New GCF Module in UNFCCC Climate Finance Data Portal
27 June 2019
gcf module map
Credit: UNFCCC

A new Green Climate Fund Data (GCF) module is now available on the Climate Finance Data Portal of UN Climate Change.

The GCF module is a one-stop open data source which assists Parties and stakeholders to track climate finance channeled to developing countries through the GCF. 

With the GCF playing an increasingly important role in the implementation of the Convention and the Paris Agreement, the GCF module makes it easier for Parties and stakeholders to retrieve information on what, when, and how the GCF finances climate action in developing countries.

Now with only a few clicks, the users can easily fetch data on projects and programmes funded by the GCF including by country, amount, theme, sector, funding type, status, duration, access modality.

The Green Climate Fund Data module is organized in five sub-modules. The first sub-module presents the data by country in an interactive map. The second sub-module presents data on the readiness and preparatory support programme and projects. The third sub-module and the fourth sub-modules contain data on programmes and projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to adapt, and to build resilience to climate change. The fifth sub-module presents data on programmes and projects financed through the private sector facilities.

This module is a joint effort between the secretariats of the UNFCCC and GCF aimed at enhancing accessibility of information on financial flows that have been channeled, mobilized and leveraged by the GCF.

More detailed and comprehensive information about the projects can be found at GCF Project Database and GCF API data portal.

gcf module portal
Credit: UNFCCC