, including with regard to coherence and coordination in capacity-building activities under the Convention.