LEG regional training workshops on adaptation for LDCs (2012-2013) - Workshop for Pacific LDCs
28 Sep. - 03 Oct. 2012
01:00h - 00:59h
Funafuti, Tuvalu
LEG regional training workshops on adaptation for LDCs (2012-2013) - Workshop for Pacific LDCs
28 Sep. - 03 Oct. 2012
01:00h - 00:59h
Funafuti, Tuvalu

Dates: 28 September-3 October 2012
Venue: Funafuti, Tuvalu

List of participants

  • Available here (108 kB)

Training materials

Module 1 - Setting the stage (461 kB)

  •  1.1. Introduction to the traning

  • 1.2 Introduction to the training materials

  • 1.3 Introduction to the LDC work programme, NAPAs, LEG, LDCF, and the NAP process

Module 2 - Mainstreaming adaptation into development  (2090 kB)

  • 2.1 Implication of climate change to development

  • 2.2 Adaptation in the development context

  • 2.3 Understanding national development processes, frameworks and models

  • 2.4 Integrating adaptation into development at multiple levels

  • 2.5 Examples of adaptation activities

Module 3 - Designing implementation strategies  (374 kB)

  • 3.1 Emerging trends and approaches for implementation

  • 3.2 National adaptation plans

  • 3.3 NAPAs as building blocks for the NAP process

  • 3.4 Exploring synergy with other programmes at the regional level

 Module 4 - Accessing financial resources  (1082 kB)

  • 4.1 Introduction to the GEF and the LDCF 

  • 4.2 Formulating project proposals under the LDCF

  • 4.3 PIf, PPG and CEO endorsement processes

  • 4.4 Adaptation cost and co-financing

  • 4.5 Latest development on the GEF-LDCF procedures

  • 4.6 Accessing resources under the Adaptation Fund

Module 5 - Assessment of the NAPA(116 kB)

  • 5.1 Progress on implementation, quality of the NAPA, and revision and update


Module 6 - Tracking progress, monitoring and evaluation (452 kB)

  • 6.1 Tracking progress in addressing adaptation

  • 6.2 Monitoring and evaluation

  • Developing a communication strategy

Module 7- Best practices and lessons learned (360 kB)

  • 7.1 Capturing and sharing best practices and lessons learned


Additional materials

GEF agencies and other organizations

Practical sessions