CGE Training Materials for the Preparation of National Communications from non-Annex I Parties

The training materials below are designed to facilitate the preparation of national communications (NCs) by non-Annex I Parties in accordance with the guidelines of the Conventions (decision 17/CP.8). They are not intended to replace any of the methodologies or tools referred to or mentioned in in the modules. For further detail and explanation, the reader is therefore always encouraged to go back to the original documents or tools referred to in the text.

CGE has also developed training materials for the preparation of biennial update reports (BURs).

Please note that the secretariat does not promote any particular methods or publications.

CGE Training Materials for the Preparation of NCs



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NEW - please click here to find the latest CGE adaptation materials

Training Materials on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment*

Training Materials on National GHG Inventories** 

NEW - please click here to find the latest CGE mitigation materials

Training Materials on Mitigation Assessment

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Planning, including selecting vulnerability and adaptation frameworks

Chapter 3 - Baseline socioeconomic scenarios

 Chapter 4 - Climate change scenarios

Chapter 5 - Coastal resources

Chapter 6 - Water resources

Chapter 7 - Agriculture

  •  Handbook

  •  Presentation                                                          

 Chapter 8 - Human health

 Chapter 9 - Integration

Chapter 10 - Communication

* The updated training materials take into account the latest science and development under the Convention which includes, amongst others, the findings of the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.


IPCC inventory software

Cross-cutting issues

Energy Sector

Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) Sector

Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)

Waste Sector

The previous CGE training materials on the national GHG inventories are available here


** These materials are based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for national GHG inventories.



Training Handbook

Module A - Mitigation of climate change

Module B - Mitigation in Context of National Communications
and the UNFCCC

Module C - Mitigation Assessment: Concepts, Structure and Steps

Module D - Mitigation Options, Issues and Barriers by Sector

Module E - Mitigation Analysis: Methods and Tools

Module F - Reporting on Mitigation in National Communications

Module G - Building national arrangements for the mitigation assessment




IPCC Assessment reports more>>

  • Handbook on Methods for Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adaptation Strategies. This handbook, published by UNEP and the Free University of Amsterdam in 1998, was designed to be an introduction to a wide range of methods that can be used to design assessment studies of climate change impacts and related adaptation strategies.   more>>

  • Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced Climate Change / Global and regional SCENario GENerator (MAGICC and SCENGEN). The MAGICC/SCENGEN workbook and technical manual may be downloaded from the web site of the Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. more>>

  • Managing the Greenhouse Gas Inventory Process  Handbook:  This handbook was developed under the leadership of the NCSP, who managed a review process in which draft versions were circulated for comments to 130 project co-ordinators of non-Annex I National Communications, interested Annex I Parties, the Consultative Group of Experts on non-Annex I National Communications (CGE) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme (IPCC-NGGIP).

  • LEAP: Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system. LEAP is a software tool for integrated energy-environment and greenhouse gas mitigation analysis. LEAP has been developed by the Stockholm Environment Institute-Boston with support from international organizations to meet the needs of researchers, NGOs and government agencies worldwide. more>>
