Urban poor

Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative

Urbanization is occurring at a rapid pace in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Already the second-most urbanized region on the planet, LAC has gone from a 62% urbanization rate in 1980 to 81% in 2011 and is expected to reach 89% by 2050. This process happened in a disorderly manner and without adequate planning, creating daunting challenges, especially by causing carbon-intensive urban sprawl and placing the urban poor in marginalized areas most vulnerable to disaster risk and climate change.

The Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI) seeks to address these challenges by developing planning tools like greenhouse gas inventories and risk maps, as well as action plans to put cities in Latin America and the Caribbean on a sustainable pathway that includes low -carbon, climate-resilient development.

By taking a multi-sectoral approach, ESCI not only seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vulnerability, but also to create other social, environmental, and economic benefits, thus improving the lives of citizens and especially the urban poor.

Supporting sustainable growth in emerging cities in Latin America & the Caribbean


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Paris Agreement

While national governments may set emission reduction targets, regional governments often have more influence on how policies are implemented. Many of these sub-national projects and commitments are listed under the NAZCA portal.

The Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative shows how cities in Latin America and the Caribbean are working together for climate action. This regional cooperation can drive the global community towards a highly resilient, low-carbon future, while at the same time helping to meet stated international climate goals.


Ciudades Emergentes