Climate Resilient Food Systems Alliance
CRFS Alliance logo

The CRFS Alliance was borne out of the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) in 2021. The alliance provides a platform for achieving climate resilient food systems by synergizing efforts across the different actors who are part of the alliance. The alliance is constituted by a range of different actors, both UN and non-UN who have specific comparative advantages, field presence, and expertise related to climate change and food systems.  


The vision of the CRFS Alliance is a world where food systems are sustainable, inclusive and resilient, where food systems actors, including governments, private sector, the UN, civil society, academia, finance and all stakeholders come together towards preserving ecosystems and resources to ensure healthy and nutritious foods for present and future generations, whilst neutralizing the negative impact of production, transformation and consumption  emissions, soil degradation, water depletion and biodiversity loss.

Key messages of the Alliance

 The CRFS Alliance provides countries and stakeholders with a unique portfolio of solutions, which directly address the need for:
  • Food systems to become more resilient to climate risks;
  • Food production, processing, transportation and consumption to become more sustainable and become part of the climate solutions in reducing emissions and building the resilience of vulnerable communities;
  • Systemic solutions to tackle the inter-connected global crises that are unfolding such as climate emergency and the adjoined conflict and protracted crises, biodiversity loss and pollution, that are aggravating the food systems.
The alliance acts as a bridge between climate and food actors to join efforts with a focus on the most vulnerable and at-risk countries and regions, in particular, arid and semi-arid land areas, flood-prone areas, the least developed countries, small island developing states and landlocked developing countries.

Further, the alliance acts as a connector across the multitude of different initiatives and partnerships currently ongoing to provide an accessible entry point to countries to a vast network of support options such as knowledge, technologies and innovations, finance for climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience.

The CRFS Alliance advocates for a food and climate nexus approach articulated around 3 key areas: 

CRFS key areas
Credit: Graphic Source: The Noun Project

Co-led by the UNFCCC secretariat and combination of UN agencies and other organizations, the alliance has wide and unique membership from Parties / member states, United Nations organizations, NGOs, civil society, research institutions, regional organizations. Any interested entity with expertise in related topics, capacity to influence and/or undertake operational and research activities, and willingness and ability to contribute to the alliance’s efforts is welcome to join.

Contact us: CRFS Alliance (UNFCCC)

or get engaged with the following options:

  • To expression your interest to join the CRFS Alliance, please fill in the form by clicking here>>
  • To know more about/engage with the initiative team, please contact: