TFD- Knowledge Products

Summary reports and activities from the TFD first phase of implementation:

2018 Report of the Task Force on Displacement

Brochure of the Task Force on Displacement brochure 

Activity I.1: Mapping Human Mobility and Climate Change in Relevant National Policies and Institutional Frameworks

Activity I.2: Synthesizing the State of Knowledge to Better Understand Displacement related to Slow Onset Events

Activity II.1: Mapping Workplans of Bodies/Work Programmes under the UNFCCC on Displacement

Activity II.2: Mapping Human Mobility (Migration, Displacement and Planned Relocation) and Climate Change in International Processes, Policies and Legal Frameworks

Activity II.3: United Nations System’s Mandates with respect to Averting, Minimizing and Addressing Displacement related to Climate Change: Considerations for the Future

Activity II.4: Mapping of Existing International/Regional Guidance/Tools on Averting, Minimizing and Addressing Displacement and Durable Solutions

Activity III.1-3: Systematic Data Collection and Monitoring of Displacement and Its Impacts at Local, National, Regional and International Level

Details of the activities and expected results for both the first and the second phases of implementation are provided in the tables below.


Desired impacts


Undertaken by

I. Policy/Practice – National/Subnational

• Policies and institutional framework to avert, minimize and address displacement enhanced.

• Capacities of national and local governments to address climate-related drivers and impacts of displacement enhanced.

Activity I.1: Mapping of existing relevant policies and institutional frameworks that deal with the climate and displacement interaction at the national level, including identification of key actors in the policy formulation, to the extent feasible and on the base of accessible public documents.


IOM (lead) + UNDP + Advisory Group CSOs + UNHCR

Activity I.2: Synthesizing the state of knowledge to better understand displacement related to slow onset events.


Advisory Group CSOs (lead) + IOM + UNDP +UNHCR

II. Policy – International/Regional

• Adverse impacts of climate change on displacement are recognized and integrated approaches to avert, minimize and address displacement are promoted in relevant policies at all levels, including international, regional, national and sub-national levels.

• Displacement related to the adverse effects of climate change is considered in the workplans of relevant bodies and processes under the UNFCCC (AC, LEG, SCF, PCCB, CTCN, TEC, NWP).

Activity II.1: Mapping workplans of bodies/work programmes under the UNFCCC on displacement.


Excom TFD members

Activity II.2: Mapping of how climate and displacement is included in National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), national communications, and in other relevant policy agendas (such as Sendai Framework, SDGs, World Humanitarian Summit, Global Forum on Migration and Development, Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees, etc.).


IOM (lead) + ILO + UNDP

Activity II.3: Mapping of institutional frameworks and mandates within the United Nation system to avert, minimize and address displacement and outline options for facilitating coordination of key processes. 


PDD (lead) + ILO

Activity II.4: Mapping of existing international/regional guidance/tools on averting, minimizing and addressing displacement and durable solutions.


UNHCR (lead) + IOM + Advisory Group CSOs + PDD

III. Data and assessment

• Systematic data collection and monitoring of displacement and its impacts at local, national, regional and international level to inform comprehensive needs and risk assessments for the formulation of policy and plans, is strengthened.

• The capacity to undertake systematic data collection is strengthened.

Activity III.1: Providing an overview of data sources, common methodologies and good practice for displacement-related data collection and assessment, as relevant to different contexts and region.


Advisory Group CSOs (lead) + IOM

Activity III.2: Providing global baseline of climate-related disaster displacement risk, and package by region.


Advisory Group CSOs (lead) + IDMC

Activity III.3: Analyzing available data on disaster-related displacement and its impacts in different regions and groups of countries in specific circumstances (e.g. LDCs) related to sudden and slow onset events.


Advisory Group CSOs (lead) + IOM

IV. Framing and linkages

• Stimulate and awaken commitment, cooperation and action to avert, minimize and address displacement in the context of climate change.


• Framing is actionable, constructive and leads to transformation.

• Provide tools so we plan for today and for the future we want.

Activity IV.1: Preparing summaries of results/outputs of activities:

Activity I.1

Activity I.2

Activity II.1

Activity II.2

Activity II.3

Activity II.4

Activity III.1-3


By implementer(s) of each activity

Activity IV.2: Convening, as appropriate, a meeting on all areas of work of the Task Force on Displacement which includes: 1) wider consultations with stakeholders, and 2) internal Task Force meeting.


IOM (co-lead), PDD (co-lead) + UNHCR

Activity IV.3: Organizing the second meeting of the Task Force on Displacement to finalize the set of recommendations to be forwarded to the Executive Committee.


