Women for results


In Thailand, increased energy and electricity consumption is helping lift its population out of poverty but has also caused greenhouse gas emissions to grow by almost 70% from 2000 to 2010.

But Thailand is on the verge of a solar energy transformation as private companies have committed to investing at least USD 2 billion over the next five years in solar power production. The woman leading the country down a cleaner path is Wandee Khunchornyakong, who runs Solar Power Company Group, the largest solar power generation company in Thailand.


How it works

How it works

Solar Power Company Group has created 20,000 jobs for local people. Many of those jobs are filled by women. By providing clean energy jobs for women, Ms. Khunchornyakong is directly empowering a new generation of businesswomen and female entrepreneurs that will continue catalyzing transformational renewable energy projects in the developing world.

How it works

Solar Power Company Group has built 36 solar farms accounting for 260 MW of installed capacity so far. The company generated 6 MW in 2010 and expects to generate 3,000 MW by the end of 2020. This means potential savings of 200,000 tonnes of CO2-equivalent per year.

How it works

To date, Solar Power Company Group’s solar investments have attracted upwards of USD 800 million worth of investment. The company plans to expand its business model to Myanmar, the Philippines and Indonesia.

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