Urban poor

Solvatten Solar Safe Water Heater

In Sub-Saharan Africa, water is typically heated by burning firewood and charcoal. This practice has human and environmental health consequences. It is expensive, causes harmful indoor air pollution, leads to deforestation, and releases greenhouse gas emissions.

Solvatten is a dual water treatment and solar water heating system. It uses the power of the sun, through a combination of heat and UV rays, to warm water to 55 degrees, killing any contamination in the water. In just a few hours, a single unit can render highly contaminated water drinkable. Each unit can treat up to 6,000 liters of water per year.

Reducing emissions while securing access to safe drinking water in Kenya


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Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement places a focus on adaptation as well as the actions needed nationally and globally to strengthen adaptation resilience in the face of climate change and extreme weather events. Particularly, the agreement recognizes the importance integrating the views of communities, local knowledge systems and indigenous peoples for greater adaptation success.

Solvatten Solar Safe Water Heaters increase Kenya’s resilience and adaptation capacity to climate change by providing access to clean water in an affordable way consistent with sustainable development and the sustainable development goals.