Expected results



Increased visibility and awareness of displacement in the context of climate change and of the outputs of the TFD in its first phase

1. Make available a user-friendly version of the summary documents from the mapping exercises of the TFD in its first phase

Executive Committee

TFD members

Enhanced understanding of the scale of displacement in the context of climate change

2. Prepare TFD factsheets providing an annual overview of global disaster displacement: gender disaggregated data, analysis by region, livelihood and income group, and hazard context

Advisory Group Civil Society Organisations


Enhanced understanding of the relationship between the impacts of climate change and conflicts on displacement

3. Prepare a user-friendly knowledge product on nexus situations (climate change/disaster and conflict/violence)


Enhanced evidence base for policy options for averting, minimizing and addressing displacement in the context of slow onset disaster and climate change

4. Prepare a user-friendly knowledge product on displacement related to climate change in the context of slow onset events


Enhanced understanding of and knowledge on approaches to averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage in relation to disaster displacement

5. Prepare a technical briefing on approaches to averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage in relation to disaster displacement


Enhanced understanding of Parties of how to integrate climate-related mobility into relevant project/programme design, including for green economy

Enhanced understanding of Parties and donors/the GCF of accessing support for climate change programmes with a focus on averting, minimizing and addressing displacement

6. Compile selected good practice case studies and lessons learned from relevant projects/programmes that have integrated climate-related mobility for the purpose of improving the design of project proposals and access to funding


Enhanced support for formulating laws, policies and strategies that reflect efforts to avert, minimize and address displacement

7. Raise awareness on integrating displacement in the context of climate change into national laws, policies and strategies, including on disaster response, building on mappings and lessons learned


Keeping the issue of climate change and displacement high on the agenda of relevant processes


8. Continue to raise awareness of the work of the TFD in relevant processes


Executive Committee champions

Enhanced understanding of the scale of the cost/economic impact of displacement in the context of climate change

9. Facilitate the assessment of economic impacts of displacement in the context of climate change at the national level

Youth non-governmental organizations/Advisory Group Civil Society Organisations (IDMC)

Increased knowledge, skills and understanding of key issues and responses around labour migration and climate resilience

10. Conduct a seminar on labour migration and climate resilience

ILO/International Training Centre of ILO in Turin/universities in the region

Displacement considered under all relevant workstreams, as appropriate

11. Exchange and share information on human mobility, including migration, displacement and planned relocation, among the expert groups of the Executive Committee

Executive Committee champions

Enhanced capacity of countries to consider migration, environment and climate change in their long-term planning

12. Provide capacity-building opportunities using relevant training materials on migration, environment and climate change


Enhanced capacity for data collection, risk assessment and analysis in relation to displacement

13. Assist Parties in assessing the risk of displacement, including through technical support and sharing tools and practices

Advisory Group Civil Society Organisations (IDMC)/IOM/PDD

Countries supported in implementing integrated approaches

14. Support Parties in integrating displacement risk into DRR strategies and combining action on DRR and climate change

IOM/Norwegian Refugee Council/PDD

Support Parties in strengthening their understanding of preparedness for displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change, including early warning systems, contingency planning, evacuation planning and resilience-building strategies and plans, and support them in developing innovative approaches to preparedness, for example forecast-based financing

15. Support Parties in  strengthening their understanding of preparedness for displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change, including early warning systems, contingency planning, evacuation planning and resilience-building strategies and plans, and support them in developing innovative approaches to preparedness, for example forecast-based financing


Countries supported in integrating human mobility into relevant national planning processes, including the process to formulate and implement NAPs, as appropriate

16. Help to make available supplementary guidelines on integrating human mobility into relevant national planning processes, including the process to formulate and implement NAPs, as appropriate

IOM/ ILO /Executive Committee champions

Consideration of human mobility challenges in relevant national planning processes, including the process to formulate and implement NAPs

17. Collaborate with the Least Developed Countries Expert Group and the Adaptation Committee to raise awareness of the importance of integrating consideration of human mobility in the context of climate change

Executive Committee champions/IOM

Consideration of displacement related to the adverse effects of climate change included in the work of the high-level panel

18. Support the inclusion of the challenges of displacement related to the adverse effects of climate change in the work of the high-level panel on internal displacement


Increased awareness among youth on displacement in the context of climate change, and youth voices brought into considerations under the WIM/Convention

19. Organize (a) training/awareness building workshop(s) for youth on displacement in the context of climate change

Youth non-governmental organizations

Better understanding of how to access finance, including through the GCF Enhanced access to finance for averting, minimizing and addressing displacement associated with climate change

20. Identify opportunities for accessing existing funding and develop guidance on preparing project proposals on averting, minimizing and addressing displacement related to climate change for the GCF, other funds and donors

Executive Committee champions/ILO/IOM

IOM (development of guidance)

Enhanced understanding among the Executive Committee and its subgroups of innovative approaches

21. Invite experts to provide technical briefings on innovative approaches to the Executive Committee and its subgroups

Executive Committee champions

Enhanced stakeholder engagement

22. Continue engaging with relevant stakeholders


IOM/PDD (contingent on funding)/relevant partners