COP events
Monitoring, evaluation and learning for adaptation: interactive feedback session on new toolkit
10 Dec. 2023
10:40h - 11:40h
Dubai , United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Capacity-building Hub, Expo City
Expo City
COP events
Monitoring, evaluation and learning for adaptation: interactive feedback session on new toolkit
10 Dec. 2023
10:40h - 11:40h
Dubai , United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Capacity-building Hub, Expo City
Expo City





This session was hosted by NAP Global Network and UNFCCC Adaptation Committee



Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) is a key phase of national adaptation planning and implementation processes, that has continued to present significant challenges for countries around the world. Strengthening countries’ efforts with the tools and capacity to improving their national systems offers an important avenue for better assessing and improving the effectiveness of their adaptation actions and, in turn, collective progress towards the adaptation goals of the Convention and Paris Agreement.

The Paris Agreement has developed several processes and mechanisms for promoting transparency and driving ambitions for climate actions based on evidence. The first global stocktake and the work under the Glasgow Sharm-el-Sheikh work programme on the global goal on adaptation, including the framework on the global goal on adaptation, aim at improving the evidence and information about progress on adaptation globally. These processes must be grounded in, as well as strengthen, the MEL processes that generate the information necessary to inform and assess progress and effectiveness of adaptation.

The Adaptation Committee (AC) recently published a technical paper on monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational levels. The AC is also engaging with the NAP Global Network on a toolkit for monitoring, evaluating and learning NAP processes.



  • Presented results of the AC’s technical paper on monitoring and evaluation;
  • Presented ongoing work on a MEL toolkit;
  • Collected input on the toolkit through interactive discussions.



Time Structure & Speakers
10 min

Introduction and presentation by the AC

Ms. Britta Horstmann, on behalf of the AC, will present results of the AC’s technical paper on monitoring and evaluation and broader AC work that is relevant to MEL, including recommendations

10 min

Interventions from an Indigenous representative

Dr. George Carter, a representative of Indigenous communities will be invited to offer insights on how Indigenous knowledge and experiences can be meaningfully incorporated in MEL systems

10 min

Presentation by the NAP Global Network:

Emilie Beauchamp, on behalf of the NAP Global Network, will present ongoing work on an upcoming MEL toolkit by the NAP Global Network and the Adaptation Committee

25 min

Interactive discussion using two roundtables / interactive Café style

Audience members will be invited to share their insights, questions, and experiences, and an interactive roundtable/Café format will enable participants to share their ideas and feedback on the toolkit under development. Tables will focus on different sub-sections of the toolkit, and participants will be welcome to move from table-to-table

5 min

Closing and next steps

Participants will be informed of how they can provide further inputs to the toolkit and the next steps in relation to its development and finalization


Key outcomes

  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) should be integrated throughout the adaptation planning cycle, not just as a standalone phase, to allow for reflection and adjustment
  • M&E strategies should integrate quantitative and qualitative methods, including traditional knowledge, to enhance knowledge sharing, engage local communities, consider language and cultural practices, facilitate regional and international reporting, and ensure accessibility across countries at varying stages of M&E system development.



Presentation slides

Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation at the national and subnational level

Developing a Toolkit for MEL of national adaptation planning processes