RCC Events
Long-term Low Emission Climate Resilient Development Strategies Landscape in Africa
12 Dec. 2023
13:00h - 14:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Africa Pavilion COP 28
RCC Events
Long-term Low Emission Climate Resilient Development Strategies Landscape in Africa
12 Dec. 2023
13:00h - 14:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Africa Pavilion COP 28


The recently released IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report confirms the urgency of ambition and action required from the increasing diversity of actors involved in climate action and outlines the cost of inaction. Under the Paris Agreement and in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 19, Parties should strive to formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LT-LEDS). The CMA, at its fourth session, additionally urged Parties that have not yet done so, to communicate, by CMA 5, Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) towards just transitions to net zero emissions by or around mid-century, considering different national circumstances. The CMA also invited Parties to update their LT-LEDS regularly, as appropriate, in line with the best available science and noted the importance of aligning NDCs with LT-LEDS.

The LT-LEDS are an opportunity for countries to identify and set a long-term vision and/or target that defines a roadmap for the deep, economy-wide transformation needed to achieve low-emissions and climate-resilient development. It is through the LT-LEDS that countries can develop a long-term view for low-emission development, and ensure steps are made towards its achievement through alignment with the NDCs. To date, only 68 countries have submitted their LT-LEDS, including 8 countries from Africa. African countries face unique challenges and opportunities in achieving sustainable development and combating climate change, necessitating tailored approaches and targeted capacity-building efforts. This highlights the need to address specific capacity gaps around formulating and implementing LT-LEDS within the African region.

UN Climate Change through its Regional Collaboration Centers for East and Southern Africa (RCC EAS Africa), for West and Central Africa (RCC WAC Africa), and the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia (RCC MENA and SA), with the African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES) have undertaken a study on LT-LEDS in Africa. This study aims to understand the baseline, challenges and opportunities African countries can leverage on, as well as best practices and lessons learnt in the development of LT-LEDS in the African context. It has been conducted with the support of Climate Analytics. The results of this study were first presented at the Africa Climate Week. Another crucial deliverable for the continent is the creation of an LT-LEDS guide to support developing their LT-LEDS.


The event will seek to:

  • Showcase the results of the LT-LEDS landscape study in Africa.
  • Present the new LT-LEDS guide to support African countries in developing their long-term strategies.
  • Gain perspectives from key stakeholders, including different African countries, about the LT-LEDS guide.

The event would play a crucial role towards contributing to the African voice in climate negotiations. The long-term strategies provide the pathway through which countries will attain the net-zero emission status, thus provide African countries with sound documents they may use in advocating for their interests at global level.


This event is co-organized by UN Climate Change through its RCC EAS Africa and RCC WAC Africa, the African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES), the NDC Partnership, and Climate Analytics.