Visualizing Momentum for Change Milestones in our New Interactive Report
17 August 2018
momentum for change lighthouse activities

UN Climate Change News, 17 August 2018 – UN Climate Change's Momentum for Change initiative recently released its new, interactive online report to highlight the climate action milestones that it achieved last year.

By shining light on the most inspiring and transformational mitigation and adaptation activities, known as 'Lighthouse Activities', Momentum for Change aims to strengthen motivation, spur innovation and catalyze further change towards a low-emission, high-resilient future in line with the Paris Climate Change Agreement. The Lighthouse Activities are showcased at the annual United Nations climate change conferences.

Last year, nineteen Lighthouse Activities from various countries were recognized for demonstrating diverse solutions to tackle climate change. From companies that have gone climate-neutral to organizations that tackle plastic pollution to governments that finance green projects – all the winners aimed toward making a difference.

 Building Resilient Livelihoods -Sudan
Building Resilient Livelihoods - Sudan

Commenting on the significance of the Momentum for Change initiative, UN Climate Change’s top official, Patricia Espinosa, said: “Now that the era of implementation of the Paris Climate Change Agreement has begun, each of the Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activities serves as a real-world reminder that climate action is not just possible – it is the path we must get on to achieve the goals laid out in Paris.”

The fully digital and interactive report tells the stories of the 19 winners of the 2017 Momentum for Change Award in an engaging and creative way. Falling within one of initiative’s five focus areas –Women for Results, Financing for Climate Friendly Investment, ICT Solutions, Planetary Health, and Climate Neutral Now – the activities showed the exceptional amount of climate action happening around the world.

Some of the activities included, Cleaning our Oceans of Plastic from Haiti; the UK-based Plan A Carbon Reduction; Building Resilient Livelihoods from Sudan; KaXu Solar One from South Africa; and ICTs For Small-Scale Farmers from Latin America.

Cleaning our Oceans of Plastic
Cleaning our Oceans of Plastic - Haiti

By using a combination of infographics, animation, photos and videos, the digital report makes data digestible. The interactive elements highlight the real results and growing numbers the Momentum for Change winning activities are having in tackling climate change.

Data is a key part of the design so that users can see an impressive by-the-numbers recap of major milestones, while at the same time feel inspired by the climate action underway around the world in the run-up to the Global Climate Action Summit taking place in San Francisco this September.

The report also comes ahead of the announcement of the winners of the 2018 Momentum for Change awards.

We hope you enjoy the experience and that you share it far and wide! Please help our winning activities get the recognition they deserve by sharing the report on Twitter or Facebook.